Everyone knows how this was meant to be part of the Base Game but it was cut due to time and budget reason. Everyone knows it has 2 of the Best Boss Fights in the entire series. I don't like rating this as it's own game because it's just a perfect piece of even bigger perfect puzzle.

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The first time I played though Dark Souls 9 years ago, I thought it was a perfect game and I still do.

It will always be hard for me to put into words what it is about this game that draws me to it. It's not the difficulty, the setting, or the lore (If you care about the lore in dark souls you are a nerd who deserves to be put in a locker).
It's a pure fucking video game to it's core.
There are few time in my life where I have the "Just One More Try" feeling but that was me with this entire game, from start to finish, it never feels cheap. I blame myself when I die and know that I need to either get better or I don't deserve to make it farther. That alone makes me feel like you are constantly accomplishing things for the entire 50ish hour duration there isn't a moment I don't want to be playing Dark Souls.

I don't need to tell anyone that it's one of if not the most important games of the last 10, 15 or even 20 years. Because if you've played it you already know it is.

I have amazing memories of playing this on the GBA e-reader so getting to revisit it on the Nintendo Switch was exciting but..

For one of the first baseball games it seriously still holds up more than it should. The batting still has a solid feel to it and hitting a home run feels electric but it’s a slog to try to get through 9 innings.

Held back by graphical limitations and clunky defense this game still can give you a nice simple baseball experience.

I’ve never enjoyed the any aspect of this game the 1-Player mode gets stale fast; the 2-Player is frustrating and there’s just better couch games to be playing; and balloon flight is the best of the 3 modes but still nothing special.

What is special is the sprite work and music, I seriously love just flying around And watching the environment and the way your guy and the enemies walk around and pump up there balloons, this and has a bit of charm which always make me wish I loved the game play more.

Seeing a DLC in the top 10 games of all time always confused me. Could this 8-10 hour chunk truly be better than 99% of games? In short yes in long YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

I don't get how Fromsoft continually puts the best parts of their games in the DLC and that has nothing against the base game, if the base game is a 5-star meal, the DLC is like the perfect dessert. And this has happened in Dark Souls 1 and 2, where I am already blown away by the game and then they just throw a perfect side story in there.

It feels wholly unique compared to the base game, the new weapons are a nice three but I could write a whole review on how much I love the Lady Maria Fight. It is everything I love about the souls games rolled into 1 fight.

I can't see playing bloodborne and not playing this because it is just more of one of the best games ever.

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4 Years ago when I fell in love with Dark Souls I remember being told that Bloodborne was better than it in every respect, that it was the next logical step in the series. When I got the PS4 it was the first game I got and HATED IT. I hated not having an Estus Flask, I hated not having a shield to hide behind, there were too many enemies, it was too hard. It was everything I felt when I first played Dark Souls.

Revisiting it after 5 years I realized how stupid I was. This year alone I have played through the entire souls series up until this point and I think this may be the most perfect game in the series....behind Demon Souls.
But still a masterpiece.

It's so funny that by stripping the player of the shield and the roll (and replacing it with a dash) that you could force the player to relearn how to play. It feels like Miyazaki watched me play Dark Souls and said you are playing it all wrong, stop being a pussy and fight.

Everything I thought I hated about this game is things I am missing when I am playing Dark Souls 3. The pace of combat feels like nothing else I've ever played, every fight feels like a dance, and the regaining health after attacks forces you not only to not back off but think faster and smarter than your opponent.

Every area in this game is beautifully handcrafted and has its own feel and sense of dread with easily the most gruesome and terrifying enemies, area after area I was blown away how lovingly put together every corner of this game felt. Pulling up to Cainhurst castle for the first time was a literal breathtaking moment.

While I loved Dark Souls 2 for being an epic, compared to the previous entries, I love Bloodborne for being the tightest experience possible. There isn't a moment wasted and you are constantly being put into new situations and need to learn your way around. There is 0 fat on this game.

It's hard writing about something you love so much because saying, I wouldn't change a thing about this game is the highest praise I think you can give.

I'll end with the negatives because there is literally only 1.
The Performance in this game is completely unacceptable. I have played this on a base PS4 and a Pro the fact that every other soul's game runs a billion times better than this and than on top of it the fact that on a pro it still dips below 30 is bananas. Hopefully, the PS5 gets this game up to 4k 60 and it will be rightfully crowned as a flawless game.

A gold standard of iPhone games, the only reason the score isn't Higher is because You Must Build A Boat expanded on all the ideas here and is the superior game.