I hope they make a sequel some day that is either on par with Smash Bros or just as weird and low-budget/strapped for character choices as this one.

I know everyone shits on the roster for being full of literally who's but that's kinda why I love it/find it fascinating. It's a weird time capsule to when Sony gave any attention to games that aren't AAA? It sucks a lot that Superbot didn't really have any support from Sony budget wise to get characters (or versions of characters) that people gave a shit about but it is what it is.

(fuck you if you played Donte or Kat btw, from a very salty Jak/Emmett player)

My favorite one growing up, but it was way easier than I remember. Got a lot of fond memories of it, and the Robot Master weapons being good again after the poor showing in 5 is nice.

Short version: It's great.

Longer version: It's great BUT I don't like how slow overworld movement can feel/how large some parts are, and the ending doesn't hit me nearly as hard as Remake's but the gameplay and overall story were spectacular. Cannot wait for part 3 to come out when I'm nearly 30 years old.

I haven't played this in almost 15 years. It's probably really jank and poorly balanced. It introduced me to Dragon Ball, gets the rating off of that alone. Thanks for everything Toriyama.

This and TOTK are fist-fighting on a rooftop for the title of Most Dissapointing Game of 2023.

I didn't like this game very much.

There’s a lot about this game that’s really cool for like the first 5 hours and then that’s it, the game as shown your its hand. Sometimes I’ll do something really cool and feel happy about it, but the reward is always just the most underwhelming thing. The story also is just pretty nothing too which just makes me feel crazier when they were so secretive about it, was it all just because of that one twist you find out about through the memories? Why is the story so bad in general? Was being so open/non-linear worth that? Why are the "dungeons" still so bad? Why does the combat feel even worse than in BOTW?

I can’t put my finger on it also but BOTW and TOTK have this aesthetic choice/artstyle I strongly dislike. The more I think about it, the more I dislike it. Really unhappy that this is what they want Zelda to be going forward.

Bumping a star off because the post launch support has been dogwater. Season passes full of shit for the avatar stuff that no one really cares that much about, little to nothing for the actual characters, 5 MONTHS between AKI and Ed, grossly overpriced cosmetics, it's fuckin shameful. I get that maybe it's a Quality vs Quantity thing (there were so many SF5 costumes that looked like shit), but come on now.

I really hope the positive buzz to Tekken 8 and the negative reactions they get regarding the season passes kicks them in the ass for season 2 and beyond so they can step their game back up.

Gameplay wise I thought this was pretty good, I think it gets way too grindy near the end and the positioning system just feels kinda random, but it’s really fun otherwise. The story is fucking aces, outside of one specific thing/character I think is kinda silly. Overall I fucking adored it, excited to play Infinite Wealth after I give this game some more time to sit.

I dunno why I didn't rememeber this one as much as I did, it's pretty solid. Outside of Gyro Man's weapon, this spread of RM weapons sucks ass though.

A little better than 3, but feels oddly dickish with the insta-kill spikes and pits. Love the robot masters here, but the weapons are kinda eh.

Not as good as 2, Doc Robot kills it for me. Also fuck Gemini Man's stage, both times.


(its rough)

This game got me to stop buying Pokemon games when I first played it at release. I'm a lot softer on it now that I've played it 10 years later but I still don't like it very much.

I did not enjoy my time with this very much. I think the map is really confusing and cluttered, the music is really unmemorable, none of the bosses I fought felt even a little difficult. I unlocked Castle B and put it down. I'll go back to it sooner or later because I hate leaving things undone but god I can't stress enough how much I didn't enjoy this. Really dissapointed. Silver lining is that Juste has a cool design and I think the magic system he has is really neat.