Replaying for the 4th time, I think. Still a phenomenal game. One of the best boomer shooters out there. Very fun and cinematic story too.

I did really enjoy the game overall, but it started to get a bit dull towards the end of my run. I got to a point where I had plenty of supplies and was just kinda passing the time trying not to die. I will likely play it again at some point, on a higher difficulty. I think a game like this is only fun for me if it's really challenging.

Still one of the best strategy/management games out there. This is one of my comfort games.

The combat and pawn systems are cool. Almost everything else about the game sucks. Genuinely some of the worst RPG quests I've ever seen in a game. Super repetitive traversal and combat. Fighting the same trash mobs over and over and over and over and over and....
Awful story, writing, and characters as well.

Puzzle action game in the vain of Superhot or Hotline Miami. Very short, but very fun. The levels get pretty challenging towards the end.

Very cool game overall. I had some of the same frustrations I've had with every Metroid-vania I've played. Lots of backtracking and repetitive combat. Cool bossfights though.

Really not feeling the bosses and loop of the game right now. It'll be like 15 minutes of super easy gameplay, followed by a crazy difficult boss that takes a dozen attempts, and potentially a full redesign of my mech before I can beat it. The loop of getting wrecked by a boss, exiting the mission, updating my AC, and then starting the mission over is not very satisfying. I do really want to return to this later. - 1/31/24

Very nostalgic throwback to the likes of Banjo Kazooie. Quite a short game, and nothing revolutionary, but I had a good time with it.

Unique. I've never played a game like it. The core mechanic of having to literally 'think like a snake', considering the weight of your whole body, and how it might affect your ability to climb or grip certain surfaces. Reminds me of Subnautica, the way that having full 360 degree movement felt unlike anything I had ever played. SnakePass wasn't quite so revolutionary, but it was very good.

Very engaging and addictive rogue-like. Higher difficulties rely a bit too much on RNG for my liking.

I haven't played too many metroidvania games but I loved this one. It has inspired me to try some others.

The polish and charm of Nintendo games is unmatched.