What a refreshing take on the Zelda franchise

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I love the part where Sora was talking to King Mickey and said
"They're trying to make a Kingdom Hearts too"
and then the credits rolled. Masterpiece.

I love the part where Sora was talking to King Mickey and said
"They're trying to make a Kingdom Hearts too Final Mix+"
and then the credits rolled. Still don't get what he meant by that. Masterpiece+

One of the best VR games I've played. Definitely a big step towards Half-Life 2 levels of scope in a VR package. I feel like this game lacked the variety in minute to minute gameplay that prior games in the series had. 8/10

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Pokemon X more like Pokemon X-traordinarily underwhelming. Especially coming off the heels of the content packed Pokemon: BW2.

There will never be a Pokemon game as content rich as this one, and that makes me sad.

There will never be a Pokemon game with as good a story as this one, and that makes me sad.

This is like John Wick but instead of a dog it's a Liepard.

I have the opening cutscene of this game memorized

I know it's not really a good remake with how barebones it is but man does it have a special place in my heart.

TBH this games isn't as good as people make it out to be. The power creep from the final gym to the Elite 4 is CRAZY. I'm still mad about that lol. Great game tho.

I first beat this game over a weekend after I rented it from my local Blockbuster. Even then I was mad about the lack of fire types. smh

I tried playing it all the way through to experience a classic but I just couldn't get through it. The amount of quality of life improvements added from here on out makes this game borderline unplayable lol. Doesn't take away how revolutionary it was.

The cake is a lie or something like that, idk I'm not big on cake.