Much like the average MMORPG you face an enemy without number or soul.

It's an alright game that provides a good amount of laughs but definitely ran out of any real variety very quickly within the first two campaigns.

Better than Mario 1 but the second half of the game feels weak, barring Ice World. Pipe World especially felt like ass to experience.

The momentum makes me eat pavement on the mushroom stages and I fucking hate 8-3 but otherwise - respect respect.

This was so confusing I can't even tell if I really won or lost but I don't think I need to understand - it has style.


Gameplay is clunky as all hell and Harkyn does any kind of action so slowly it feels like a joke that goes on far too long, a lot of the dialogue feels like the character speaking is shouting directly into my ear, camera shake is awful and the story is so dull and uninteresting it's seriously difficult to give a fuck beyond getting your lumbering fuck of a character from point A to point B in the quickest possible time just to end the game faster. I guess one good thing that could be said about this game is the environments, armor and weaponry look pretty neat but uhhhh it's hard to appreciate that through the fog of garbage that the rest of this game is. This is definitely not an underrated classic souls-like.

My favorite part was when the game started stroking my ego by listing how many attempts it took me to beat every boss at that point, that didn't feel weird and out of place at all. Not at all.

Neat concept, but still leaves me hungry for just something more to do with it beyond what little it gives. I understand it's meant to feel very casual and relaxing but it still feels far too limiting.

Just as fire every replay, no doubt.

Despite everything that's happened (and not happened) to TF2 over the years, it's still a game that keeps me coming back again and again like a longstanding addiction I feel no guilt for. The community seems to always be filled with quite bizarre individuals - but I feel like that always adds to the charm of an average match of TF2. Truly the most fun you can have online.

The upbeat music juxtaposed with the screams of those being rolled into a joyous katamari make for a splendid and relaxing experience. Roll, roll.


Still holds up pretty well almost 15 years later, even compared to some similar games I've paid for. The battle music is an absolute banger.

Genuinely used to be a very decent game, and the overall aesthetic from the art-style to the OST and even the descriptions of equipment and random materials is still something that influences how I create things.

Even though the core gameplay is still fun in its simplicity, the game is overall not a joy to play and hasn't been for a long time. The current owners of the game haven't released any content for the game - besides recolored cosmetics for whales - in a long time, and what they did add is genuinely terrible.

But really there's no need to even go into the laundry list of problems the game suffers from in current year because one stands king above them all, and a new player will notice it immediately: the servers fucking suck and only get worse. You will very routinely rubber-band halfway across a room for seemingly no reason, lag into spikes and other forms of traps, get hit by disjointed enemy attacks, be unable to cancel an enemies attack, and even have your own attacks do nothing or vanish entirely.

Genuinely the only reason one should play this game these days is for the TF2 hat.