i've tried to finish this game more than two times but i just can't. It's like i'm enduring my own personal silent hill hell

What is there to say I've finished all routes, compendium, secret boss 100% the game and I still missed playing it sometimes, that speaks for itself

Xenoblade Chronicles starts with the most cliched jrpg beginning ever and i honestly almost gave up upon the first hours but everything after the first major event just keeps blowing my expectations, without giving any spoilers, i'm impressed by how good the worldbuilding is, in most jrpg the world is just a setting in which the story takes place but in xenoblade the world IS the plot. Everything from the music, combat, exploration and story just blend to create one of the greatest game ever.

This is one for the books, the game excels in every single aspect. The problem with the game is it makes you crave for more

rating old game is hard but i platinumed the game and had fun so it's good

how do you even complete among us?

Super good, innovative storytelling, great art and music overall i'm really satisfied despite it's short playtime

this game is like a delicious cherry pie with moldy crust

layers of fear more like layers of boredom and annoyance

this game made me physically sick for playing it 20 hours a day

as much as i want to like the game, it just fails for me; the characters and relationships you create are meaningless and you stop caring because you knew they only serves for one episode with the exception of few important character

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a worthy sequel to the first one, i won't say it's better because this game has lots of glaring issues. First, on a technical standpoint the game is just not optimized, the dynamic resolution is all over the place and you'd get a blurry low resolution screen even on docked mode and i can confidently says that this is a case of unoptimized development of the game because torna (the dlc of this game which came later) looks miles better than the main game. Second, from gameplay perspective there are two major issues that i can't stand, one is the walking speed on battle, basically when you draw your weapons in combat your character becomes super slow and it's baffling because you are required to walk around and change position based on your attack types. The second major issue is the blades themselves, Torna's gameplay is so good that it makes the base game combat bad, in main game blades only serves as a finisher/specials and rent their weapon to the character and it's so underwhelming and annoying to just see them stand still and do nothing. Lastly, screw field skills progression blocker.