Extremely problematic video game (cops do not get into gun fights every single day) but it's fun and silly. I think I got it for free on the Epic Games store, which calls into question exactly why Epic wants to give away copaganda.

The only ARGP I've ever been able to get into. I will complete this game when 1.0 comes out.

I don't remember playing this game but it seems like it's good.

You want it to be a fun destruction sandbox but the campaign missions are too linear and they put time limits on you sometimes and it's like, well, I just want to fuck around with the physics and enjoy the catharsis of destruction and now you're creating stress by adding a timer.

It's like, it's kind of hard to see what's happening.

Didn't fuck with it. Maybe if the music jived with me more.

Couldn't figure this one out (I'm stupid).

Much better than it has any right to be. Genuinely engaging, sometimes silly, there's a lot of heart in this game.

A game I keep coming back to. I'm always in the mood for a Revita run.

Not quite the hit of opium you hope it is.

Fun little mobile game where you try your darndest to break the system.


one of those games where you're not sure if you don't have the right answer to the puzzle or if you're simply failing due to the clunky controls

the part where the spider chases you is tense but other than that it's kind of slow. like it just feels slow, which is fine i guess. it doesn't inspire much in me, personally.

essentially 2d shadow of the colossus, or at least that's what it's trying to evoke. it gets there, partially, in a way that i don't really want to examine too thoroughly. all that is to say, the real magic from sotc was the vibes and, as part of those vibes, how the game shattered any sort of dissonance between the player and the player character; that is, sotc is THE greatest rolE playing video game of all time, and titan souls is a fun two button boss rush with a cobblestone Aesthetic

if both of these video games were worse, i would say that the legend of zelda: twilight princess is to darksiders 3 as shadow of the colossus is to titan souls. however, the reader, in this comparison, must understand that this comparison only works if you only understand the legend of zelda: twilight princess in it's hypothetical form - a game that could have been a sequel, thematically, tonally, to the legend of zelda: majora's mask. if you consider this hypothetical version of the legend of zelda: twilight princess to be the canonical release, as i do, then you will understand the comparison.