FO:NV is like...the one Fallout that most fans point to as "The Best One." and it's extremely clear why. All of the things they changed or added, the flexibility of quests, the DLC stories are all some of the best in the series, it's not made by Bethesda so it's SLIGHTLY more stable, the characters are fucking fantastic, the Companions even more so a majority of the time, the main story is varied in how you end it, it looks really nice even nowadays, and it's super enjoyable in a ton of different ways depending on how you build your character.

FO:NV had a fucking massive advantage when it comes to game development because it wasn't developed by Bethesda, it was developed by a group of people who were heavily familiar with the franchise before 3 vs just by 3. They had a plan, they had ideas, they had a whole suite ready to go and they just outright nailed it. So goddamn well. If you're an open world game lover, and you haven't picked up F:NV? I mean Why Not? Go for it. Be a post apoc cowboy and go to goddamn town already.

3D Sonic game after 3D Sonic game, the same sentiment comes up for me: "This sure is an attempt to bring Sonic into a 3D space, huh?"

It's hard to bring the fastest thing alive into such a wide open and detailed space. It's to that end that most of the super well regarded Sonic games are usually most of the 2D ones, SA2, and MAAAAAAAAYBE Colors. But there's one 3D Sonic game that breaks that mold, that being Generations.

I've talked before about how Sonic Forces is just the most blatant example of how absolutely grand Generations is. And after playing the whole thing through again, I can't understate how accurate that description is. Generations doesn't overstay it's welcome, with nice level design and controls that feel not only better than Forces, but better than ANY of the Sonic games on this thus far and possibly continuing down.

There's not much to really say beyond if you're a Sonic fan and haven't played Generations, you're forced to play it now. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules I just enforce them. Just a slight warning, the game can be a little messy with it's camera angles and the non-rival boss fights can be real annoying in the later third...

Tie in games for children cartoons are supposed to be bad, but CROSSOVER tie in games for children cartoons are supposed to somehow be worse. From cheap knockoff fighting games to cheap knockoff racers, they're not supposed to be good at all. They're shovelware to throw at kids who recognize the absorbent sponge on the front and cry at their parents until they give up and buy it for them.

Nick games however are surprisingly different, and so far out of the 2 games I've played that have Nick properties, both have been really good, and for some reason both of them have "Battle For" in their titles...

Nicktoons: Battle For Volcano Island is an old Gamecube/PS2 3D platforming Beat-em-up that plays...surprisingly well. The platforming is kinda tight, the fighting is quick but fun, the game has some surprisingly funny lines, and the music kinda hits it out of the park at times. Is it a perfect game? Fuuuuuck no, the hitboxes are weird, the combat can be entirely avoided 98% of the time, and graphically it looks strikingly similar to an N64 game and even looked dated at the time. But it's still pretty good, and could even be an absurdly fun speed game if people wanna sit down and grind it out...

it's the first kirby game and that means its the first good game ever released by mankind. it's just how that goes y'know?

Although in retrospective, there's really not much here. Dream Land sure is only 5 stages long and you can beat it in like half an hour if you've got enough gaming experience to hold a controller properly. An hour if you're figuring out how to hold one for the first time.

Princess Remedy in A World of Hurt is a very simple but very good game. Very very fun, with very entertaining dialogue, and nice music. Highly recommended, if for the simple fact that IT'S FREE! AND LOOKS LIKE A DOS GAME! SO YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY RUN IT ON ANYTHING! SO YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE!

just be careful if you're epileptic because holy shit does this game adore using flashing lights to denote anything vaguely related to fights. I've got a headache from beating this game because of that y'know, because BRIGHT FLASHING LIGHTS.

So did you like the first Princess Remedy game? Yeah it's the same thing as that one, with a few tweaks. Like two things are changed but other than that it's identical and the only reason you might wanna play it is to see what new compared to the first game, but other than that it's 5 bucks? Honestly I can see why you'd wanna pass it and to be honest adding this on 2 years later I can say without a doubt, it's hard to put any degree of incentive to put the money down for the few changes it has compared to the free game it's the sequel of.

I mean it's Huniepop but a clicker, so I'm gonna say from the outset two things.

1: No this is not as good as Huniepop 1 or 2, for many many reasons.
2: I wouldn't go and say it's a porn game. It's more like a fuck up your wrist simulator.

If you see someone playing it and assume they're beating off, I guarantee you they aren't. They're either mashing the shit out of their left mouse button or have the game paused as they go put their wrists on ice. There is no chance to watch or see any lewd things, no chance to beat off. There's only pain and suffering, and it's not even the good kind ya sick freak.

As the first game released by an indie studio, it had to earn it's place in gaming history, and considering that indie studio is Supergiant, the studio that brought recurrent greats such as Pyre, Transistor, and most recently Hades? I'd say it fucking fulfilled that pedigree and then some. Art style is really really nice to look at, it's so so pretty. The gameplay is really solid, although it's definitely aged compared to Hades which does it's style of fast, evasive, chaotic combat a little bit better (The basics are the same but Bastion's feels so fucking stiff in comparison. Still fantastic, but if you're coming from playing Hades it's weird to get used to). Music is done by Darren Korb, so it deserves to be put in every single playlist you have available to you + buying any version of the soundtrack you can get your grubby little hands on. And finally the writing and story are so beautiful and gritty at the same time, while not forgetting that you can have contextually funny and descriptive lines based on what the player does vs what the story says they do.

I cannot say anything less about Bastion. It's honestly only got one weak point, and that's the content really is lacking. There's only so much fun you can have hitting people with a ranged and melee weapon, I really wish there was other things to do but the only things you get to do gameplay wise is hit stuff with melee weapon or hit stuff from a distance with gun. But you don't get tired of that gameplay structure thanks to the game constantly throwing new weapons/specials/upgrades on a first playthrough which doesn't make it a hyper blatant issue until new game plus.

The first ever sonic game really shows it's age. Lots of stuff is missing, graphics aren't as good as the later genesis games, controls kinda clunky, but hey it's the first one in a really good franchise. Can't be that bad to try. Especially since you can beat it in one night.

However the fact that they decided that 3 acts of Labrynth Zone wasn't enough and made a FOURTH is a goddamn sin.

ok so what if sonic 1 was longer, looked better, played better, had better stage design, more variety in the zones, a SEVENTH chaos emerald, super sonic, and still had fucking abysmal special stages?

Yeah welcome to sonic 2, the better sonic 1. Very recommended to play, it's pretty damn good, but goddamn are the two bosses in the death egg the most annoying bosses in sonic history, barring glitches.

I love Undertale. I think it's a fantastic game, and if you play it while knowing fuck all about it, it's truly a wonderful experience. And it's that reason why I can't put it down as amazing because EVERYONE nowadays knows about Undertale, or has heard Undertale memes, or just generally knows the plot of Undertale, truly it's kinda ruined now a little bit.

That aside though, it's a fantastic experience and even if you know some of the major beats, you should still play it. Much like FF7 and it's major character death, everyone knows some of the major plot points of Undertale, but it's the path that you take to get there that can really make you love the game for what it is.

Good game early on, very fun. But as you progress, much like every racing game, the AI's difficulty and skill is rapidly outclassed just by how good your parts get. It gets to the point in the end game where in the final area you're told to do 40+ races and they're challenging only in the way of trying to stay awake in between them. I started this game late last year and it just never got to the point of being fun once you pass stage 3.

I had fun when I first got the game as a kid but nowadays it's just a fucking's a shame.

Ultra Deluxe is a great example of just taking a game, brushing it up a bit, and repackaging it so that newcomers and veterans of the original can both enjoy it equally. It's genuinely a fantastic experience held back by the simple fact that it's a walking simulator so while the story is excellent, and the comedy is fantastic, and the point of the game is as clear as it is murky, the gameplay is still just walk from one point to another.

It's fantastic at taking a simple concept and running with it, and I cannot say anything less than it's a good game for sure.

I'll say though that the game gets very raw at certain points, it's very good and emotional but holy fuck when the game wants to try and break you with what it makes you do, or what it tells you, it doesn't hold anything back. So please definitely play with content warnings on, and absolutely skip certain endings if those endings might trigger something in you that makes you uncomfortable or wrong.

I don't think this is for everyone, let me say that right before I get into anything else. It's a mostly visual novel-esque game with lots of choice and a pretty sci-fi world map, but it might not be for you.

If you've seen some of it and you like what you see though, odds are you'll like the game as a whole. A lot of it is down to how much you like the writing and for me personally I adore it. The art style and atmosphere really bring it all together in a way that I just salivate over.

That being said, there's a lot of issues with it, mainly down to the dice choice system either being really mean or really nice, and being incredibly easy to break in half if you even remotely start to get the ball rolling stat wise. It turns from having to completely change your plans for a cycle because you didn't get the numbers you need to "Eh it really doesn't matter that I got all 1s, because a 3 is average success and I have +2 in every stat."

If you enjoy visual novels but wish there was more to do roleplay wise, I'd highly recommend this game to you. It's genuinely fantastic. Especially if you do your first run roleplaying as the Sleeper you play as and developing a personality for them as you progress. It can be really fun seeing all the results that come from it.

A cute little puzzle game heavily based on the attache case from RE4. So based on the greatest inventory system of all time.

Very very short, doesn't over stay it's welcome, but it's also not long enough for me to really recommend it. It took me about 2 hours and for 2 dollars full price, I'd say that's pretty fair.