Really happy my friend lent me this game, it's awesome. Even though it's not perfect, it completely deserves 5 stars

The only flaws in this game are, in my opinion, the minigames are not as fun and crazy as the Yakuza series, they are a bit boring, the combat can get a little repetitive by the last third of the game, because they loooooove to send you 100s of goons for you to fight, and the trailing missions (these are never good, in any game). Everything else is pretty fucking good, the story, characters, sidemissions and ost, this game is awesome

This is exactly how a sequel should be, superior to its predecessor. Santa Monica listened the critics around gameplay variety, side missions and Realm exploration, because every one of those things got better.

There are so many different enemies and Bosses now, side missions are mostly extremely good, and more Realms are now explorable (unfurtunately, not all of them are made the same). The story is a step up, extremely good (with only one bad section, basically 8 to 10 hours into the game) and emotional at times, character development is top notch and the OST amplifies the greatness that is this game. And in this game, Kratos ACTUALLY starts talking more about the past games events, something that was really missing from GOW 2018.

Some things didn't change for the better though, the map is as useless as ever, the menus have changed, but somehow are still confusing to use and Muspelheim Gauntlet didn't get better as well.

Now, the only things that got worse was the game's armors, that SOMEHOW look even worse than the ones from GOW 2018, and the boat conversations appear to happen MUCH less frequently (IDK if this is a bug or not, because conversations often took a long time to actually start and some of them didn't event continue if I got out of the boat in the middle of it and then came back).

Unfortunately, this game is not better than its predecessor, but still is a good game, so I recommend you wait for it to drop in price since it has a shit ton of bugs, an obscene amount of it.

Pros: For me, the story is just as good if not better in some ways than ZD, and because of how ZD is, the story in this game needed to be different and they accomplished it really well;
The new characters are really good, in contrast to the complete robots in ZD;
New inventory/deposit system is fantastic;
OST is great;
The secundary missions usually have a good plot/likeable characters in them, making them enjoyable;
Flying is super fun;
The new gigantic machines are awesome;
The bow is not the only good weapon in the game;
Fast travel is now really easy to do.

Cons: The combat animations in this game suck ass, her climbing, stealth takedowns, small machines attacks, its really distracting;
The game give you awful rewards for everything you do, and because of that it does not reward you for exploring;
Human combat still is really bad;
Even though they remade the melee combat, its still awful, its only fun in the beginning but after a few hours it starts to get annoying;
The new skill trees are extremely bad, not many good skills to have;
The game is bugged to hell;
Upgrading weapons and armor of high rarity is impossible without farming;
Machine parts that you need to upgrade weapons and armor have physics, THATS STUPID, they can literally fly away the machine just touches it.

Great story, setting and characters, but I the game has aged like milk, its absolutely horrible to play without mods, and even then is not good. The only thing that drived me foward was the story, nothing else. Obisidian did a great job with this piece of shit of an engine.

One of the best remakes I've ever played, even though it stayed true to the original, there were a plethora of QoL changes that make this the best version of the game. There are a few problems, but the good parts REALLY overshadow them.

Some of the problems are: Tartarus still sucks ass, this type of dungeon is terrible, but the gameplay alone makes it bearable, the school Social Links being tied to school days, specially your party members, is awfull, the club is incomplete, it's REALLY ugly and they completely BUTCHERED Burn My Dread -Last Battle-.

The best thing they've done for this game, and they need to do this as well for P6, completely voiced Social Links. This makes the bad ones more fun and the good ones even better, even most dialogues across the game are voiced, this was awesome.

Good game overall, the story is great, the gameplay is as good as ever, the enemies are a bit annoying and the weapons are boring.

Fuck the Tartarus jump

100% the most overhyped game I've ever played, nothing actually met my expectations, the story and the ost were close, but the way people talk about this game I expected A LOT more.

I'm quite impressed by how much stuff this game has to offer for a ps1 game, I completely understand how this game was revolutionary, but I still wasn't able to enjoy the game.

The story until the halfway point (end of Disc 1) was extremely mediocre, but thankfully it gets really good after, the OST as well. The animations, cutscenes and VFXs were the best part of this game, how they were able to do them in ps1 game is beyond me.

Now, the game has aged like milk, the menus maybe were good at the time but are awful to go through, the combat system that punishes you for not playing fast is annoying as hell, the Gold Saucer is the worst part of any game I've have ever played, every mini game is terrible to play, specially the snowboard, the random encounters are way too frequent and the characters are extremely hit or miss, none are really special. Also, this is a nitpick on the PS4 version, but the HD 3D character look really bad and out of place on the overworld, the original is way pretier.

Overall, the game gets carried by the story and the ost for me, I'm completely disappointed.

Not nearly as good as Assault on Dragon Keep, and just like the normal game from Borderlands 3, it's carried by the gameplay.

The Good: Melee combat is really good and fun, the spells are a worthy replacement for grenades, and I think they are 100% better, weapon variation is as good as ever, the gunplay is flawless, the easter eggs are awesome, they are usually the best missions in the game, Mr. Torgue being in this game is also perfect, I enjoyed the Overworld and these incopetent writers from Gearbox were finally able to create a good villain.

The Bad: I didn't like the enviroments, they feel too overdesigned, which is a recurring problem with this game, the classes are really boring and having 1 skill tree each is annoying and doesn't encourage variation, the story is pretty bland and boring, almost all new characters are annoying and cringe.

The Ugly: The entire UI is dreadful, HORRIBLE to look at because it's too OVERDESIGNED, too many details that just hinders comparing gear and using the minimap for example. The endgame is also a joke, chaos chambers are boring as hell, and that is the only good farming spot, just awful.

It's my first Final Fantasy and I really enjoyed it. I know this one differs from the rest because it's not a RPG, but it's still a really good action/adventure game, with an amazing story and cast, an awesome OST, a good combat system and one of the best boss battles I've ever played.
It's not all roses though, the story might be good, but it unfortunately has horrible pacing, it has a Peaks and Valleys structure, but the game does NOT take advantage of the slower parts, it just shoves numerous fetch quests your way until you get to the good parts again, it's really annoying. 90% of the sidequests are useless, you're just an errand boy on them most of the time.
The combat is also good, but it feels too simple, it lacks a little bit of extra depth, like status effects, buffs and debuffs. And the amulets are really bad, most of them are useless, I didn't really feel like I needed to change it much, because they didn't make a difference.
The one thing that disapointed me the most were the explorable areas, they are SOOOOO lifeless and boring, the game does not encourage you to explore and even then, they being so bland doesn't help either, it's extremely forgetable.
But I still think this is worth a buy, the negatives do not outweight the positives for me, I had a lot of fun playing and I was easily losing track of the time while playing, which is a really good sign.


I hate playing rogue-likes, but this one is extremely fun! Really good story and characters(I really liked their VAs), good combat diversity and the ost is awesome.

Unfortunately, the epilogue is not that satisfying, unlocking the weapon's hidden aspects is not fun and you need a guide for it, because it will not happen without one and reaching the max relationship with some characters is a RNG nightmare (Achilles quest is the worst offender).

Overall, I really enjoyed this game, the pros far outweigh the cons.

Absolute perfection, nothing more to say, It's absurd how they made Persona 5 better

All looks, no substance is the best way to describe this game. It's gorgeous looking, specially Hogwarts, the ambience is perfect! But everything else either mid or bad.
Nothing meaningful happens in 80% of the main story, it basically starts at the end, the side missions are boring, the combat is ok against 2 enemies max but beyond that the combat flow gets really wonky, the menus suck major ass and are super slow, the characters are super boring and the only students that match their respective houses are your 3 companions, the rest are just generic characters with different color clothing. Also does not help that this game has Ubisoft style open world activities that get repetitive super fast.
One thing that is really stupid is how the best mission in the game is PS5 exclusive, everyone should be able to play it, and why are there no repercussions for using curses?

This is going to be more of a review of the Campaign, but I think the Multiplayer is good, it's better than MW 2019, but not by a lot, just a bit.

This is the first Campaign that Infinity Ward actually fumbled, every single one they made was fantastic, and they managed to pull off an extremely good reboot in MW2019, but here, it was a mess.

It's not bad, but extremely mediocre. The main antagonist has the carisma of an ant, the plotline is boring and the main cast is not well managed. They rely WAY too much on nostalgia from MW2, MW3 and Ghosts, if you played those games, it's clear as day that a lot of stuff that happens here is a mashup from those 3.

I don't dislike the more grounded aproach to the action, it's refreshing, but being grounded ended up hurting the game since the story is boring, nothing actually makes you get hyped, like the other campaigns.

The mission variety is good, but some of them are waaay too long, specially the stealth missions. Besides that, I enjoyed the gameplay.

Pretty good zombies and an awesome campaing, but the mp is atrocious