I WONDER if this will usher in a new age of Marxism-Balanism-Nabbitism........

How many naps is this mf going to have?

So glad I'm a lesbian. If I were into dudes, I'd probably have to date a puppet guy, and apparently they look like Timothee Chalamet.

I do not like how many characters in this game attempt to make me stray from my devotion to my betrothed.

More Japanese VNs need to subvert expectations like the best of our western devs. Metatextuality forever!

Responsible for birthing my arch-nemesis, Kingdom Clannad --aka, KingK.

Starblade, a game I despise.
Panzer Dragoon, a game I understand and respect, but it's not for me.
Drakengard, a game I never knew I needed.

To all of you who are saying this is Arzest's best game: why do you reject Yuji Naka and the immortal science of Marxism-Balanism? Do you revel in your own suffering?

Awful sequel to Hamster All-Stars. Wild West is not stronger than Hamster.

Walked so Hamster All-Stars could run.

Suda51 saved the industry with this one. No more John Riccitiello! The incentive structures that created him are surely not a problem.

Literal zenith of fiction. One of the most compelling literary adaptations of all time. Gaming never recovered from the release of this game --every other work a pale imitation of Dante's harrowing journey.

Actual factual peak fucking fiction. Good entertainment if you have a dumb lagomorph at home.