Dlcs/expansions I actually like a lot

Im counting things that are added onto rereleases of the games

I like most fighting game season passes too but i would take too long to put them all

also feel free to ask or suggest any tbh

Personal favorite dlc I know this one is mixed but I felt the other new vegas dlcs I was either overpowered or given too much and while I enjoy them, I LOVE how this one takes away your stuff to make you fend for yourself and then gives you my favorite weapon it also has my favorite characters in fallout
this one is actually just OK everyone loves joshua and his sexy bible quotes but even fans of this point out how the choices don't feel like a hard pick like they do in the main game, looks pretty and is just Ok gameplay wise has some fun stuff i like the companions
is it weird I want to fuck the robot that sounds like dr venture
good story that lets you effect the main game world as well as questioning the player and giving insight into their backstory only problem is the game sometimes has a hard time detecting what path you are on
funny how since these dlcs cant just be "big open world" they have to put more focus on writing and characters and they chose probably fallout 4s best character so proud of them
a lot like old world blues this one is more fun with a lot of cool gear for your character, it also lets you be evil in the main game and make Preston garvey mad at you which for some was a complaint but for me is a plus
uses fallout 3s kind of ugly aesthetic to its advantage
another controversial pick but I love how this story analyzes characters trauma and dealing with loss, and since I like yukari it means I am correct and cool
small side adventure with two of my personal favs so yeah im biased
I really like the cast and story for this one and maybe because its more in line to what I wish og blade 2 was, if nia morag, and zekes stories were in this game I think Id love blade 2
For the data battles/mushrooms/lingering will.
I am mixed on this one because I hate when dlcs go "no this is the REAL ending" due to criticism of the original ending I did enjoy remind, and ill give them a pass for combat changes and secret bosses
if I miss a soulsborne dlc sorry Its been a while and they are all good minus the first dark souls 3 one
both this and p4 are heres for their added content


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