This game is SO good. Being a remake, it's story follows the original without major changes, but that is good since p3's story was one of the best- if not the best in the franchise. The remake modernizes the gameplay, a much needed thing since FES and portable's tartarus felt like a drag all the way to the end, but this one feels nice, with better exploration and rewards. It fleshes out more the characters in the party that don't have social links with the "episode" system, making the colorful cast even more likeable and the ending so much more impactful.

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Got really excited when konami said they were putting out a free, short silent hill game out for the ps5. You should play it for yourself if you have a ps5, it IS completely free, but the game suffers a lot in it's narrative, which should be the best part of it. Short Message's protagonist sees a lot of messages on the walls and notes that come from her trauma inflicted by her mother. This messages, however, are accompanied with an angry voice that does not do justice to the meaning they should carry. The voice acting of these phrases are always exaggerated and that loses impact very early. Also, a plotpoint that should have been explored more- her brother- is brushed over very easily, along with other nitpicks I wont go into. Being a "walking simulator" it's gameplay is nothing to write home about, and it even manages to get walking simulators wrong with the chase sequences that are just annoying to deal with, the last one especially. Otherwise, the atmosphere of the game IS very well done, and it has great scenes here and there but they are overshadowed by the worst parts of the experience.

I played this a long time ago and I only remember enjoying it. Two brothers are nice characters and their dynamic is great, but the ending was...weird. A lot of content, Fighting to free all the districts was actually pretty cool with the gang fights and all that.

Konami's finest. Despite being produced by a "b team" of sorts, it's what the franchise is mainly known for, gameplay-wise. Amazing exploration of the castle, collecting new equipment was always interesting and boss fights were quite challenging. The upside-down castle adds a lot to the game's runtime while reusing scenarios in a good way, changing them enough to be interesting and not repetitive.

Not that great. Although I love the liberty to play as old Fire emblem protagonists, the story here has a lot of problems with clichés and anime tropes. Gameplay is your typical musou/warriors type of game, although they have the command system here and the ability to switch between characters mid fight. The new characters introduced are not memorable at all in design or personality, even losing to Fire emblem heroes' main cast of characters.

This game is alright. Not as great horror-wise or story-wise as it's other ps2 siblings but it's still silent hill. The quality is there, just a little lower than everyone who's a silent hill fan would have liked. It also creates some problems with the silent hill 1 and as consequence 3's plot.

A classic. Although the controller scheme hasn't aged well, the rest of the game certainly make up for it. The atmosfere is amazingly done, leaving you tense in a lot of moments and the great story it has leaves you -figuratively and literally- in the dark on purpose to amp up the terror factor. Puzzles are mostly well designed and the combat encounters well placed in the great levels that allow for a lot of different approaches, be it carefully eliminating all enemies or running around them.

This is a good game. The two stars it has lost on me come from two factors: 1 being the poor job atlus did on the remaster, the graphics were not polished enough and the audio quality was not AT ALL. it still sounds muffled and very bad, especially the songs. Dante was also turned into a DLC character when he was basegame for the old version, at least in the west. 2 being some dungeon designs, especially the later kalpas that- Without using a guide- are extremely annoying to get through and require Very specific things that for most people would leave them stumped and make them possibly drop the game

Despite disliking the game's in-battle screen, everything else is nice. a great ost, good overworld exploration, nice amout of content and replayability, a good difficulty and story. It's a great RPG and the most acessible game of the shin megami tensei mainline franchise.

Good, very appealing visuals, fun gameplay, nice scenario design and exploration, Posession is a fun mechanic and has some good songs on it's ost. Solid game.

This was the first fire emblem game I finished, and it's good, but has some problems. First, the routes locked behind another game entirely (Fixed in the special edition, but still something you select from a menu instead of paths being story related), secondly, the story itself wasn't that great, and third the cast being not so good especially in the hoshido side. Still, it's gameplay elements are Fire Emblem and that formula is very hard to mess up.

Love this game to death. I very much enjoy the fire emblem series, and this one adding dating sim elements with the calendar and training and all that felt like a very good adittion. Gameplaywise the tactical rpg formula stays glorious as it's always been, and the combat animations look stunning. This game offers much more freedom in customization for your party characters in terms of class changes and it has a plethora of routes for the story you can follow, that are all very interesting to see play out. One of-if not the best- switch exclusive

This game is good weird. The psychodelic visuals, insane soundtrack and the amount of violence sell well the fever dream that is the story of this thing. gameplaywise it's very simple, kill everyone with whatever weapon you find lying around. Mind you- simple, not easy. The difficulty is cranked very high for this, but not frustratingly so.

Like doom eternal if it was a rhythm game. This feels great to play, graphics are great, soundtrack is GODLIKE(Sadly not on spotify but that's besides the point). Sadly the game is a bit on the shorter side, but having a fully vocalized song that adapts to your combo multiplier must make it very hard to make each stage. Play it.

Fun, but a bit repetitive. The artstyle looks great but gives me a little bit of a headache when playing for too long. Runs are short, and variety isn't that great since the bosses are always the same, but the gameplay loop os fun and the soundtrack is good. If you like this, probably pick up metal hellsinger if you haven't