What a strange game this is. Everything is the most mediocre it can be. Characters will say stuff like "Look, a vampire" and you cannot technically say that that is bad dialogue because there is nothing there. And that's what the entire game is. There is no point to this game. It is not trying to do things and failing. It is trying to do nothing and is succeeding.

Would probably be amazing if it didn't reliably crash all the time while running at anything between 12 and 29 fps

I don't understand who decided to turn Serious Sam into a real (?) character with an apparently serious (????) story and some of the most annoying companions I've ever seen. There is a reference to Serious Sam, yes that Serious Sam, having sex and that's just not something I ever needed to know.
The game itself is fiiiiine, a gigantic step up from Serious Sam 3 which shall never be mentioned again but also it is, approximately, 200 hours long and starts to drag halfway through. It feels like Croteam doesn't really know what to do with this franchise and I wish they would just go back to what Serious Sam was always about which is stupid dumb fun in big and colorful and varied levels. It is definitely not a bad game but the stand alone expansion Siberian Mayhem is an overall better experience and one that you also can finish within a lifetime.

There's a lot of heart and soul in this game even tho it lacks the substance to pull off what it clearly wants to do. Fantastic art and music are somewhat hurt by an ultimately not that engaging combat system and sometimes confusing level design that doesn't make it clear where it wants you to go but the creativity on display here was enough to keep me going

Kinda stuck between Nioh 2 and Sekiro, it feels like the game lacks it's own identity. It's version of Sekiro's parry system is much more lackluster and while the regular combat is clearly a remnant of Nioh 2 it lacks the combos, stances and variety of that game. The best course of action for basically all the bosses is to never attack and simply dodge/parry all their attacks until you have worn them down enough to do a special attack. This might sound boring, and it is, but attacking the bosses just puts you at a lot of risk but more importantly you barely do any damage to them at all. This is kind of how the entire game feels. Sadly a let down.

I played through most of this game coop while being slightly drunk and I had a great time but the Gremlin playing it with me who did most of the heavy lifting said he hated it. Then again, he is a Gremlin which is why I'm giving it 3 Stars instead of 1.

A weird fever dream of a game. Playing it is quite dull and broken but I cannot help but admire the ambition of creating an open world space rpg set on multiple planets on what I assume is a budget of around 2000€. Is it worth playing? No. Is it worth experiencing? Maybe. What does that even mean? No idea.

Not really much to say about this one, it is a fairly faithful remake of the original game with some new ideas - some good, some not. It looks fantastic and it while I feel like Leon controls a lot more sluggish than in the original it still plays great. It is not a complete shift like the RE2 Remake was and sticks much closer to the original, for better or worse. If you like RE4 this will probably not disappoint you and if you have never played RE4 you can't go wrong by playing either the original or this one.

There's not really a lot to say about this game. It is a pretty straight forward arena shooter (by which I mean the entire game takes place in one room). It plays alright, the gimmick of summoning spikes is well executed, but ultimately there is just not a lot to it. I beat the game on my first attempt which took me ~40 minutes and while you unlock some new weapons and a harder difficulty setting there was just no real reason to get back to it. Not a terrible game but also not one you need to play

One of the best of the new wave of retro shooters out there. Just a great looking, sounding and playing game. The sign of a well designed one of these is when the weapons all have a purpose and stay relevant throughout the entire campaign and Prodeus, for the most part, pulls this off. Some of the levels are on the weaker side but even those are a blast to play through.

Easily among the best of the modern day "Boomer Shooter" phase. Great weapons that all feel good and useful. Good sound and visual feedback throughout the entire game.

At the very best mediocre but ultimately it doesn't do anything better than any of the other "boomer shooters" out there while also never really exceeding at anything it tries do. Standard weapons, limited movement, dull levels and really terrible boss fights. There are better options out there.