What the fuck, they topped Shadowbringers. Yoshi P, you beautiful son of a bitch.

I remember looking forward to this expansion when I started playing and holy shit does it deliver. This has to be one of the best JRPG stories I've played, which is crazy because I really don't like JRPGs. I might be jaded due to having made it this far in FFXIV but I really think this is something special. Even outside of being a good story there are lines in this that I know will stick with me for years. I don't know how they can top this.

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I don't remember anything about this other than it was boring, Y'shtola told a guy he had a small penis, and the villan had a golf caddy of swords.

What can be said that hasn't been said already? Campaign is a masterpiece. Multiplayer is fun (if/when it works).

Fun with friends for a while but once you play the same map for the third time you're kinda done.

Nice 2d platform fighter. Also Mod Support. Need I say more?

The best part about owning Just Cause 2. Played in a game with one of the devs once.

Very good game. Short and simple with a meaningful story. Highly recommend.

Made city. Had fun. Got bored. Stopped.

I really wanted to like this game. Randomly generated NPCs? Play as Anyone? A more futuristic London? Sounded like a fun game.

Unfortunately, the "randomizer" aspects that make this game unique also make it less enjoyable. They don't play much into the game other than unique animations & some cases where only a character with a certain job can enter without being suspicious (i.e. construction workers in construction sites). There's not enough meat on the characters to make them stand out. Everyone can shot a gun. Everyone can hack a terminal.

The characters also cause the story to suffer too. Since there's no main character there's no one that can add a personal stake to the conflict. In Watch_Dogs 2, you were with Marcus and Co. in getting back at the scumbag ruining people's lives. In this you're always some guy that's fighting the bad guys because you were recruited; no reason why (unless you RP something I guess). This also makes the tone in this one really conflicting. You'll go into a locked room as a grandma wearing a tracksuit to find that the villains have tortured someone to death in there.

The "expanded hacking" mechanics from Watch_Dogs 2 are in this and are expanded a bit, which is still fun but I haven't finished this game and I don't know if I will. Even though it plays like 2 in a lot of ways, playing Legion doesn't feel like I'm participating in the story but rather going through the motions in order to get to the end.

I liked the tone of this game compared to the original Watch_Dogs. It felt like it fit with the hacking gameplay and mechanics rather than being a third-person shooter with hacking elements. This also comes into play with the expansion of hacking in-game. You can drive vehicles remotely, use drones and an RC car... thing. The expanded hacking library gives you a lot of freedom in how you approach the mission locations. Overall, this is one of the few open-world games I've done a lot of side quests in after completing the main story.

League of Legends reminds me a lot of what I think an ex-girlfriend is like. It's interesting at first and sometimes you do well and it's fun but those times become very rare.

The main problem I have with League is the learning curve. Learning cliff is probably a more accurate phrase. At the time of this review there are more than 140 champions and almost as many items, all of which you're going to need to figure out (or at least familiarize yourself with) in order to do well in matchups. This is important because sometimes you can lose a game at champion select which then leaves you cowering or being abused by the opposite lanner.

Speaking of abuse, LoL is also like an ex-girlfriend in that she keeps pulling me back in. I've reinstalled this malware 3 times now, my rose-tinted-glasses-wearing ass believing that this time, THIS TIME, would be different. But it never is and at this point I doubt it ever will be. I'm pretty sure this game gives me depression, seeing as ever time I play I don't feel like doing anything afterwards except go to sleep.

Pretty fun and a decent entry into platform fighters I think. The Perks System looks like it might become a problem with people that play more overpowering newer players but it remains to be seen.