The Kid couldn't believe that Bastion was a fascist propaganda game. But it was true, just as true as when Zulf stole my tummy pills on a moonlit morn.


My wife used to be 48th in the world on this speedrun. 😍What a woman!

Huey and Strangelove are soooooooo Tavros and Vriska.

I need more games to have the aesthetic direction of "sludge".

Main character looks like that fella who made Commonplace!

Literally unbeatable. You can't u-turn.

Games aren't games without DDOS attacks on the servers. Incredible.

Perfect game to bury yourself in to avoid facing your emotional traumas.

The Dating Sim Spinoff With Vaguely Canonical Consequences is the best genre ever conceived.

I'm so glad they finally boobified Lady. The game was simply incomplete without that change.