The start of capcom's amazing idea to remake the old games. This here is a masterpiece that- while changing a lot of the original game, Still captures old and new audiences in the terrors of raccoon city. Feels great to play, the atmosphere is there and it's terrifying. great replayability, a lot of content to cover on early runs.

Hey look, it's a great game! it really revitalizes the classic a lot, even if another remake could be done in the molds of the new ones. This game still holds up, still keeps the tension of the classic and changes enough to keep old timers on their toes. No tank controls, thankfully.

This is my review of tetris as a game in general, not this version although i did play this one a lot. Addicting. Fun. Despair inducing. Great gameplay loop and that is all it needs to be. Sunk a lot of hours on this block game.

This is a DLC. this is not a full game. still good, but too little content to go off on.

This, right here, is how you do a superhero game with mastery. traversing new york swinging webs feels so good here, fluid movimentation and that does translate to combat, that, although very simple, is fun and engaging with the various suit effects and gadgets at your disposal. fun game, and it's spider-man.

Great game. very fun, cheery, great soundtrack, lovely graphics, great stages, boss fights and very collection-inspiring, one of the few games that actually drove me to get the platinum trophy

keep in mind this is the only final fantasy game i've ever played- So when I tell you this game TRICKS you into thinking it's good i don't mean it as a fangirl or something. I mean it has such likeable characters with fun chemistry between them you forget you're playing a roadtrip game with a side of button mashing. Amazing, would not play again.

An improvement over the first game overall. Difficulty was turned down quite a bit but it does not hurt the game at all. great for all the reasons the first was great, with more polish and more glamour

Devil may cry but dante is a hot woman. nothing else needs to be said, this is great. In my opinion, it plays even better than dmc with it's dedicated dodge button and two separate attack buttons for hand and...feet weapons. Yeah, amazing. Also, good music, stylish as hell.

A brazilian samurai that can double jump and an ex-marine senator beat my ass because i have a lot of skill issues. Jokes aside, this game has great gameplay, combat is great and the zandatsu is a very creative mechanic. Although i hate Monsoon, the bosses in this game are very good and their theme songs are peak. The story is batshit insane but it's metal gear what did you expect?

Come on, this is borderline unfair. Peak. Awesome gameplay, character variety, great story, amazing soundtrack and THAT FINAL BATTLE OH MY GOD- I digress. play dmc5, whether you have played the rest or not, it's a lot of fun.

Okay, let's do this. to enjoy this title, you Ignore it's name. Pretend you don't know what a dante is. and most of all skip the cutscenes. This game has pretty good gameplay rivaling dmc3 and 4, although deviating from them in a lot of ways, changing up devil trigger, weapon specific enemies, which sometimes hurt, sometimes aids the gameplay. Wouldn't recommend it on PC as it has an issue with stuttering during some longer play sessions, but closing the game and opening it up again fixes it if you don't mind the hassle and if you love devil may cry please skip the story it's not good. Like at all. And every character sucks.

Okay- so. Major points for the gameplay improvements, nero feels great to play and the devil bringer plays very different than dante's style switching, and 5 different playable characters, even being able to play as Lady, Is very good for the game. However. The game was clearly rushed. Not only do you run the same levels you did as nero as dante, you also fight the same bosses again. This makes the game feel repetitive even on the first run, so i can't imagine subsequent playthroughs. good, but not great.

Welp, this is kind of akward since it's three games. Let's go in order.
The original devil may cry is...different. As someone who started the franchise in 5, going back to the roots gave me whiplash. Weapon switching is done through MENUS, styles are non-existent, the game plays like sword resident evil with demons(Makes sense looking at it's history) and the fixed camera doesn't help it. Feels clunky, shows age. I don't like it, but could be worse
DMC2 was worse. Leaving the backtracking behind, it opted for a more linear type of progression-HOWEVER. THEY MESSED UP COMBAT EVEN MORE. Weapons don't even change anything anymore they're just skins. combos feel even worse than the first game somehow and god forbid you try to kill ANY boss without just spamming ebony and ivory in devil trigger. I was going to try and finish the game as lucia, but couldn't. not again.
DMC3 Is great! a saving grace after 2, Major gameplay updates, feels good to play, weapon variety and style variety, although not DMC5 levels of fun, okay and introduces the dante we know and love- wacky and dum. Also points for vergil being here, and that jackpot scene. Really emotion packed ending, the start of a good run

I love RWBY, I truly do, So when I saw a hack-and-slash game of the franchise with the characters i loved so much all I got was disappointed. The game feels clunky, lacks variety in enemies and combos, the leveling system is a joke and the online is...well, i'd tell you if I had ever gotten to play it. This franchise deserves a better hack-and-slash on the molds of devil may cry and bayonetta, but for now, this is what we got.