Fun strategy game where you can shape European history over the course of several centuries. One of those quite good games that you should never, ever, ever join the community for. Also it has a "needs a lot of DLC to be fun" problem.

Very much a game that starts out really compelling but gets less so over time. Granted! I have literally hundreds of hours in it and it's probably not reasonable to expect anything to entertain you that long. Oh yeah, and the tech system manages to be super racist, that sucks too.

There is no reason to play this instead of Rebirth. Sorry, Florian.

Just-OK action-platformer roguelike. Good thing to mess around with if you're talking to friends on a Discord call or something. Also, I don't really get why the different powers your character gets are real-world disabilities, that's kinda weird to me.

To me, this is essentially a prototype for what they'd do later with II and III. It's pretty damn good on its own merits, though. Just expect a fair amount of jank.

Best game in the series. Please remember that if you disagree you're not a true man of the people.👍

The other best game in the series. The callbacks to Dark Souls I & II are a little overboard for me but in terms of combining atmosphere with excellent gameplay this is probably honestly the best of the lot in terms of the Dark Souls franchise specifically.

Most digital CCGs are terrible. This one is just OK.

Recommended if you like: Hearthstone, big anime boobs, near-Yugioh levels of rules text.

You're not gonna get an unbiased comment on Civ III out of me. This is the game that got me into strategy games as a kid, I LOVED that you could play as Egypt but I HATED that the Egyptian leader wasn't Ramesses II, because I was that sort of nerd as a child.

As far as the really popular entries in the "roguelike / arena shooter" genre space go, this one is pretty good. Hard as hell, though, so be prepared to either never finish it or to beat your head against the wall for weeks on end.

An actual modern classic, the definitive version of the game that spurred the modern "roguelite" boom. If you're not too put off by the grossout aesthetic you really should give this a whirl sometime, it's hours of fun. Its DLCs have made the game more better than worse, so I recommend all of those as well.

The Kaiserreich mod, which takes place during an alternate history where Germany won WWI, is decent fun if you're into this kind of counterfactual strategy game thing. The base game largely is not even if you are. Very limited flavor all around, really; avoid if you're not an obsessive about managing supply lines.

Essentially a straight upgrade over the first game. Probably the best action platformer-roguelite I've played overall. Also; the character designs in this game are super cute. Not sure about those cavemen, though.

A bad fake-haiku for you:

Pebble hits blue frog,
blue frog explodes
in a mere instant -
a game over is achieved