What an amazing fucking game and loved that this is my first genuine final fantasy to play throughout. (aside from ff7r ofc)
Firstly I put off this game because it was so slow and the combat was much to be desired, even refunded it.
But a lil feeling in me wanted to give it another try and I'm so glad I did.
The story was extremely well done and thought I was this surprised to be captivated in a mediaeval but several times i thought some segments were dragging the pacing a lil.
Seriously the last 10% of this game took me like 6 hours to go through.
Aside from that, the combat genuinely wasn't that bad, not DMC good, but was different from other hack n' slash games.
Also the bosses in this game ARE FUCKIN AMAZING, some of the best i've seen in gaming but can go on for a tad bit to long.
Frickin love the characters and developments throughout the game to its end.
And the music. THE MUSIC. Fuckin breathtaking omg. Such memorable tracks that I'd want to listen to again.
Plus this game has made groundbreaking lore mechanics in my opinion that can make you understand the world of Valisthea and the political drama in the realm.
Above all, This game was overall fantastic and looking past its downsides because its strengths are just too high.
Now I'm looking foreword to play more entries from this long series and what it holds.
Took me 40 hours to beat.

What a PHONOMENAL SEQUEL! Finally both spidermans get to go an a fantastic adventure.
First off, the map is every fun zoom past and explore through with new traversal options and 2x the area.
Combat was FINALLY just how i wanted to be with overhauls and many newly added abilities with finishers.
Big new characters coming into the fray such as venom ofc.
And new side content which to me feels like IT ACTUALLY MATTERS!
It does have some downsides tho,
Like how the story (although very great), lacked any originality from the comic source material.
Also the suits this time (even tho I alr got half of them) are just ones from previous games which is fine but the new suits are kinda mid (ESPACIALLY THE DELUXE SUITS OML)
And the stealth sucks bc of the new mechanic they added.
Above all, the highs were REALLY HIGH and the lows werent really that low. Still a great experience everyone should play if u have a PS5
Took me like 20 hrs to beat.

Second in the GBA Trilogy, this game really wants to be a successor to SOTN but it’s a decent game overall but better than circle of the moon.
The game has this filter which makes the game a lot brighter so this will the only colurful Castlevania due to the GBA having no backlight and with cotm receiving backlash bc of it.
Aside from that it can pretty fun with cool movement inspired from sotn and a new spell book system which was fun to try out. But I’ve ran into a few problems while playing, such as the music. The soundtrack sounds GOD AWFUL with only one good track. Then the map is just borderline confusing throughout the game and needed to play through half of it and ALSO HAS 2 FUCKING MAPS U ALTERNATE THROUGHOUT UR PLAYTHROUGH WTF. Also this whole first half of the game for me was just Brainless bc of the difficulty, It’s stupid easy (probably the easiest Metroidcvania game in the series) and u can be op very easily.
The story and characters are also kinda uninteresting, only highlight is the main character which looks like Dracula but not really. Also there’s no teleport rooms after the second map is unlocked which fucking sucked.
Fun combat and movement but everything else was mid and the music was just bad and muted it for most of my playthrough. But despite all this I find a charm in it and slightly could replay again.
Took me 6 and a half hours to finish

Starting off the GBA trilogy (idk if it is) since symphony of the night and its just a fine or decent game.
This is the first game that igarashi (the sakurai of castlevania) did not direct and they did an ok job .
Best part of the game is the soundtrack and it is amazing for an GBA game which really pleasing tracks while traversing the castle.
This is also the first mainline game where the main character isnt a belmont which is interesting but didnt care bc this game doesnt have much story.
The layout of the castle was suprisingly dense and could rival SOTN but has few teleport rooms.
Worst part of the game is the difficulty bc MAN IS THIS GAME CONTROLS CLUNKY ASF.
Also the game's skills, subweapons, and equipment is ENTIRELY RNG. I've only gotten a few items during my playthrough.
The RSS system was fun tho.
And finally it was smaller and shorter than SOTN which made it bareable . (took me 5-6 hours)

Castlevania turns imto a new direction for new consoles (PS1 and saturn) and its FUCKING AMAZING
This is also apparently a sequel to one of my favorite classic castlevania games, Rondo of Blood.
With the new non-linear map, it is FANTASTIC to explore although it sucks when u unlock something just to go across the map to explore a new area.
Plus has RPG elements like levels and weapons and armor which means constant progression by killing enemies and exploring the map.
The music is amazing with iconic tracks playing in your ears while traversing the castle.
This also has the best traversal and combat in the franchise so far imo.
This is my favorite Castlevania-Metroidvania game so far (even tho its the first).

This is my favorite castlevania game HANDS DOWN BC ITS RICHTER!!!!!! (kidding)
but fr tho, i liked everything about this game.
The levels were fun and had a right amount of challenge to make it fun.
All sup-weapons have new abilites and an ultimate ability to use now which was really fun to experiment.
This is the easiest castlevania game so far with its bosses and im fine wit that because they were all great.
And THE MUSIC WAS FANTASTIC, the theme is a banger for sure.
Also to top it off, THERES REPLAYABILITY! The game has three endings and three potential routs to spend the rest of the game in.

Considering its a remaster of the original NES game, its pretty damn good with EVERYTHING upgraded.

Wished I learned I needed some good 2d sonic in a long time.

A very difficult ride but hella short so wasnt exactly that bad.

Amazing game on par with Nier.
Did Ending A-E

Not that interesting to keep on going.

Probably my favorite Zelda.
Fuck the triforce hunt tho


A really good 4 hours I spent.

An amazing but hella long ride. Fantasical.