After a second playthrough since my first in 2015, I can still say that AC: Unity is mid as fuck.

- Fantastic animations and graphics but everything else is depressingly average.
- The parkour in Unity is the undoubtedly the best in the AC franchise but is ruined by Ubisoft's horribly lackluster tutorials. The parkour controls are clunky not because they really are, but it's because the game does a shit job at teaching it.
- It's super easy to exploit the game mechanics (i.e., you can cover assassinate enemies countless times and they'll just keep coming towards you like idiots)
- The AI is atrocious, especially for a franchise that traditionally capitalized on stealth.

Review is campaign only. Multiplayer is an easy 4/10 or 5/10 at most lmao.


But campaign-wise, this is one of the most unique FPS experiences the market has to offer. It's the closest you can get to a "realistic" campaign in terms of gameplay. Unfortunately, the story is abysmally average and it could have used a more substantial villain rather than the same cliche-as-fuck Russian villain.

The gameplay is the definition of choice anxiety.

I disliked plenty of things about the first Bioshock so I expected the sequel to be significantly better -- and indeed it is.

Tbh the gameplay is a massive downgrade compared to Bioshock 1 and 2 (especially the latter) however the skylines system at least compensated for it. Conceptually, the story is great but I can't say the same for the storytelling. The last 15 minutes of the game was a perfect opportunity to make everything crystal-clear but I ended up with just more questions than answers. Maybe that's the point?

The game succeeds in making zombie-killing fun to play with the weapon crafting and parkour systems and that's already a big W. But damn, the map design (slums), story, and shooting mechanics are mediocre.

I wish Days Gone released before this so that Techland would learn that it is possible to make an open-world map without adding barricades and other annoying obstacles for every 20m of the road.

I still don't know how Ada managed to get a boat and jetski

This review contains spoilers

I'm sorry but I don't see how this is can be considered one of the best superhero games.

- The story is average to below average at best using cheap twists to make it a bit intriguing. In the Hugo Strange plot, Ras al ghul just appeared out of nowhere to reveal himself as the true mastermind and then the writers just conveniently killed him off. I'm convinced that they legitimately forgot about him and just added him to the ending last minute. The Joker plot was the most interesting but the twist came in too late. The story should've extended further after the twist instead of just ending it afterwards. What a waste.
- Most mechanics are poorly explained. Again the game relies too much on text tutorials which are ineffective ways of teaching the player.
- Stealth is ok but don't force the player to do it all the time. Most levels in this game are designed for stealth only which takes away a lot of player agency. If the movies taught us one thing, Batman also likes to face enemies head-on.
- Combat is undoubtedly the strongest feature of this game. It's simple but effective and I'll give Rocksteady credit for that. This is pretty much the only reason why I'll give this game a 2 1/2 stars.

Verdict: playing this game is enough to put me into Arkham Asylum

This is all I've ever wanted in a first-person shooter.

Reclaimed Earth and Immora are masterpieces

Replaying this game feels exactly the same as my first playthrough back in 2019. Most of the reasons on why I can't give RDR2 the full 5 stars is explained in NakeyJakey's video "Rockstar Games' Game Design is Outdated". To simply put, RDR2 is one of the best video games of the last decade but undeniably suffers from an inconsistent application of its realistic mechanics.

Campaign only:

What makes MWII's campaign shine is its non-linear missions (i.e., ghillie suit mission). I've never seen a COD campaign focus so much on player choice since BO2 and that's commendable. The only bad thing about the campaign is that there are far too many missions that are super short even by COD standards. That Amsterdam mission is literally 5 minutes long -- come on.

This isn't just a 1:1 remake of the original game. Motive literally changed the level design of the Ishimura and added new gameplay mechanics like the kinesis spearing and gravity thrusters from DS2 and DS3. So even if you've played the original, the remake is completely fresh experience.

For PC players, make sure to get a good CPU because this game is very CPU intensive. I literally had to fight the final boss at around 15-20 fps.