This game is remembered fondly but this is seriously as boring as early nes games get. It’s to Super Mario Bros what Street Fighter 1 is to Street Fighter 2 aka shit into absolute classics.

I feel like this game being the first real beat em up seriously took risks and paved the way for the future of the genre. I like the sprite work a lot the detail of the main character with the shadow work is great same with the building outside. In terms of gameplay its brutal but its timing based. Do you need to be facing left or right? Do you have to jump or duck? Do you have time to land a hit? Much like Karate champ this had alot of some insanely solid mechanics that where used for years.

Also Can you kick 4 people off the map at the same time?

Hell yeah you can and it feels GREAT

The foundation fighting games were built on still has a lot to offer in terms of charm, I love how these characters behave, I love how fucking satisfying the punch sound is when you punch a guy in the nuts or roundhouse kick his head off or just knock him out cold. I love how the characters look after being hit and the goofy ref in the back.

Also the fighting has some depth and tactics involved, but it's insane how ahead of it's time it was.

A fun little platformer with eggplants

This is not only the first God Of War game I've ever played, it's also the first of this type of this 3d brawler I have ever played. And its the bar is set pretty fucking high as I dive into this genre.

I never got to play it on the PS3 so I was skeptical going into it expecting the standard "remaster" upgrade of a last-generation game, seeing how beautiful this entire game is blew my mind. Every level of this game was so memorable and made you really get to know each of the pieces of map they lay out these set pieces in.

The game play is fast and the weapons they roll out for you throughout the game reward different styles of play and the patterns of the enemies always kept me aware, and I didn't fall into the mindlessness of something like a Shadows of War falls into and why I really tend to avoid brawlers. I played though on Hard and some of the end game bosses took me 3-4 hours to complete making me try different strategies just to figure out how to win then I had to master dodges, parrying, and combos.

While I haven't played the earlier entries this story as a stand alone experience was trash, I get it was a standard revenge story but Kratos sucks and somehow everyone around him manages to suck more. Zeus is the most boring end boss of all time and the only drive of the game was the challenge to win, but it seriously dragged in the third half and I constantly felt like walls where being put up in front of me to stop me from reaching the end. Also the flying sections were some of the most miserable sequences of any game ever.

Despite that, I can't wait to check out the first two games and everything this genre has to hold. This is seriously one of the most fun games I've ever played is a must play on the PS4.

I want to fucking love this game, not because I necessarily love the old timey theme, I kind of think it’s over played and just not my thing but there’s just so much fucking heart in every bit of this. I love the art style, I love how everything feels like a play, how characters will get pulled off screen with canes, the constant scene changes, the pretty funny dialogue, how the crowd reacts to everything, and the design of the enemy’s and your characters. But the games just not there. It’s a 2d side scrolling beat em up and it just becomes a button masher too fast into the game. It has some depth with parrying and combos but when I play a single act for 10-20 minutes and then they have these specific challenges that require you to replay through really really repetitive levels the drive isn’t there and the only thing I’m playing for is too see more of the art and when the game isn’t that fun the whole time I can’t see myself playing over 20 levels multiple times and on the increased difficulty. If this gameplay works for you, this may be one of your favorite beat em ups but if not it’s just kind of sad that with so much promise that hook isn’t there.

Truly a life-changing experience.

This is a world I want to spend the rest of my life in.

Can steal time from you but really nothing special

To put this review into context, I spent $100 to play Forza Horizon 4 a few days early instead I spent three of those days trying to beat Double Dragon. I spent $100 to not play a game I’ve been waiting two years for, to play Double Dragon.

There’s so many flaws with this game, the graphics are pretty poor even for the NES, there’s insane flickering when 2 or 3 sprites are on the screen, there is no real style or good soundtrack, even the gameplay isn’t great considering they have you play some of the worst platforming sections jumping using the a + b button, there is no use for the punch and all you need is to spam kick.

So why would I subject myself to this, I’m not sure. The first two levels are simple and honestly boring, but the insane difficulty spike on mission 3 compelled me, it forced me to play so smart, to memorize each screen and plan every movement. It was a lot of cussing and smashing the b button of my switch into dust but I did it, I got to the final screen and I felt more accomplished than I have playing a game in a while.

Fuck, how do I review a game I have 4500 hours currently in. This game was my life for years, it is the only thing I have been truly addicted to in my life. It's perfect, but I hate it. Which is a sentiment shared with many people but it's more than that. It means more to me than than any other game ever.

I'm currently on a break from this game but I'm sure it won't last long.

Watching that monkey fall too his death so mario can get some Coochie is an all time great game ending.

The music is classic, the visuals are classic and the game play is classic everything here still stands up. Every time I pick the game up I must make it to the last screen because as simple as it seems getting your timing right is so fun. Especially is putting your whole body into the arcade version slamming the joystick and buttons.

I lost my written review of this but it's literally a perfect game. Full Stop.

Beating the final boss of Dark Souls 3 was the most bittersweet feeling I've had playing video games.

This year I played and beat Every Soulsbourne Game starting with Demon Souls and it played out almost like one giant epic to me. And this game was that book closing.

People dismiss this game as a retread of the previous games but I never once felt like it wasn't warranted. Coming back to this place that so many adventures had taken place felt right to end the adventure. It's almost like one last Hurrah, playing the hits, it's that final stop on the long journey. I loved seeing characters and areas from previous souls games because I think they earned it.

Getting back to Anor Londo fucking ruled, they made you happy to see the archers, the worst enemies of all time, and that in itself is impressive. This game was fromsoft taking 7 years of learned experience and crafting the penultimate Souls game.

Now This is in no way my favorite but it's the best souls game there is. It looks stunning every area is awe-inspiring there isn't a bad monster design and the world feels so lived in. There's a lot of things to take for granted in this series but stopping and taking the time I just never wanted to leave this world.

The combat feels tighter than ever, the weapon variety, while numbers-wise is inferior to Dark Souls 2, every weapon here felt unique, and it felt like they had so much fun putting heart and soul into every single one of them.

While some people think that this is the easiest souls game and that it's frankly very easy to soar through it, which it is, in hindsight, it's just that I played so many souls that you belong in that world now. You learned the rules that they put in place and this is you showing them you know what you are doing.

There isn't the mystery of the previous games because it's the final chapter. You are supposed to know by now, but you need to prove it to them.

Dark Souls 3 is the book closing on a perfect series. I never get the arguing between which is the best and worst game. It's like choosing a favorite family member. I love them all, and I wouldn't change a thing about them.

This review contains spoilers

I understand the general hate for this game.

I understand that people think that going back to the more level based approach like Demon Souls was a downgrade of the large interconnected world of Dark Souls. While I feel that the world of Dark Souls 2, even more specifically the 3 DLC areas were just as memorable and even more memorable than that that of Dark Souls and that each of the indiviudal locations had their own identity. Also if you are still bitching about the lighting being different than the E3 demo, you literally don't understand how games are made and I hope you down in the Spiderman puddles.

I understand that mobs of enemies make people feel like they rely on cheap tactics and lessa bout skill while I felt this game made me a better dark souls player. Each area couldn't just be ran into mindlessly and it forced me to scope out every area before entering it knowing how fast a fight can get out of hand. I never felt like this was cheap in anyway and taught me how to deal with not only large groups of enemies but use the area I was in as an advantage.

I understand that people dislike the movement in this game but I feel that with the changes they made to rolling and poise as well as the combat system, this change had no impact on my enjoyment adn allowed me to have a very well armored and protected charachter while still having decent mobility.

I always felt like all the NPC interactions aside from a few in Dark Souls were very unmemorable and pretty useless while I feel like everyone I came along in Dark Souls 2 had a reason to be there and and I always would exhaust every dialouge tree. Also as I've said if you care about lore in Dark Souls you are a weirdo who needs to be locked up.

I love this game just as much as Demon Souls and Dark Souls and I don't care who knows it.