Maybe not the best but my personal favorite fallout game,the settlement mechanics are amazing and add much to the game while the shooting is significantly improved as well.

Not as great as new vegas but still great in its own right.

Probably the best fallout game. A great if a little janky RPG that still holds up pretty well.

Not as bad some might say,but still not great. The improved shooting is great as are the checkpoints (except for one instance in the last mission) but I wish everything else was improved too.

My favorite and IMO the best Ratchet and Clank game

I think I realized I don't like monster hunter games.

Only played about an hour,was not a fan of the combat at all.

This game does not hold up well compared to the sequels IMO

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I love this game. Arthur's entire story is absolutely amazing and the epilogue is just extra.

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This is one of my favorite games of all time,the entire story is amazing, especially the ending with amazing gameplay to match

Leon's story is the only good part of this game.