Visually, this game looks fucking great, I love the art-style. Genuinely everything about it is great... except the gameplay. The most important part of the game, it just fumbles into an open manhole. I love the tracks visually, but gameplay-wise most of them were just far too boring - barring Akagi Hill, that's a track that gave me brain damage with all the sharp turns. Even with the original handling the gameplay sucks ass.

Stinks like shit until a scant few sections during the last hour of its runtime.

The fact that this one didn't get a beefy story dlc - something like Artorias of the Abyss - is a fucking crime against us all.

This was my third time playing this expansion and it only really hit me this replay how much it doesn't compare to the previous entry. It starts and ends well enough, but everything in the middle goes from alright to kinda-stinky in a cycle until the hospital segment.

Gameplay wise it's still FEAR, which is pretty much hard-carrying the entire middle portion, though I did notice in some instances the AI couldn't quite navigate around certain areas in an effective manner, either refusing to follow me into a previous room and entering a neutral state or running in circles around the room I was in. The new enemies themselves aren't interesting either, the minigun Replicas are just walking bullet pinatas and the other two may as well be reskins of enemies that already existed.

I honestly find the additions to the player's arsenal nothing to write home about. The minigun is alright, if not suited for the amount of long-range combat there is before the hospital. The laser rifle seemed fine but since only 3 or 4 enemies in the entire expansion carry it and it runs out of ammo extremely fast, it never seemed worth really using much. The little turret didn't really do much damage-wise and only seems worthwhile as a comically useful distraction.

For the most part the horror and narrative is extremely weak. The horror boiling down to mostly weird jumpscares, a lot of reused visions and voice clips from the original game, and aaaaaaaargh not the flesh men that stare at me and do nothing!!! The narrative is essentially just "We gotta get the fuck out!!"

It's not exactly the most interesting shit out there but it's the best possible thing you can play if you REALLY need more FEAR.

I'm sorry but if you can't get in here and "SQUAD, CHECK IN" or at least "WHERE SHOULD I GO?!" I want you to promptly get the fuck out of my face.

Look, I'm just gonna say it, Xen wasn't anywhere near as bad as I heard it would be.

Visually charming but otherwise doesn't do anything to differentiate itself from the hundreds of RPGmaker games with overly-vague emotional stories and little to no gameplay beyond interacting with environment objects.

As the King would say, you must first know the bitter to know the sweet - and woe, this is a bitter Katamari. It is so familiar, yet oh so unwieldy. This is a somber and gloomy Katamari. Not joyous at all.

Don't get me wrong I love a good Roguelike, but I think I'd like this one far more if it wasn't a Roguelike.

It is an undeniable act of God that this game managed to sell enough to spawn a franchise. This isn't just the roughest of gems, this is a gem that cuts your spirit with its abrasiveness. You'll accept this game for its faults, refuse to give up, and do your best to continue - then the game will sucker punch you with some of the most tedious bullshit rng ever created when every iron pickaxe you spent good zenny on breaks in a single strike, and with not even a single piece of ore to reward your efforts. This game has a soul, it knows you're playing it, and it absolutely despises you with every continued second.

Not a terrible game, but certainly not as good as I recalled. The melee feels fun and fluid to use, until you've spent half the game slicing up the same enemies because the gunplay is extremely flaccid. Any encounter that necessitates pulling out a firearm just causes any fun to immediately come to a full stop, just like the aggressively shitty boss fights. It's a fun enough game but really everything after the halfway point is just an immensely steep drop in enjoyment, and the game just keeps dragging on and on. It's worth a single playthrough, especially at the price one can find it at, but I can see why I've never replayed it till now.

Yeah when I play this the only thoughts in my head are "I Love Katamari!" and "The King is so sexy...".

I wasn't expecting much but damn this game is absolutely mind-numbing to play. I do think it's really cool that it's called "Kill It With Fire" because in many levels you'll get so sick of the tedium of it that you'll just set the entire room on fire and hope that all the spiders just decide to combust.

Man this game isn't absolutely terrible but if I wanted to play a Mode 7 racing game on the SNES I'd much rather just play F-Zero.

I'm not gonna lie the level design in this one put me to sleep - much like how Super Mario's gonna come to MY house and put ME to sleep for shit-talking his games. Look, Mario, if you're reading this I'm really sorry alright I just y'know didn't enjoy it - it's really nothing personal alright - don't put me in a dirt nap Mario! Please!