This game really meant something to me back in the day, though I know its puzzles are quite simple and it's graphics may not be the best. The story was something that really came to me at the perfect time in my life, this game may not be for everyone but it was definitely for me.

A fun and short puzzle game! Somehow I ended up hearing this was a psychological horror game with darker elements, and while it does dip into a little bit of deeper themes it's def not as bad as some people have made it out to be.

A racing game that subverts the tropes of the genre, It's unfortunate how hard it is to get your hands on nowadays though.

So much fun, another great game that toys with player expectations.

Finally able to see my Skyrim husband as if he were actually real.


This game is a really great experience that has a lot of unexpected elements to it. though for me, it simply takes too long to finish.

Decent game, I just don't have the time to sit and grind a lot of the levels with how frustrating they can be

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I've never played a game similar to this before, the games base mechanics tied with the ability to time travel make this game truly a masterpiece. the shift from a linear experience to a Metroidvania also just makes this game that much better. I'm eagerly awaiting Sea of Stars to see what's next for this series!

Silly little elder scrolls game, one that I need to come back to eventually.

While I loved this game mechanically, This game was an absolute slog to get through, I don't think I am smart enough to find the solution to a lot of these puzzles and getting to the ending took me several abandonments and restarts to actually get to. I am by no means saying that this is a bad game, I am just not smart enough for it.

A nice almost horror-style game on the meaning and impact of choice, worth playing if you've got a little time to kill.

One of the best games I've played recently! while the actual gameplay was perfect, unfortunately when it comes to the story of this game I had to do some mental backflips to feel like I understood how this game fits into the greater Zelda timeline.

Perhaps one of the best RPGs I've ever played, I decided to do a full 100% completion play through earlier this year, and I enjoyed it so much. Though there are some more tedious moments throughout the game the combat and story drastically make up for it. This is a must play for any RPG fan.