Not really played much of this game, did play like the first 5 hours on my cousin’s PS5 when we were visiting Penang in Malaysia because my cousins live there, and all I have to say is holy shit this game is so stylish wtf

Can’t wait to play the rest of the game when it comes to PC

I mean the game is really fun but holy shit the story is so bad it’s trolling

I mean… it was fun during quarantine? Install size is ridiculous tho and this game fell off heavily

Before 2020 this game was really fucking good. Now while it is still fun it’s in the middle of a content drought and it gets kinda stale. Getting teamkilled by some random guy with no life because I “stole his kill” is still the funniest shit though

Mains are Thatcher and Alibi, and highest rank is diamond

EDIT: oh and yeah cheaters past Plat are an insanely big problem. especially here on Asian servers

Okay, so yes this game is soulless asf. Yes this game takes a lot from CS. Yes Omen is pretty much walmart Reaper. Yes the anticheat is somewhat sus (note: SUS, not accusing it of being Chinese spyware) But I am biased. I remember in quarantine I was getting kinda bored of DOTA, couldn’t play League because of Garena’s bullshit, CS had too many cheaters, Overwatch was unplayable, R6 was getting stale with the content drought, we could be here for hours. However there was a new game that was like CS: Valorant. My friends started to move to this new game from Overwatch. I decide to follow them, and had a lot of fun. Most of the characters feel fun to play, I rarely encountered blatant cheaters, the balance is surprisingly alright from a company like Riot with a few exceptions. Yes there are certain agents who are strong and some agents who are weak but that’s a rule in any hero based shooter. Balancing is still better than whatever the fuck Overwatch is nowadays.

However the maps are hit or miss and the game is soulless, run and gun is still an issue and this game has a community that really needs to touch grass.

Overall fun game if you turn your brain off if you don’t take the game seriously playing comp all day

Also if it matters my main is Cypher and my rank is Platinum 3

best BR game and I fucking hate most BR games

hahahah I go into my local cybercafe and everyone is running hacks on this game. that aside really fun but it’s still super competitive

In 2016 this game was amazing.
Now it’s unplayable

Okay, so I am very biased towards this game, but it’s a part of our family name at this point. I have spent countless hours at cybercafes with my little brother and big sister playing this game. Even our parents who aren’t really into gaming watch a lot of the eSports scene. I have met a lot of degenerates and awesome people and also downright unusual people on this game, like one time I met this Vietnamese 6 year old in Archon rank (6 and playing DOTA to a rank that high), a friendly ass guy from Thailand who is actually one of my good friends for online gaming now and a murderer from Myanmar. SEA server sure is a place huh. The balance is actually really good for a competitive game. Not a single hero feels bad to play (to me at least). The gameplay mechanics are also very in depth and the skill ceiling is very high: it always feels like you can improve at one aspect or another. I have 2.1k hours in this game and can say I have never gotten past Legend.

However, the game is held back by one big thing: how high the barrier to entry has gotten. You just cannot start anymore. While I love how indepth the mechanics are it also makes starting the game insanely hard, I kid you not when I started the game I was brainlessly fighting enemies under their tower just for kills since I thought that was what you did: play a team deathmatch. Even kids in my school who played other mobas tried the game but found it way too complex.

Overall I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone with a life due to required time devotion but if you want to try it go ahead but be warned of how hard the game is for new players even if you’ve played games like League before.

wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

jokes aside I love it when the kids in my grade call me a loser for being a DOTA player. Like, bruh you literally play this game.

First off I’ll say a few things I liked about the game: it’s nice the game has servers in my country (Philippines). Having 9 other guys speaking our native language is pretty nice and not having to communicate in English even though I speak both Tagalog and English. Still doesn’t change the fact we are toxic as shit though, but we could talk about how toxic Filipinos are online another time (flashbacks to a postgame DOTA lobby where some dudes were spamming Filipino anti-Thai slurs). The gameplay actually gets that it’s a mobile game for casuals and not a PC game. Finally the main menu theme while kinda generic actually sounds decent

As for the bad, there’s a lot to talk about

This game rips off literally every other MOBA humanly imaginable. The UI and respawn timers look weirdly like DOTA. Comparison of the two. Majority of the heroes are just ripoffs of LoL champions. Like Alucard literally has Riven’s kit but simplified and without the E, also he’s male this time, Nana is what you’d get if you put Lulu and Gnar in a blender, Miya is just Ashe but also with a bit of Diana sprinkled in, Yin literally has Mordekaiser’s ult, we could be here for a long time.

And don’t you dare say “hurr durr League copied DOTA”. League actually had a lot of people who worked on DOTA 1 come over, and there’s a difference between blatantly stealing and inspiration.

The voice acting is also so dead fucking terrible. All of the voices sound expressionless asf and the characters’ personalities are also extremely bland and the voicelines are cringe as hell. I legit cannot remember who I mained on this shit.

Also, another thing I hate is the flags feature. Even though most of the time I get 9 other filipinos in my game, sometimes an Indonesian, a Singaporean, a Malaysian or a Thai person ends up on our server leading to racism.

Oh and yeah it’s P2W, need I say more? If I do, its Emblems system is like LoL’s old rune system but more p2w also the game literally has skins that give your hero an AD buff.

I played to Mythic then immediately uninstalled. Can’t believe I have enough energy to write a review like this on a fucking mobile League ripoff. Fuck this game, play League, play DOTA, play AoV, play Smite, play literally any other MOBA over this shit. Worst "game" ever made.

I mean… it’s not THAT bad. The gameplay was actually a nice refresher coming from 1.7k+ hours of DOTA when I played the game in 2020. I played 60 champions from the roster and found only 5 unfun to play even if the balancing is dogshit (just look at Akshan’s kit for crying out loud, or the new one’s.)

My biggest problem with the game is Garena, that may sound weird if you’re not from SE Asia, but Garena released League here, and holy fuck it’s terrible especially on our PH server, no one gets banned except for AFKs, I had 10 inters in a row in my gold rank games, and none of them got banned, I got matched with some Vayne main weirdly a lot in Gold too and he would spam the n word every time he got a kill or got killed for the entirety of their respawn timer, wasn’t funny or entertaining and it was very unpleasant. And that’s not mentioning the gacha events here. The only way I will pick this game back up is if Riot opens an official SEA server

Still better than all the mobile clones this game spawned

Oh and my peak rank was Platinum 1 and my mains were Ahri and Shen.

God… I don’t know even where to begin with this game.

My first introduction to Undertale was in 2019, I was sitting bored in class, and I saw over the kid in front of me’s shoulder them playing a game on their laptop. It had an 8 bit style, and you were encountering monsters. I really wanted to try it out. Our school gave us really shitty laptops too so knowing I could run the game on a potato PC without having a visit to my local cybercafe, I wanted to know the name of it. The next day I talk with the student and he played dumb saying “what game?”.

Months pass. I am then watching the Direct where the Sans Mii costume got revealed and I saw that everyone went crazy. I decide to look further into it and turns out it was the game I saw the student in front of me playing. Or at least it looked very very similar.

Then world closes due to COVID. Could be perfect chance to ask my parents to buy the game for me. They end up buying a gaming PC as well due to closure of cyber cafes so my siblings and I can play games that require higher specs to run. Being able to sink into those games makes me forget about it up until somewhat recently. I played a lot of games and could only continue playing the games with no ending as I finished a lot of my backlog, then my parents decide to give me any game of choice if I do well in my exams, and I did pretty well, so I then remember Undertale so I asked for them to buy me the game

and boy did i not regret a second.

The gameplay is great. I love how you dodge things and how dependent the game is on timing, RE rate is acceptable unlike a lot of turn based RPGs, the game has great humour, the game has great characters with a lot of depth who I didn’t want to kill even on the genocide route, the music is some of the best in any video game, and I just can’t stop listening to Metal Crusher particularly.

Overall boy I loved this game and I was actually in a rush to finish pacifist a week ago because we were going to visit family in Malaysia for 2 weeks for the holidays, can’t wait to play Deltarune.