The closest to fromsoft's formula another company has gotten, this game is great, combining mechanics seen in Sekiro, dark souls, bloodborne into one, smooth, fun and still quite hard gameplay in a VERY good world based on, of course, Pinocchio. Tl;Dr, this is pretty great, go play it

They said: "you people loved dark souls III? here, you ain't seen nothing" and dropped this on us. Culmination of all fromsoft works into one game, with SO many options in a GORGEOUS open world. It certainly shows some cracks when you play over and over and over again like I did, but that first playthrough is always magical.

The hit. Fast paced, The best boss fights the franchise has to offer, fluid gameplay, ambiance, graphics, everything is great here. well, if you ignore some areas here and there, you can't get ALL good stuff. miyazaki and his poison swamps i swear to god.

Well, fromsoft missed the mark with this one. Although taking some steps forward from the first game, SoTFS dies with it's overabundance of enemies in every single area of the game, a choice no doubt made to incentivise co-op play, however, for single player, it just becomes a nighmare of cluttered areas and spammed enemies. Another place where it certainly goes quantity over quality is it's bosses. while you have some hits in sir alonne and the fume knight, those are few and far between the many reuses of the pursuer, the covetous demon and the rotten. It also introduces a stat that influences the I-frames in rolling and animation speed in general- which thankfully has never been seen since.

A fine game. Fromsoft still had a lot to learn in this one. Areas like lost izalith and blighttown are truly horrible, and some bosses like the bed of chaos and the capra demon show how inexperienced the dev team was, a necessary evil for such a great franchise. Some light shines through in areas such as anor londo and bosses such as Gwyn himself, and those are the memories that stay.

Now, this may be controversial, but this is in my opinion the worst of the modern persona triology(p4 in general not only golden), It's cast is very hit or miss and has many overused tropes/jokes. The story has it's moments towards the end, and the gameplay is a certain improvement on the p3 mechanics, with not much changed in terms of exploration and combat. As far as golden-exclusive content goes, I enjoyed marie as a character and her dungeon had a very fun gimmick, so I like it. Overall, not a bad game, but would definitely choose one of the other two.

Truly one of the greatest stories video games have to tell, an amazing cast of characters that feel realistic and the start of the modern persona format. Although this version lacks the cutscenes and 3d overworld exploration of it's ps2 counterparts, It more than makes up for it with extra content (The entirety of the female protagonist route) and QoL changes

The better version of persona 5. Great changes, more freedom, more content. still some problems with the story, but lessened due to all the improvements made

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I certainly love this game, but it was tough getting through some less polished spots of the story, especially okumura's palace arc's mishandling of haru and morgana as characters. Some problems with grinding, and impossibilty to do actions after many story events made this game not a masterpiece. However, It is still persona 5, one of the most stylish jrpgs, soundtrack heavy hitting, cast is fun to follow through the story, and a mostly ok story. Royal does this work justice better, even with it's ease in any difficulty

Just amazing overall, great atmosphere, weapon and boss diversity, not to mention the more agressive version of the soulslike formula, One of the greats