This was my favorite single player game on the 360. It has unfortunately not aged well.

I bought the collection because i wanted to play GTA III and Vice city for the first time. It provided some fun but i would stay clear if you've played or have access to the original version.

The singleplayer is one of the best in gaming history but the cancer that is GTO is so bad i can't give the game more than 3 1/2 out of 5.

This game is lots of fun with friends.

i remember having so much fun playing this game as a kid.

It was fun for a while but its not worth playing anymore.

I hate to admit it but i have 500 hrs. of gametime and i dont think ill ever be able to stop until a new R6 game comes out.

I know this game is a bit of a meme but i really enjoy it especially with friends.

i recommend this to anyone that consider themselves achievement/trophy hunters.

This game is a bigger waste of money than battlefield 2042

It's a really fun arcade racing game.

I really liked this game and once i've finished a few other games im going to play the updated version.

I look forward to jumping back into this game.

Far cry 3-

Alternate name: Far cry before this franchise gets stale af.