Extremely well done, Z Chaser is pretty cool and the extra content is as amazing as the others Legacy Collections!

The only problem for me are the games, which the only one that is actually good is Zero 3, the rest are mediocre(Zero and Zero 2) or bad(Zero 4, ZX and ZX Advent). Even though the games are the most important part, I believe that this package deserves praise because it's not half assed, it is actually complete and well made.

The atmosphere is interesting... well, that's it, the only good thing about it. All quests are boring, no new characters stand out nor the new factions. Fallout 4's biggest weakness is still present in this tragedy, unfortunately.

Good ideia, executed extremely poorly.
The story is ok, not close to the main game's quality, but still satisfying.
If I didn't install a running mod, I would not be able to finish this dlc because I would have had brain damage from the ATROCIOUS explosive collar. What a stupid mechanic, extremely annoying and unnecessary.
Another good thing about it is that it is really small, so the suffering does not last long, and seeing that the next New Vegas DLC has another gimmick, I will not be playing any of the rest

Besides the camera sometimes fucking up and the god awful analog sticks QTEs, this game is fucking amazing.
10/10 ost, gameplay and dialogs (speacially this)

All the good parts from the previous game continue to be really good, they improved the cyber elves and the skill system and the soundtrack is pretty good. But, the negatives from the previous game continue with full force in this one, the map design is still atrocious, fuck that ice map. Even though I like this game, I will never play it again because of this, it is a one time only type of game for me

It's better in everyway possible than the 2 previous games, it's extremely fun, some maps still don't have the best design and the fov still sucks but they don't interfere with the fun this time, an amazing Mega Man

Except for the story, this is a complete embarasment from start to finish, Zero 3 was almost perfect and this game ruined everything good about its predecessor, its fucking annoying as hell.
The worst map design of the series, extremely boring ost, god awfull chip system making you need to FARM to get stuff, extremely bad EX Skills, the Thunder shot is the worst power I've ever seen.
The only good things are still Zero's gameplay, the story (a really satisfying conclusion to the Zero Saga) and the new Cyber Elf system, even though the one in Zero 3 is good as well.