I won't pretend this is a perfect game, but I also won't pretend it doesn't deserve 5 stars. The good areas of the game far make up for and exceed the bad areas. I will almost certainly play the other Dark Souls games at some point in the future.

The atmosphere, music, level and boss designs. The world building and lore. The hidden secrets and incredible depth to the game's mechanics. That isn't even mentioning the amazing community this game has, due to how other players will interact and make changes in your world.

This game finds countless interesting ways to stay enjoyable for what has been 70 hours in total including my failed Xbox playthroughs.

I have never seen a game like this, and understand the fanfare this game has received. This has been a long quest for me, to beat this game. I am so pleased I have done it, and can lay this game down to rest (until I undoubtedly replay it).

For once, I can say without frustration, but with gratitude: "Thank you, Dark Souls."

This game isn't that good, but it's fun if you want to pretend to be a YouTuber with unrealistic results without putting in the work or getting anything out of it.

In AER Memories of Old, you can transform into a bird. You must venture through old ruins to save the world from impending doom. This beautiful game unfortunately failed to keep me awake for its short runtime.

Gameplay: 4.8/10 - Boring
The game opens with an interesting premise, that is never expanded upon whatsoever becoming boring rather quickly. The easy puzzles don't help in turning this game into anything other than a walking simulator.

a. Mechanics: 4/10
There are two mechanics to this game: you can fly, and you have a lamp that can do special things. These two mechanics do not complement each other whatsoever, and in fact you can only do 1 at a time. The mechanics also aren't expanded upon at any point, what you are given at the very start of the game is what you keep throughout. Which makes the game a bit of a snorefest. However, the flying is fun. Not because it is satisfying, but because the game looks good and is relaxing.
b. Difficulty and Challenge: 2/10
This game is incredibly easy. The puzzles are so easy in fact, that it just becomes a walking simulator. There is absolutely no challenge in this game whatsoever, this gets boring quickly.
c. Exploration and Progression: 7/10
There is a nice bit of exploration in this game, as you adventure around the game's world. There is also a nice sense of progression, ONCE you actually learn what you are supposed to be doing. Until you learn what you are doing, you sort of just explore around randomly. However, the game became more clear once I learned what I was doing.
d. Variety and Creativity: 6/10
The game, at least, seems reasonably unique. Which is wonderful, as it stands out a lot from other games.

Story, World and Characters: 4.3/10 - Empty
Unfortunately, this game's story makes me want to fall asleep. While the world can be immersive at times I just didn't care too much about the lackluster story at all.

a. Story: 3/10
The story boils down to, you must stop the great evil from destroying the world. Good luck lol. Unfortunately, it isn't that realistic and is barely played out, also the ending is such a let down.
b. World: 8/10
The game's world is very unique however, but I barely remember the details. There are many scriptures and texts that you can find giving more detail to the world. The world is expanded upon a bit, you learn about the history of the ruins you can encounter.
c. Characters: 2/10
There are very few characters in this game. I learned nothing about them at all, they aren't expanded upon, and I don't care about them at all.

Graphics, Audio and Technical Execution: 6.0 - The Best Part
The graphics are the best part of this game, and are amazing at times. Unfortunately, the SFX doesn't try to do anything special and the music blends together into nothing.

a. Graphics: 7/10
The graphics are very nice. It is in a more cartoony style and the graphics are very simplistic. However, the world can be beautiful at time. The animations are nice and you can even find animals around the world, which add to the immersion.
b. Music: 5/10
The music that is present while flying is nice. In general, the music is very calming and I can't remember a time the music became intense. Unfortunately, each track blends together and none of the tracks stand out.
c. SFX: 6/10
There is nothing special here. There is no voice acting in the game either. The animals make sounds, and there are "wooshing" sounds as you fly. You get the idea.

Replay-ability, Value For Money and Extra Content: 1.6/10 - A Pricy Walking Sim W/ Nothing To Find
There is no chance at replay-ability, and no extra content to try and enjoy.

a. Replay-ability: 1/10
There is no replay-ability. The game is a walking simulator, with a boring story. You will have no reason to come back and replay it.
b. Value For Money: 2.7/10
This value is calculated via: (Hours Played/Cost Off Sale)*10.
I got 3.6 hours of playtime. This is a very short game, AND I 100% it too. If you buy it, get it on a sale for 90%.
b. Extra Content: 1/10
No. There are no extra features, (as far as I am aware) no hidden content and no unlockables either. There are achievements, however they are boring to get as the majority you get from progressing through the game or finding a Point of Interest in the world.

Innovation, Impact and Technical Execution: 4.7 - At Least It Runs Well
Despite the game's performance, it didn't do much of anything unique and is rarely talked about ever.

a. Innovation: 4/10
While the game is unique in many respects, it is rarely innovative. However, despite everything bad I have said about this game. It is important to point out this is the indie dev's first game on Steam. It is important to bear this in mind. If the devs are reading this for some odd reason, I would still like to congratulate them on their game. Their studio has so much potential, and I will be looking to see what they are going to release in the future. Even if the game was released 5-6 years ago.

b. Impact: 1/10
As far as I am aware, this game had no impact and will have no lasting legacy.

c. Technical Execution: 9/10
This game is VERY stable and runs VERY well. The main issue is I have with the game in this section, is that it doesn't tell you the controls in the settings so it took me ages until I finally realised I could press "F" to pull out my lamp. (Note: I only found 1 minor bug.)

Overall: 42.8/100 - I Almost Fell Asleep At The Keyboard
When this game is stripped of its graphics it has nothing. No interesting gameplay or story to back it up. It becomes a mindless walking (or flying) simulator. The ending is boring, the puzzles are easy, overall it probably isn't worth your time. The studio has potential, so I would keep an eye on them to see if they release anymore games.

Initially captivating with its atmosphere and sound design, unfortunately once you fully understand it's game mechanics it goes back to bordering on tedium like many of the FNAF games (at least this one is much better than FNAF 3).
I do like how much the game uses sound, with it being possible to beat the game fully blind (so much so that it is a challenge run in-game). Unfortunately this requires me to turn up my volume considerably, leading to my ear drums being blown out whenever there is a jumpscare. Which is both a pro and a negative.
This is the final in the quartet of classic FNAF games. With it's vague story and entertaining side content.

Overall, I enjoy the idea of this FNAF game but don't so much enjoy playing it.

A short sweet experience, doesn't get much better than this.

Shout out to Nycto or The Nameless One, for accompanying me on this journey.

Got more than I expected.

I don't know how to review this game, and I don't think I can give it a rating. If I told you that slaughtering students gets repetitive, would you say it was a bad part of the game design or a good part of the game design?

I am not sure how to feel about this game. It was horrific following out the actions of the killers on that day. The entire game stings of sarcasm and black comedy, it was controversial when it was released and it still is controversial.

Was the part in hell necessary? Probably not right? I don't know.

I just don't know.

she psycho on my pomp 'til i smash her egg of the earth in the transient place

I was afraid they would cram a DLC in somewhere, making the once amazing and consistent story illogicial or nonsensical. Or that they would release a DLC but it would be underwhelming or overshadowed by the greatness of the base game. Yet somehow, they managed to not only introduce a DLC that fits perfectly with and also expands upon the base game's story, but they also managed to craft an experience that almost reaches the same heights as the base game.
This is not a DLC to miss if you enjoy the base game, and is something that even after playing I will not skip out on.
Playing this on launch day was one of the best times I ever had.

I didn't get into this game much, but it was incredibly fun. I got a bit bogged down when the game turned from a top-down shooter to more of a puzzle game, this happened especially in later levels. This game is still fun though, and still worth playing.

It's fine, if you enjoyed the default Half: Life then you might as well play this one too.
It is quite short.

This game is probably one of the best in the series. It is a classic. If you play through all of the game's content you will get your £4 value out of it. It isn't an insanely scary experience by today's standards but was groundbreaking for the time. I think every horror video game fan should play this game at some point.

Outer Wilds is a space exploration game with a great twist. A game that will keep you wanting to play for hours and hours and hours until the end. Everything in the game keeps it at an S-Tier and it is one of my favourite games of all time.

Game's Story - 10/10
The game's story is amazing, and interesting. The game was able to get me invested in the story, and is incredibly well thought out. There are only a few parts that weren't thought through, but for the most part especially for a video game the story is very intact and is great.

Visuals - 10/10
Despite not going for a completely realistic look, the game is beautiful and scary. Space is amazing and so are all of the planets.

Audio - 10/10
SFX - 5/5
I have no complaints, there are no weird sound effects or lack of sound effects they are just work.
Music - 5/5
By end of the journey, the amazing music will have sentimental value.

Gameplay - 10/10
On both gamepad and PC the controls hold up, there are tons of great mechanics that ensure the game is still simple to play. It may take some getting used to flying the ship and flying in 0G but you will get the hang on it.
The achievements are also good, while they I did have to look up solutions they are all good achievements that you can get just by messing about (excluding the Archaeologist achievement which takes time and you will definitely need to look up a guide for).

Value For Money - 10/10
At £20 while it may look a little pricey the overall quality you get for the game is totally worth it, and you can always wait for a frequent sale to get it for around £7 cheaper.

Overall - 10/10
This game is a masterpiece from its story to its gameplay. I enjoyed this game to the ends of the solar system and I am excited to see what Mobius have in store for us next.
The only catch with this game is that you can only experience it once, make it count.

We got a, number one victary royale yeah fortnight we boutta gyatt dowghn. Twellve kos on the bored rn, just wipped uot ohio town.

In Citizen Sleeper, you play as a sentient robot who must try to survive in the unfair environment of the space station you live on. This is a visual novel with an RNG twist to it, that is actually utilised well.

Gameplay - 7/10
The gameplay can get boring, however it impresses me quite a lot. When I first heard about how the game's main mechanic was focused around RNG, I didn't like the idea. However, as I played more I released that while yes it is technically RNG, it doesn't feel like it because you have so much control. I won't explain how it works because I can't be bothered, but you won't get bogged down by a random number, only your own poor decision making and planning. I feel that this extra mechanic made the game significatly less boring, because without it this game would have just felt like a glorified point and click visual novel. There are also a whole host of other things that will keep the game fresh throughout its run time, but I won't go into detail because, well, I can't be bothered.

Story, World and Characters - 8/10
The story is interesting, the world is unique, and the characters range from loveable to hateable (which they are supposed to). The game doesn't really end when you make a choice at an ending it just reloads, so you will just have to make the decision to stop playing if you wish to fullfill that ending. Despite having multiple endings, there is not any sort of overarching mechanic or statistic in place to give you a satisfactory final ending, it always just results in at said ending do you click "Option 1" or "Option 2". Which is somewhat disappointing, but oh well. Overall, I am quite impressed. (Also my favourite character was probably Tala.)

Graphics and Audio - 7/10
The graphics achieve what they aim to achieve, so that's fine. The character artwork is nice, also I would've enjoyed some more variation (there is usually only 1 or 2 specific artwork for a character). As for audio, I have no complaints about the SFX except it would've been incredible if the game had voice acting. The music is fine, very complementary (I wouldn't listen to it outside the game in my own time). I feel like the game would've benefited from something more funky in my opinion. Something I can vibe to while playing the game. However, I understand the more atmospheric approach.

Replayability, Value for Money and Extra Content - 6/10
While there is some replayability in the form of achievements, I feel as if the gameplay may not hold up for anything more than 2 playthroughs (unless you truly love the game). Value for money is pretty good if you do anything more than 1 playthrough. Also, the extra DLC episodes add a few hours of playtime and a nice overall ending I could enjoy.

Innovation, Impact and Technical Execution - 8/10
I found the dice mechanic to be used very uniquely, I haven't seen it done else were. The game also, as expected, runs really well. There are very few bugs. I do wish I could've done multiple actions at the same time though.

Overall - [b]72/100[/b] - I'm Leaving...
Overall, I really enjoyed this game. I will be keeping an eye on whatever Jump Over The Age does next. I do recommend it if you are interested in visual novel RPGs. The game also frequently goes on sale, so you may as well wait for that.