I can tell this game wasn’t made for me, aka it wasn’t made for dumbasses.

Watched Pewdiepie play through this entire game years ago and now that I’ve played it myself, it’s just as good as I remember.


Random truckdriver shortcuts through Silent Hill, picks up every object in his vicinity, kills god and then drives home. Mondays amirite

Byeah / 10

A zombie got up so I ran to the safe room and cried.


First rule of Postal III, we do not talk about Postal III.

still the same games but with garbage va and worse graphics somehow, but again same games so at least an 8/10

I have the power to perform inverse teleportation, create black holes and make a portal to a seemingly new dimension. And here I am shoving needles in the same dude for a hundred hours


THE best Zelda, not talked about as much nowadays which is a bummer..


this game made me realize how fucking stpid I am

Good game and atmosphere, garbage water level

I made a kid trip and cry then stole his glasses.


Disabled dumbass goes to kill his dad with his 40 year old Uncle


Just like the original it shares all the same strong points and also the pretty weak ones. Unlike the original though I think the voice acting took a downgrade and with the game shoving high res models onto 2007 PSP cutscenes it just makes the game look unfinished almost and like a mobile game even at times. Still a great game though so a 7/10.