Give me a game and I'll talk about its OST

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Suggested by BeachEpisode

Unfortunately, this is case of a game that I really wanna play to the point that I'm avoiding details. But! One of the ways I know the game already is through the Yoko Kanno (????) OST which, from what I've heard, is pure whimsy and romantic fire-emoji fire-emoji fire-emoji.
Suggested by MrPixelton

Cosmo D is Stereolab, A Tribe Called Quest, FlyLo, and MDickie wrapped into one composer.

Paradoxically evolves like no other OST in games while also allowing space for the other musical SFX to contribute. Not to mention that jazzy, space-age electronic, hip-hop beat fusion is literally ideal music. I dunno, I feel like I'm just saying random words describing it, but it's genuinely one of my favorites of all-time purely because it gels so immaculately with me as a person.
Suggested by letshugbro

Its reputation is in no doubt shaped by the chaotic moments, which are pretty buttesque like the memes suggest, but honestly? There are at least a few cuts which shape the atmosphere in a more interesting way than the '96 OST. Cannot begin to overemphasize how much more consistent the original is however, and the famous basement track is maybe the best example of that.

Kinda like the Italian horror thing some tracks are going for. Makes me wonder if it would pan out better with a more nuanced soundfont. Other tracks kinda just feel like meanderings through dissonance, which might very well be true.

To me, the peak of RE1 soundtracks is REmake which couples a lot of choir sounds with icy synths. IMO, perfect impressionistic soundscape for the horror at hand.
Suggested by DustyVita

Probably the soundtrack with the least remarkable character from this final, golden era of classic Capcom fighters, but it still has some great tracks. In a world where 3S is one of the most cohesive audiovisual packages of the genre, and MvC2 reached for something so atypical that its been forced into icon status, CvS2's "is good" might seem a little lacking. But I promise you, I will never be tired of True Love or Stimulation.

Good enough that I can find it in my heart to forgive the intro for being the loudest sound ever recorded.
Suggested by fairywands

The nicest thing I would say about Katamari is that every aspect of it feels as lavishly crafted as the last, so of course the music comes through. Its a diorama of japanese pop and jazz and all the crevices in-between, and to a young me, was vital in learning about a musical scene I had only incidental brushes with. It became a mini-obsession, as it inevitably does to anyone that's played the game.

As an aside, it's always the first game I think of that bucked the trend of most VGM being looped music rather than fully sequenced, structured songs. Love that there are some 5-6 minute monsters that have solos and breakdowns and shit.
Suggested by Wistful

My love of the game itself has sorta wavered over the years as I've become more experienced with the genre, but this soundtrack insists and persists with me. Even in its parent series, which is replete with cutting edge, transcendent works by one of the Best To Ever Do It, this one hits just a little different.

I'm always wary of remakes and remasters to music, especially music that lived in a specific form for so long, but if a successful rearrangement ever sprung up like FFVII's, it could very well be the thing that kills me.
Suggested by Wistful

I have to admit, I only logged this as a multiplayer game, so any impressions of the campaign OST are gonna be contextless.

While it's not a go-to choice for free time listening, I do admire the New Age/Symphonic Rock fusion of the Halo series. It seems like they got this one right from what little I've heard! The progression that makes the track "Through the Trees" hits that exact level of late 90s/early 00s grandiose that I expect and want out of something like this. Will say, though, never been a huge fan of the war drums that pepper the action moments. Always kinda felt like a dramatic crutch, as it tends to with most action scores.


2 years ago

Resident Evil: Director’s Cut

2 years ago


2 years ago

Halo Infinite & Final Fantasy VI

2 years ago

whichever one you like more, persona 4 arena ultimax or capcom vs snk 2

2 years ago

that intro will blow your ears out for sure

2 years ago

Napple Tale

2 years ago

Tales From Off-Peak City Vol. 1

1 year ago


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