my opinion is Popular now unlike destroy mid. Upvotes to the LEft !

A poem I wrote from da heart of the rose...

My friend (bop louies)... do you fliy away now? to a world that freeons you and i ?

- love lost

Final Fantasy VII 358/2


(of the word i can't say on here kind but it's a word fro lesbian )

Are you kdiding me? I thought the last one was turned Human. oh wait maybe magic is real and schmendrikc is power

girl you are trippin 🤣🤣🤣 if yuo are in baldur's gate 1 tutorial area from baldut's gate 1 it means the machine elve s played you!

When I said roguelikes were like gambling, you didn't have to go and prove me right! hysterical laugther from the audience, my face contorts into a creature from beyond the pale for one brief moment before the image distorts

I learned how to do hypnotism... for girl s

i amrried FREEON LEON. luckiest FORTRESSGALUADE in tehw orld

Nothin EPIC about it... I said epic in the review... like game title fortress galuade galud

Are you seriously a fucking Warhammer fan? Clean your goddamn room.

Humbvling experience for someone who said they can't release perosn a 5 again

As sa fan. of FFV, was dissapointed in this sequel. Where were Gogo and all theyf reind?

Update: Found :)

Foaming at the mout hh for this for this for this on

I am here.

What changes the nature of a man who FUCKING cares. estrogen. there.