I used to REALLY enjoy this game, I played this game for hundreds of hours. I could play this game all day, go to sleep, and wake up the next day and do the same thing.

The gameplay isn't that good. It can be boring at times, unfair also, and half of my playtime is spent in the spectator role waiting for my turn to play again. The game isn't that scary after the first several hours. The music is okay, but other than a few standout tracks they don't try and do anything special or interesting with it. Yes they are updating this game now, but heck 80% of my playtime was during the 2018 (and partly 2019) content drought where they didn't or couldn't update the game to add new features. No. The main thing that makes this game what it was, was the community. Not the actual game itself.

I think that explains why I can't enjoy the game anymore. (Other than I now realise it doesn't really respect my time anymore.) I just hate the community. All the servers I used to play in are dead or infested with twats. I just can't have fun anymore, and that sucks.

The game also has a different "feel" to it, and I hate putting that because it is so incredibly obscure and doesn't provide any genuine feedback, but that is how I feel. Maybe it's Northwood adding stuff such as the gun rework that make the game more skill based? I'm sure, I don't think I'll ever be sure. However, I do know that my time with the game is over.

Despite what I said, I have still had a great experience with this game... in the past. I am rating the game based on my 2018-2019 experience. Since the game is free, yes, you too should probably at least check this out. Just, don't expect to know what the hell is going on for the first 10+ hours.

There are very very very few clicker games worth your time, and this is one of them. It doesn't overstay its welcome, and it's for the most part enjoyable to play.

If I could only recommend people to play 1 or 2 clicker games ever in their entire lives this would be one of them.

This is probably one of the most unique games I've played in a while. The gameplay systems interweave nicely, the story and worldbuilding is amazing, the music is beautiful and the voice acting is good (I played with English VA).
There are 4 gameplay systems, including a hacking minigame and none of them feel out of place due to the consistency in controls and that they all make sense thematically. Although I do wish they made the hacking minigame more unique, or used it less as it never felt out of place.
The visuals could've used some better antialiasing, and most of the side quests were the same.
Other than those notepickings I had a mostly great time with this game.

It could've been a 9/10 or even a 10/10 if I had a better experience. My main mistakes were not taking breaks by playing other games in-between the endings, and not taking moments to catch up on the story when I got confused or forgot things.

I don't know how to review this game, and I don't think I can give it a rating. If I told you that slaughtering students gets repetitive, would you say it was a bad part of the game design or a good part of the game design?

I am not sure how to feel about this game. It was horrific following out the actions of the killers on that day. The entire game stings of sarcasm and black comedy, it was controversial when it was released and it still is controversial.

Was the part in hell necessary? Probably not right? I don't know.

I just don't know.


Only played through the first half, turns out the first half is the best half so I probably won't be coming back to finish this one.

An incredibly good game for the price right now, will probably come back to one day when it is closer to release.

Wolfenstein: The New Order is a game about trying to take down the Nazis after they win the war. Blah blah blah.

Gameplay - 7/10
The gameplay was great at some times and horrible at others. I enjoyed fighting regular enemies, and the occasional dog.
However, melee combat is boring and I really didn't enjoy fighting the mechs or heavy enemies as their health was inconsistent.
I had no indication of how much damage they had taken, and how much health they had so the first encouter I wasn't even sure whether I was damaging them or not.
Not to mention sometimes a heavy enemy would die in 1 rocket blast, and sometimes it would take 3 to kill them. Sometimes I could facepummel enemies with a dual-shotgun and sometimes two magazines wasn't enough to take them down.
This problem even extending to bossfights like the final boss, where I didn't actually know how much health he had since the mech didn't seem to become more and more damaged as I played so I was just trying to shoot at him.

The bossfights were cool for the most part, but the final boss fight was a MAJOR let down.

For the most part the difficulty was good (I played on I AM DEATH INCARNATE! difficulty), however because enemy footsteps aren't loud enough I would end up dying in cheap ways where enemies managed to sneak behind me.
Also, I died about 3 times because of friendly fire. I understand the appeal of friendlies being able to damage you in they get in range of you, however maybe they should've less damage against you than regular enemies.

I like the perk system for the most part, but I didn't like the cover system. It just feels clunky to use, especially on higher difficulties and got me killed several times. The only reason I used it is to level up perks.

Story, World and Characters 8/10
The worldbuiding is great, you get loads of little newspaper snippets and articles you can read to get a feel for what the world is like.
Not to mention german versions of pre-existing music and hidden letters.
I seriously doubt EVERYONE would've been this evil if Germany actually won WWII, I'm glad that they decided to go all in on this idea.

The story starts out quite strong and goes off the rails a bit with secret organisations and space stations, which was fine the main problem was the main villain.
He appears TWICE in the game, and other than that does nothing else at all. Yes the villain is cruel and horrible, but not prominent at all in the game.
At some point you also get the option to save one of two people, unfortunately this option doesn't really affect much and Fergus' timeline is objectively better.
It feels more like a cheap way to get you to play the game twice.

Other than "Deathshead", the other characters were all cool and all had their moments to shine. My favourites are obviously William and Anya.

Graphics and Audio 6.3/10
I had no problem with the graphics and in fact they looked quite good, same goes for the music. My favourite being the German liscenced music placed in there to add worldbuilding.
For the most part the SFX and voice acting were good. Unfortunately, sometimes audio was a little too quite. I didn't always hear English dialogue and quiet footsteps meant enemies could easily sneak up on me in a gunfight and kill me.
Also, maybe they could've used sound a bit more effectively to show that enemies were taking damage or to show what health they were add. Such as a beeping sound when a mech is on low health.

Replayability, Value for Money and Extra Content 7.5/10
The game is very linear and features decent gunplay.
At first, the game gives the appearance of essentially being able to be played twice with very different experiences, however that is not true. The timelines are not different enough to warrant another 10 hours of my time.
However, despite that if you DO plan to replay the game then the extra timeline makes a second playthrough a lot better I'm sure.

Value for money is decent, especially if you buy on a sale.
The collectibles range from really intersteing like Ramona's audio logs to stupid like the Nazi gold.
There is a really cool big side puzzle for nerds, however I won't ever do it because it requires me to get all of the "enigma codes" which just results in a fuck ton of collectibles.

Innovation, Impact and Technical Execution - 6/10
There isn't much innovation outside of the dogs as enemies.
They tried to make a cover system which wasn't very good. They tried to make electro-weapons which were the worst weapons to use in my opinion.
As for impact, I really don't know and I really don't care, I might just remove "Impact" as a metric I measure since I really don't know enough about the gaming industry and its history to know what games had a large impact and which ones didn't.

Technical execution was okay. No bugs, which was great however like I said earlier quiet footsteps and shitty cover system and janky enemy health.

Overall 70/100 - "Inhale... Count to four..."
I really did enjoy this game despite some of its jank and I will look into the sequels released for this game in the future.

A short but intense experience. A great game for a small price.
I can see myself coming back to this everyonce in a while.

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This game is sweet, and has a lot of soul to it but I can't bring myself to play it anymore.
I find the "Newtonian" mode (hard mode) to be too frustrating to play, but I couldn't enjoy the "Classic" mode (normal mode) because I learned a terrible secret.
That I could swim in space. That's right if I got pushed away from the ship, as long as I wasn't holding any heavy objects I could flap my arms and "swim" back to the ship.
Forced between either knowing I could easily abuse this exploit at anytime (including inside the ship) or having to switch to a more frustrating mode I didn't want to choose.

The game also suffers from a lack of a proper "push" command, you can pull but you can't push very well with your hands or legs. This makes it unnecessarily difficult and annoying to get around.

I stopped playing the game once I got to the rocket ship mission in which the rocket kept floating away from the stuff I was supposed to mine. The ship tries to stay in the same spot but it does a very poor job at it. The mission is obviously intended for 2 players. I ended up quitting the game with the last autosave being "48 minutes ago", as you can't save the game manually. I haven't gone back since.

This game was also solely focused around solving puzzle-like tasks when I would have much preferred to play an open-world (open-space?) ship management game instead, something like Barotrauma in space.

Overall, I enjoy the concept. However, I don't like the puzzle focused missions and I didn't have anyone to play it with.
If you can get it on sale with a friend, you might have some fun, but if you are on your own I would skip it.
Maybe I will return if one of my friend's purchases the game, however that is not likely.

I will be keeping an eye on what this studio produces in the future (if anything), as they show a lot of promise.

This anti-game is a thought-provoking and meditative experience, that delves deep and asks important questions. Such as "what is entertainment" and "to what extent are video games art". This game also explores several themes and ideas, such as the reduction of the attention span and the need for faster more condensed forms of entertainment.

Overall, living in a world so hyper-fixated on consumerism that feels the need to travel faster and faster and have more and more, it was nice to take a step back and just relax. I feel I will be coming back to this game over the years, to reflect upon my thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Neat little game. Had so many close calls.
The art style is great, it really creates a freaky aesthetic.


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Hades is an isometric roguelite dungeon crawler in which you play as Zagreus. Zagreus is the prince of the underworld, son of Hades the god of dead. In this game you are attempting to escape your father's domain, and make your way to the surface.

Gameplay - 9/10

The gameplay is pretty astonishing, and stayed fun for many many hours. There are several abilities which can each be used in different ways, with several weapons that handle completely differently, as well as several upgrades you can get for each weapon that can completely change how they are played, as well as boons that will affect how you can use your abilities as well as duo and legendary boons that can change them even further. There are SO MANY potential builds you can have that you will struggle to find guides, as you almost always end up with a different build each time. The game has a lot of RNG features and while the game does provide many ways to circumvent this and put control back into your hands, sometimes you just screwed over and don't get the legendary or duo boons you wanted because they just weren't offered to you. However, the game is very fair and even if you have basically nothing it is definitely still possible to win and it can feel great when you do despite having a crappy build.
The pact of punishment adds another layer of difficulty, letting you customise how you play the game and how you increase the difficulty in your own way. The game has a system as well that encourages you to seek out and use upgrades/boons you haven't tried before instead of locking yourself down to the same weapon/boon/upgrade.
Unfortunately, after the first few clears the game does slowly start to feel less and less rewarding, especially when you finish the game as there is no story incentive and before that when there is story incentive dying at the very end of a run acts as a blockage to reaching story you want to have. It can be frustrating. They try to prevent this feeling by having lots of other progression systems, but it still feels like a punch in the gut when I value the story over all of them.

Story, World and Characters 8.7/10

At first the story amazed me. Roguelites typically don't have stories so to find a game not only flowing with story but also fully voiced, it was incredible. The characters are so good too. Hades, probably my favourite character, is great. An intimidating and powerful ruler constantly belittiling you. Over time you can give Nectar to characters, and they will start treating you with more respect. There are so many dialogue options that even after 10s of hours I was still finding new dialogue. However, over time the story slowly gets spread further and further out. You have to wait longer and longer between dialogue that progresses the story, since the game seems to prioritise random jokes and yapping from characters than important dialogue you want to trigger. There is a reason why less than 10% of players have completed the epilogue, and that is because it takes so long to fulfill the long list of criteria to activate it. I remember I went to Hermes several times with the requirements needed for the
dialogue that progresses the story to activate and the guy just wouldn't say what I wanted. When one of the best ways to progress the story is by continuously dying at the start of the game to trigger new dialogue options, the game starts to get tedious when you play through full runs like I do. At around the 50 hour mark I got fed up, and no longer cared about earning the game's story opting instead to watch the game's final ending online. This wouldn't be an issue if I didn't play with the incentive of finishing the story as I often do in games. If you decide to play this game definitely but the story on the back burner and only be there for the gameplay. The best way to play is by letting the story play out in the background as you play it, rather than play to complete the story. Overall, the story is decent especially for a roguelite. However, due to how the game is made and how progress is achieved it would have been extremely difficult to get a story as good as you can find in a dedicated-story game.

Graphics and Audio 9.3/10

The game looks great, with thousands of hand-drawn graphics and animations. The main problem is that sometimes there is so much visual clutter that I can't actually see what I am supposed to be doing. Sometimes because of this I felt myself almost "button-mashing" especially in the River of Styx sections when there are lots of small rats. The music rocks, with tens of in-game poems that you can buy and listen to. The fact that all the dialogue is fully voiced is amazing as well.

Replayability, Value for Money and Extra Content 10/10

The game is designed to have hundreds of hours of replayability. With an insane amount of extra side content and variety between runs, I can see how you could easily get hundreds of hours in the game and not get bored.

Innovation, Impact and Technical Execution - 9.7/10

The game innovates on the roguelite genre massively, and has greated a major impact in the gaming landscape. This game will have a major impact on all future roguelikes and roguelites. I very rarely encountered any bugs or issues, both on PC and Xbox. The only issue is that if the game crashes, or your PC crashes, or your power cuts, then the game treats it like a "Give Up" and sends you back to the start of the run, which happened to me multiple times while playing. This was probably on purpose to prevent cheating from save-scumming, but since this is a solo game it detracts from the game instead. The game feels great to handle, both on controller and on K+M.

Overall - 93/100 - There Is No Escape...

An incredibly experience, that was a blast but went out as a fizzle. With an amazing replayable game, as long as you don't play to finish the story and just play to enjoy the game you will have an incredible time. Truly an exceptional game...

...I am source of misinformation.

tried it, immediately became bored and depressed
i am sure it is a good game though sorry