155 Reviews liked by Dotizera

Amazing experience, absolutely loved my time with it. The story was great, visuals beautiful, ost and voices peak, overall the production is insane for a VN.

Aoko, Soujyuro and Alice were amazing main characters, all have wildly different personalities but they synchronize together so naturally and so well. Soujyuro especially felt like a truly unique character, took the idea of "simple to a fault" to the absolute limit while still retaining some great minor qualities as well.

Love that while it is a prequel to Tsukihime, that's not relevant to understand the main story like at all. It just affects how you view a small part of Tsukihime. And that small part is still much appreciated!

I understand there's to be two more sequels to this somehow, betweent ths and tsukihime remake I doubt anyone will see them this century, but that's alright as this story works perfectly on its own. The ending is amazing and doesn't feel unfinished, you just come away wanting to see more cause what was here is so good.

All the side chapters are great too, they help explore the side characters that don't do a whole lot in the main story super well, especially the big side chapter you get at the end.

All in all, just more peak, love the cast, would happily see them all again someday.

Pretty cool. Wish Kanae was explicitly Brazilian

May God smite Nitroplus for the sin of creating this vile crap.

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this is probably the most conflicted i've ever felt about a visual novel.

on one hand, there's definitely something to be praised about how it manages to handle themes of isolation, bullying, trauma, and misanthropy. but on the other hand, it feels too indebted to trying to shock or titillate the reader to make a strong impact on me.

akane's route feels like the best sampler of what the game aims to do over its runtime, balancing high-school drama, a dense and repetitive atmosphere, and a lot of b-horror influence and style. she's your childhood friend archetype, but also still learning to navigate life after an incident where she and your mc, kyoji, are forced by a gang of bullies to fuck in the middle of the woods. aoi (best girl)'s route brings in heavy denpa elements, with how the entire town is getting affected by the supernatural horrors in the second half of the story. she's a withdrawn, but kind, emo girl grappling with both the death of her father and brother (who she got her style and love of metal from), and her resentment of akane for treating her as a baby bird that needs to be coddled, to the point of stealing kyoji away from her, without even feeling much of anything for him (though that changes for her). kiika's route is the one that mostly directly deals with the theme of sexual trauma. seemingly perfect at first glance, she's self-loathing due to the high standards of her mother, and for her interest in sex and masturbation, as it quickly takes over her life in destructive ways.

the main theme tying these three, kyoji's guardian yamiko, the mysterious and cold-blooded yoshiki, and our villains, yukari and the titular gore, is trauma. everyone has let specific pieces of their past control them for years beyond the fact, except for kyoji, who's been able to forget and suppress the best and worst parts of his childhood. he ends up pulling our narrative further along through this attitude, and across all of the routes and good/true endings, he's enough of an influence on people's lives to grab them by the wrist and pull them into the future with him.

where i think this game didn't quite live up to the hype for me is in the use of sex in the narrative. this is a vn very much about sexual trauma, so the use of it outside of those contexts feels very forced-in (especially when you're having Actual Sex scenes with yamiko, who's basically your aunt, and yuka, who is an ageless being that is no older than twelve physically). i do realize in a sense, it's a bit silly it is to complain about the genre mainly made for sex scenes having a game with a bunch of gratuitous ones, but i feel like it often derails the pacing and undermines the otherwise-strong writing, almost as if it was inserted in near the last second. my other main issue is the general cohesion of the narrative, as it feels like the main heroines and their routes are playing second fiddle to the grander narrative, with not much of an attempt made to tie all of these ends together. kyoji as a character also feels like he suffers in the true route, with a lot of his more unbearable characteristics on full display, making it kind of a slog to get through to the ending

it's very, very fucking messy, extreme, and offputting, but i still managed to feel compelled and intrigued by gore screaming show.

"This is the revenge of the sith of video games"

~Doti Kishinami

This game is fun to break, Aqua makes me wanna cum.

5 for 5 banger routes, so many amazing moments, love all the main cast. Happy the remake exists to make things look even better and add more on. Hard to rank the routes rn, maybe arcueid, hisui top 2, ciel and kohaku middle 2 and akiha last. But all still great I really love them. Thank you Tohno Shiki and Tohno SHIKI and Nanaya Shiki.

its like resident evil 4 if you replaced the roundhouse kick with hilariously unintentional racist undertones

As an avid Black Rock Shooter anime and Black Rock Shooter: Dawnfall fan, I was naturally interested in Black Rock Shooter: The Game.

It turned out to be a great game, Black Rock Shooter is a great protagonist, the voice acting provided for Black Rock Shooter is great, portrays Black Rock Shooter's emotional growth and big moments well.

Nana is a great duo for Black Rock Shooter, their dynamic adds some life into the desolate apocalyptic wasteland Black Rock Shooter finds herself in. As do the soldiers that accompany Black Rock Shooter on her quest, with some great emotional moments coming from them.

The antagonsints fun designs and personalities make up for their simple writing, which isn't a bad thing as it allows them to instantly mesh well with Black Rock Shooter creating some short but interesting dynamics.

The gameplay for Black Rock Shooter is pretty interesting, hard to describe what kind of game it is. Blend of 3rd person shooter, turn based rpg and at times Bullet Hell. Can be pretty intense with fast pacing and managing resources and being aware of what's going on all the time. Rarely natural lulls in the combat. Some enemy types and bosses can be a bit annoying.

The OST for Black Rock Shooter is amazing, a nice array of tracks that nail emotional tones and hype action really well.

Overall I once again love Black Rock Shooter. Thank you Black Rock Shooter from Black Rock Shooter the anime. Thank you Empress from Black Rock Shooter: Dawnfall. And Thank You Black Rock Shooter from Black Rock Shooter: The Game.

Worst gacha i ever played, the devs are just so greedy and they don't give a shit because they still earn a shitton of money so why make the game better. The end game is trash, there is literally nothing to do apart from collecting some items, doing events, and the spiral abyss (boring as hell). Leveling up and building characters has to be the worst experience i ever had in a gacha game, there is just so many thing you have to farm and they all cost so much stamina to do, and farming artifacts is the most boring thing to ever exist, the odds of you getting a single good artifact is just so low that it makes you want to commit a crime. I'll just give it 1,5 stars because in the early stages of the game i really had fun, the exploring was cool, and the world was beautiful.

Umineko: When They Cry (They cry because they can't compete with the GOAT Sonic)

peak FF, that's all i can really say

GGS me surpreendeu em sua eficácia, mas me decepcionou na falta de tato.

Um dos lançamentos mais aguardados e considerado um cult classic por parte da comunidade, GSS traz ideias muito boas e aspectos interessantes quanto a mensagem, usando e abusando de erotismo, perverção e, claro, Gore. Fui esperando algo dentro do que a VN me entregou e fico grato por isso, sem dúvidas a narrativa tem seus méritos, como a quebra do padrão de heroínas quase perfeitas em muitas VNs, em GSS, todas são egoístas e possuem um lado obscuro que exposto durantes suas rotas e são confrontadas por isso, a podridão em muitas cenas sendo transmitidas em H-Scenes funcionam e o Denpa é bem executado, mas, tem seus exageros, a rota da Kiika é o maior exemplo disso. Eu entendo a mensagem sobre sexualidade na rota, mas é mostrado de forma extensiva, tornando quase toda a rota puro fetiche, que vale ressaltar, existe aqui tbm. Claro que elogiei o uso de erotismo, mas o aspecto fetichista ainda existe e é problemático, eu sei que estou dizendo a mesma coisa que a água molha, pois quase toda VN faz isso, porém não posso deixar de comentar, GSS não se isenta desse problemas, mas compensa pela excelente conclusão da obra.

Já os personagens, bem, alguns só existem, como Kyouji, um protagonista bem médio, mas que funciona narrativamente ou Yamiko que é uma expositividade abulante, além de outro aspecto fetichista da VN, já outros são abordados de forma decente em suas rotas, como Akane e Aoi, a Kiika poderia ser boa, se a rota dela não focasse tanto em erotismo exarcebado, os maiores destaques sem dúvidas são Yuka, Gore e Yoshiki. Os 3 são a alma de GSS, Yuka com seu lado misterioso e perverso que esconde suas fragilidades, onde sua rota trabalha isso muito bem, Gore sendo o Gore, uma criatura bizarra, grotesca e aterrozante, já Yoshiki sendo o elo entre Yuka e Kyouji, com um bom arco próprio.

A produção de GSS é bem ok, tem muitos CGs lindos, mas não é brilhante, principalmente em alguns por conta do background art desconexo com o que está em primeiro plano em alguns CGs, no entanto adoro o Char Design, muitos podem achar genérico e entendo, eu acho que da um charme a mais para a obra. A OST tem muitas trilhas marcantes, pena que sofre de ter pouca variedade.

No fim, GSS valeu a pena, me entregou o que eu esperava, não coloco como um destaque dentre outras VNs que li, todavia não foi uma perda de tempo e tem sim suas qualidades.

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A queer journey of self-exploration and discovery, relationship between personality and past experience it is based on. The most trans of all sonic games quite likely, where after considering every piece of imagined or real past and forming his entire personality on each one of the fragments, shadow decides to reject it wholesale, rejecting his identity as Shadow, and moves on , a newly formed person.

The repetition of play mirrors the feeling of self-discovery, and for the most part it's actually fun to play.

The music, including unused tracks makes me cum.