35 reviews liked by Firedriller

Dordogne's use of hand-painted watercolors makes this one of the most beautiful games this year so far. This narrative adventure manages to create a nostalgic feeling of the wondrous adventures a child would have at a summer vacation. Dordogne ends a little abrupt - leaving me a bit unsatisfied with the conclusion of the story and its mystery.

Hat definitiv seine Schwächen, hat mir insgesamt aber doch gut genug gefallen um mich direkt auf jegliche noch offenen Sidequests zu stürzen als als ich das Gefühl hatte, dass es aufs Ende geht. Viele Änderungen zum ersten Teil, die meisten davon sehr positiv. Die Mischung aus Stadtbau, Dungeon Crawler und Oberwelterkunden hat mir gut gefallen.

I played Ghost Trick originally on the Nintendo DS and was mesmerised by the smooth animations, engaging puzzle mechanic and the story which is full of twists and turns. Thirteen years later the faithful remastered version captivates me again. We've been missing this kind of games that feel quirky and genuine at the same time.

What can I say, I’ve always been a sucker for the Diablo series and I guess I’ll always will be. I can’t stand the hating left and right, just go play something else and leave me the fuck alone, with headphones on, some weird ass jazz music and the zen of mindlessly killing monsters for that one shot to your build.
Is the game perfect? Of course not. Does it have a lot of things it can improve on? Of course it does. Is it still addictive af and devoured me basically from launch till now: yes it did. It’s one of the best foundations of a live service game in recent years and it has far more potential for longevity as d3 had. And for everyone who’s constantly trying to (obviously) compare it to POE - why? POE is still around and it’s good, so go play it. It however has 10 years of intense developing and community feedback under its belt, so it’d be a shame if it wasn’t more refined and with more content than d4 at launch. Anyway,
I’m not mindlessly defending blizzard here, I do think they deserve most of the scrutiny, but saying d4 is not a good game I just can’t understand. It’s exactly what it wants to be and exactly what I want it to be. I’m not sure I’ll be spending as much time in season 1, because first of all, I’m like 200hrs deep in 1,5 months and I need to play some other games and secondly, the recent patch as preparation seems to be kinda shit. So I’ll wait it out for a while and then go in when they revised some of their decisions (which obviously they will, look at all the hate).

Diablo 4 came at a perfect time, I kicked it off with a classic lan party, which is tradition in the family and I was able to spend a lot of time with it recently. I love most about this game and I’m looking forward to how it will develop over the years.

Rhythm Sprout hat für mich sehr vieles richtig gemacht. Das Herzstück des Spiels ist natürlich die Musik und das damit verbundene Gameplay. Beides finde ich sehr gelungen und manche Songs haben mich noch über Tage verfolgt. Hinzu kommen die Story und die Charaktere, die mein Humorzentrum genau getroffen und mir einige Lacher beschert haben.

Den einzigen Kritikpunkt den ich am Spiel habe ist, dass die Bedingungen für 3-Sterne-Ratings von Punktzahl und Kombos sehr hoch gesetzt sind. Das wird aber auch nur für Sammler und Completionists zum Problem, ansonsten finde ich den Schwierigkeitsgrad und die Einstellungsmöglichkeiten (leichter, aber auch schwerer) sehr praktisch.

Ich würde mich über kleinere Story-DLCs freuen, die ein paar neue Songs und mehr Story von liebgewonnenen Charakteren mitbringen.

Fun, short, little, indie rhythm game with absurd humour and catchy songs. But it's pretty ruthless when it comes to reaching the high score.

The Looker ist ein netter kleiner Happen für The Witness Fans, der Gameplay und Look der Vorlage kopiert und parodiert. Das Spiel hält einige Überraschungen und witzige Momente bereit, die die Spielzeit von bis zu zwei Stunden gut füllen. Wenn man The Witness aber nicht kennt, kann man sich das Spiel sparen.

What an absolute blast we had, with our return to monkey island. Ron Gilbert and his gang managed to provide just enough fan service and familiarity, all the while still feeling like a fresh and modern take on a classic. There is so much great writing in here, wonderful and fun storytelling, great characters and the puzzling you would come to expect in a monkey island game. If you feel remotely drawn to the game, don’t miss out!

If you asked me until now, I’d have said Citizen Sleeper was my sleeper hit this year. But Signalis just blew my mind. One of the best times I had with a game this year, which is unbelievable, since it was one hell of a year for games yet again.
I need to think about this a lot more before I can put it in proper writing, but what those two devs managed to achieve in terms of atmosphere and style is stunning. And the fact that it’s clearly being an homage to games from a time, where I was too young to play the clear inspirations, makes this all the more rewarding to play through as an adult. It’s a love letter to clunky ps1 horror survival games, it even doesn’t spare you from the more tedious and unforgiving parts of the era. But it worked for me. The limitations worked wonders, because it asked me to be more resourceful than other games. It made me plan my trips from safe house to safe house, it made me micromanage my inventory to adapt to certain trips. All of it worked so well for me, I didn’t dislike a second I spent with the game. It’s more like I embraced its flaws. And did I already say the atmosphere knocks it out of the park? It really does.

I’m kinda speechless still, because it pushed all my buttons. Holy fuck.

tERRORbane ist eine schöne Hommage an Videospielklassiker und konnte immer wieder mit seinem Meta-Humor punkten. Dem Entwickler seine Fehler im Spiel aufzuzeigen und somit potentielle Witze zu finden hat mir auch gut gefallen, nur für die 100 % war es mir dann doch zu aufwendig. Ich hätte auch etwas mehr Varianz in den Spiele-Genres erwartet, aber die meiste Zeit ist es ein Retro-(J)RPG mit Pseudo-Kämpfen. Gespräche, seltsame Handlungen und Rätsel stehen hier im Vordergrund.

Für Fans von SNES-Klassikern trifft es vielleicht noch etwas mehr ins Schwarze als bei mir, aber auch Spiele aus den letzten Jahren bekommen ihren Auftritt.

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