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Pikmin moment

This game is such a delight… pure pikmin fun with some beautiful graphics to boot. This game feels a lot different to play with the new perspective and whatnot while still playing very similarly to the previous entries. I’d say this game is a worthy sequel in the series with some wonderful elements, although there are a few things that I gotta knock off points for unfortunately…

The presentation in this game is beautiful. It feels like the next evolution in the series and clearly a ton of effort went into the visuals and sound design. Areas like the aquarium are simply gorgeous - and set a fantastic vibe to the areas you explore. The caves I feel are the highlight in this regard, the forest-type underground area is also beautiful, the lamp posts in the background make you feel like you’re travesing through an abandoned area. The outside locations are so intricately crafted and beautiful - a ton of effort clearly went into making these areas feel both realistic and well-designed. For example, the beach level has you going through an underwater section that is really just a puddle, but it feels giant due to the perspective. I’d say that this all comes together to make the game feel vibrant and delightful to play - it’s all just so warm and inviting.

The design is also a highlight. The caves in particular are much more specifically designed and unique than in 2 - I like how each one has a gimmick and how many of them there are. I like the many references to pikmin 2 - when I heard the “relax” theme in the final challenge it had me feeling nostalgiac for a game I played only a month ago lmao. The submerged area was also a fun callback. The areas themselves are much larger and vertical which makes the sense of scale more apparent.

The story and characters are also really fun. I like the plot (a bit too much dialogue, let’s speed things up please) and seeing olimar and louie again was fun, (louie you’re a bastard) and the new characters were great. (Oatchi is creepy though, nobody will change my mind on that, why is he looking at me like that)

My main criticism with the game is with the pikmin cap and the lock-on mechanic. I really don’t like how you can only have 3 pikmin types at a time and I wish there was an option to turn it off. I get it’s an accessibility thing but the game doesn’t even really stick to it - you can get more pikmin types in the caves to increase the amount but not in the overworld? Idk. I really am not a fan. I also would like an option to turn off the lock-on mechanic, although I think it does make the game feel more “breezy” and fluid to play. I just wish there were more options, although this is nothing new for Nintendo games.

Overall, I really love this game! Wish there were more options but overall I am really glad we got another entry in the series, and I love the ambition. Really hope we get another one sometime relatively soon because I think this is a bold new entry in the series that adds a lot of cool stuff, really refines the formula. Play it if you have the chance!

Great game! An improved sequel in many ways, while also having a few things that can be considered a step back depending on what you like from this series.

The biggest improvement in this game is the presentation in my opinion. The game is beautiful - the weather effects, the audio design, the textures, the enemy designs, all top notch. Pikmin has always been shown in a realistic way compared to other nintendo games and this is no different. A lot of work clearly went into designing these areas to be both intricate and realistic to life, which I enjoyed. A true feast for the eyes, especially considering it was designed for the wii u.

The story of this game is cute as well. You need to find olimar from the first game to get a key to get back and save your planet. I like the expanded world and the idea that there is other sentient life in this universe other than Hocotate. The main trio is charming and the story was fun to watch play as you continue the game.

The areas of this game are great, intricately crafted in an interesting evolution of what we saw in the first two games. Caves aren’t long dungeons anymore, rather they are combined into the levels much more naturally. They serve as an extention of the levels rather than feeling disconnected. However, this also makes them much larger, which leads to a criticism I have. I feel like the larger maps make it a bit difficult to get a lot done in this game. Rather, I feel as though there is less time to get what I want done in a particular day. This might be a skill issue on my part but idk. The levels themselves are great however, and I like the use of the different captains to traverse the terrain, which is another interesting evolution of the dual captains idea in pikmin 2.

My primary criticism of this game is probably the difficulty with enemies. I personally really liked how difficult and even unfair the first 2 games could be, and the more accessible approach to this game’s design makes it feel very brezzy to fight enemies. Certain enemies, like the wollywog, were deadly in the first two games, and now feel like a slight pushover. It’s not the worst thing in the world, and some may like how the game is more accessible. I just wish it challenged me a bit more - although the final level was fantastic. Very challenging and fun. I wish there were more sequences like that.

Overall, this game is a wonderful evolution of the first game, while taking the improved aspects of the second. I haven’t played much of the side mode but i’ve heard good things of that as well. This one was probably my least favorite in the series thus far but I did really enjoy my time with it. Good game!

Another wonderful addition to the series. This game can be frustrating, unforgiving, and even unfair, but all together I found this game to be a great time that admittedly had me wanting to throw my controller at the screen at times.

The graphics of this game are much improved from the first game, with the world being much more vibrant and colorful. The sound as well is amazing - the cave soundtracks in particular are a highlight. There’s a video I watched on youtube from “Scruffy” on the audio design in the caves - they’re very good at creating a foreboding/calming/adventurous/strange vibe based on the cave that you’re in, which is quite unique and impressive for a game this old. In general, I liked the vibe of this game more than the first, while being a graphical and audio improvement.

The ai in this game is improved as well, which was my biggest critique with the first one. The pikmin are much better at doing what you want and I found myself being much less frustrated with the controls than with the previous entry.

The design of this game is… controversial. This entry has much of a bigger emphasis on the new “caves”, and you spend much less time aboveground doing typical pikmin gameplay. When I think back to my playthrough of this game, It’s almost entirely of these caves, which does give this one a much different feel to the other entries in the series. The caves are less intricately crafted, and serve as dungeon-style sequences where you gather treasures to increase your money supply. They are also much more difficult, with you having a limited supply of pikmin. These are probably the most controversial element of the game and while they are definitely not perfect, they are probably my favorite parts of the game. Bite sized, dungeon-esque sequences that test your fighting ability and patience. These are also where you find the purple and white pikmin, which are adorable. While I enjoy the caves, I admit there are way to many of them. In fact, they are part of the reason why this game is so much longer than the first. Honestly, most of your time will be spent in the caves - which is definitely a valid critique if they’re not your thing. However, I enjoyed them, and many served as satisfying challenges to spice up the gameplay.

The story of this game is silly, but the treasures are one of this game’s highlights, I like the piklopedia and how many different dialogues there are commenting on the items you find in the world. It’s cute.

All in all, I enjoyed this game a lot. It’s a lot longer, harder, and at times more janky and unfair, but I found it to be a fun package all in all. If you liked the first game, give this one a try, you’ll at least find something to like.