ITS TRICKY TRICKY TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRICKY. Amazing game. My personal favorite SSX game.

This property is one of mankind's biggest advancements in media. No joke

HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER!!!!!!!!!!! great game

For the first batman game made by Rocksteady, this game was amazing for the time it was released. Amazing adaptation off all the characters, with amazing voice acting and a marvelous atmosphere. The boss battles are dissapointing though. Especially the final boss battle. I fucking hate the riddler with his stupid 'fiddle diddle diddle'. like shut your bitch ass up

One of my favorite comic book related games i've played in recent memory. This games builds upon everything what asylum introduced, and it makes it one of the most fun games to play. Great story, smooth gameplay, AMAZING VOICE ACTING. This games has it all. I want to kill the riddler with his stupid ass trophies.

Great game! The worldbuilding, story and characters have been implemented perfectly from the source. The gameplay itself is a bit dated, but still plays nicely.

One of the most revolutionary games of its genre. GTA III is an amazing translation from the top-down GTA games it proceded. Although it has dated quite a bit today, It is a monumental achievement in the entire world of gaming.

The Playstation 2 GTA with the best vibes. Vice City fixed everything III lacked, and made it even better. Amazing story, great acting, amazing soundtrack and a great stand alone GTA Game. Masterpiece

Easily the best story in a GTA game. It had the biggest upgrade since the previous game, and it is a landmark title of the series. Such an epic game.

The best skateboard game at the time. Glitchy as hell, but that was part of the fun. Shoutout to the super ultra megapark.

Pretty fun game, but its 4 hours long. the cookie man mission scared me when I was young. I am retarded

One of the most ambitious games ever released. Probably on of the biggest games the Playstation 2 has known. The story is grand, the map is large, detailed and fun to explore. The characters are fun and believable. You gotta eat to keep up your strength

Even after 10 years, and with the recent GTA VI trailer, this game still holds up to this very day. An absolutely riveting story, stunning graphics and amazing controls. Honestly an masterpiece of a game and a technical marvel.

Fun game! The gameplay isn't that different from Far Cry 3, but it's fun. I like killing people with elephants. Story's boring as hell though.

The best snot graphics i've ever seen. JUST SAY YES