9 Reviews liked by Eztak

I can never be finished with this game. It's filled to the brim with content that is pure quality. A rich multitude of branching storylines and endings makes this game endlessly replayable for me. The gameplay loop and dialogue is taken outta Fallout 3 and just improved as well as expanded upon respectively. This game is perfect (now it is, however, very glitchy initially lol Bethesda's curse). This is a game that can honestly contend for the greatest game of all time!

Minha primeira experiência com Fallout, e sem dúvidas a melhor que eu vou ter. Eu amei muito esse jogo e fiquei horas e horas jogando ele, fazendo muita missão secundária, explorando essa wasteland enorme e me divertindo de mais com os ragdoll, armas maneiras, armaduras iradas e interações muito fodas. Obsidian, te amo

o jrpg definitivo, a primeira lembrança que tenho desse jogo, é do meu tio jogando e eu assistindo, como sempre rolava com rpgs por conta da pouca idade, fui rejogar anos depois ja adolescente, e se tornou um dos meu jogos favoritos

This review contains spoilers

In the year I came back to my home town, my sister was born.

Most of the friends that I had forgot about me, and what seemed so familiar as a child was now alien. The bus route changed. A new McDonald's opened near my house, and a giant condominium blocked my childhood home's view of the ocean.

The sky was more grey than I remember.

This year I turn 20.

I'm every bit as directionless, confused and angry as I was seven years ago.

I think night in the woods struck a chord with me because of this. When I visit possum springs, it reminds me of when I was 12, in a place that was familiar and different. For me, it's hauntingly nostalgic, and reminded me of a time that I miss dearly.

Stuff I liked

The pit-a-pat of a pretty bad matte black cat's paws on the roof approaching a rat clad in a snug shrug is interrupted with intermittent grunts of effort.

The sound of everything, from the crunch of autumn leaves, the rubber-like twang of power lines, and sizzling of fresh pierogis.

The echoes of delinquent chatter reverberate throughout an abandoned subway. The scuttling of pets and other small rats (children) overlap with the sound of a sputtering engine of an ancient vehicle in desperate need of repair, a car and driver in no hurry to reach their destination. It's a small town after all.

The soundtrack is soft, the humming of the theramin and synth mimicking the whistle of a chilly autumn breeze. It feels like a lullaby. It's calm. Eerily so. But it feels comforting in its own silly, off-kilter way.

These noises go a long way to making you feel like you're there. It does wonders for the atmosphere of this unknown small town in the middle of nowhere. Historical possum springs. It feels cozy. It feels familiar.

Mae's dynamic demeanors are expressed in the smooth animations of actions and reactions to scenarios and inputs. Each character's body language tells you just enough about each person to know at least a little of what they're like.

The paper cutout feel of the art style makes the game feel homely. Like a children's book. The (smooth?) feeling of it's presentation matches it's wiggly and slick character animations.

It's easy on the eyes.

There's also something about the writing in Night in the woods that makes the world feel lived in. Dialogue feels like something me and my friends would say. An awkward slip of the tongue might inadvertently make another panic. Infuriating passive aggressive back and forths eventually explode into a heartbreaking argument. Poems by selmers. It feels real.

There's attention to detail in every offhanded comment. Fragments of stories of the town's inhabitants and escapades are drip fed to you via Mae's recollections and interactions with random objects in town, big events in the past alluded to throughout the game for you to figure out. Where everybody knows everyone. In possum springs, word gets around.

Mild Spoilers

Night in the woods is a game about mourning. It's about mourning a loved one, a childhood that left a long time ago, a town that used to thrive, now a shambling corpse of what it once was, a toxic cesspool of broken dreams. A black hole, sucking up all the ambitions its inhabitants had,and spitting them out the other side, listless. Hopeless. Tired. But in this town of nothing, empty town of no renown, people find solace and comfort with each other. There is love to be found, there are friends to be had, in a hopeless town where few can escape, where everything stays stagnant, frozen in time, while everything else changes. There's something about this game and it's themes that I find hopeful.

At the end of everything, hold on to anything.

There's one aspect of the story that really stuck with me, the feeling of needing to escape. Mae couldn't find her place in university. She felt so out of place, that she sacrificed everything her parents worked for to return home. Bea couldn't leave her borderline abusive household because how could she abandon her family? She couldn't go to college because she was poor, because she was dealt a horrible hand in life. Gregg and Angus are actively trying to escape possum springs to find a better life. It's everywhere, and it feels messy. In the transitory period of entering adulthood, I constantly feel like I need to get away from everything, that the weight of my responsibility as an adult is crushing me. Living is messy.

I'm the same age as Mae now. It's scary. But playing this game, feeling lost and confused, was comforting in a way. Maybe if you feel the same you'll like it too.

if only they would let me be gay 😔

Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me
I think they're OK
If they don't give me proper credit, I just walk away
They can beg and they can plead
But they can't see the light (that's right, that's right)
'Cause the boy with the cold hard cash is always Mister Right

'Cause we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

Some boys romance, some boys slow dance
That's all right with me
If they can't raise my interest, then I have to let them be
Some boys try, and some boys lie
But I don't let them play (no way, no way)
Only boys that save their pennies make my rainy day

'Cause we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

Living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world
Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world

Boys may come, and boys may go
And that's all right, you see
Experience has made me rich, and now they're after me

'Cause everybody's living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

Living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

A material, a material, a material, a material world

Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world
Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world

Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world
Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world

o jogo mais filho da puta criado pela humanidade medíocre maldita.

Little did I know that a game I bought because the artwork on the gem case looked cool would turn out to be one of my favorite RPGs of all time, still living rent free in my brain 20+ years after I initially played it.

For those wanting to experience this game in a more modern setting, they're giving it a remaster and re-releasing on steam and switch, including an update on the translation, which would be my only real knock against this gem. It wasn't as horrible as some of the worst offenders at the time, but it could...Certainly have been improved.

But the core of the experience remained in this game, which is a JRPG which is NOT 'teenagers go and kill god', but rather one based on politics and intrigue. So you know. Relatable reasons. Its a game with so many well placed twists and betrayals and reveals that 20 years later I still don't want to spoil them. It also includes one of most memorable villains in any game ever, Luca Blight.

You can also hire a detective who can look into the background of a unicorn that joined your party, and he complains about what went wrong in his life to lead him to this juncture.