Extremely well done, Z Chaser is pretty cool and the extra content is as amazing as the others Legacy Collections!

The only problem for me are the games, which the only one that is actually good is Zero 3, the rest are mediocre(Zero and Zero 2) or bad(Zero 4, ZX and ZX Advent). Even though the games are the most important part, I believe that this package deserves praise because it's not half assed, it is actually complete and well made.

A good evolution from the first game, introducing a new mechanic in Sparks and they are well implemented, the element system is better, going around the overworld is good now and the general gameplay is more fluid and interesting.

Now no character is similar to each other, all have their strenghts and weaknesses and all their weapons behave differently, and the combat gameplay is completely new, better in some ways, worse in others, but overall, it's better.

My biggest problems with the game are the lenght, it's longer than it should be, making playing the game really tedious in the later sections, there are more annoying enemy types and their appearance is not great, they don't resemble Mario enemies or Rabbids at all, with one exception, and I really didn't like how the worlds looked, basically nothing like a Mario game.

It's better in everyway possible than the 2 previous games, it's extremely fun, some maps still don't have the best design and the fov still sucks but they don't interfere with the fun this time, an amazing Mega Man

I really dislike Metroidvanias, for me an open world 2d game is an abomination, but I was able to enjoy parts of this game.
The gameplay is fantastic simply because its a Mega Man game, and I actually really liked the ideia of becoming other characters from previous games, the ost and story are ok and thankfully the level design is not awful like the Zero series.
Now, if I didn't have a map of this game, I would have dropped it, it's abysmal the way you have to go to each level, only some have indications, then again, Metroidvania root problem. The only good Biometals, for me, were Hx and Zx, the rest were ass (Fx, Px) or TURBO ASS(Lx) and the way they handled the STUPID levels for boss fights is absurdly anti fun

Really fun game, the combat is pretty good, the boss fights are great, the story is barely there but it's still enjoyable because of how goofy it is, and Rabbid Peach is the best character.

Now, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, this game does have some serious flaws, like the gameplay outside combat is terrible, the puzzles are bland and almost never reward you for finishing them, 90% os the chests are useless, except for the gold ones and the random brown ones that give you skill orbs, the normal enemy variety is very poor, they just change their skins in the different worlds and make them have a different super effect.

The party is also not well balanced, Mario being the leader and never leaving the party makes sense, but his kit is kinda bland, Peach's and Rabbid Mario's long range weapons are also terrible because they are friendly fire machines, and kits that excell in close combat aren't great either. Also didn't like how you are not able to not have a party without 1 rabbid.

Good ideia, executed extremely poorly.
The story is ok, not close to the main game's quality, but still satisfying.
If I didn't install a running mod, I would not be able to finish this dlc because I would have had brain damage from the ATROCIOUS explosive collar. What a stupid mechanic, extremely annoying and unnecessary.
Another good thing about it is that it is really small, so the suffering does not last long, and seeing that the next New Vegas DLC has another gimmick, I will not be playing any of the rest

An amazing sequel, great story, amazing new characters and soundtrack. Although the gameplay is good, I feel that it is really unbalanced, you basically dont have any SP through the entire game, making you have to use all items you have to get your sp back, speacially in boss battles, which are just giant bulletsponges, not really fun to fight against. And the other negative point about the game is the Persona fusion and Enhancement system, I dont know what they were thinking, its just bad in every way. Also, I dont recomend you plat this game on the PS4/5, fuck this stupid grind

All the good parts from the previous game continue to be really good, they improved the cyber elves and the skill system and the soundtrack is pretty good. But, the negatives from the previous game continue with full force in this one, the map design is still atrocious, fuck that ice map. Even though I like this game, I will never play it again because of this, it is a one time only type of game for me

Besides the camera sometimes fucking up and the god awful analog sticks QTEs, this game is fucking amazing.
10/10 ost, gameplay and dialogs (speacially this)

Except for the story, this is a complete embarasment from start to finish, Zero 3 was almost perfect and this game ruined everything good about its predecessor, its fucking annoying as hell.
The worst map design of the series, extremely boring ost, god awfull chip system making you need to FARM to get stuff, extremely bad EX Skills, the Thunder shot is the worst power I've ever seen.
The only good things are still Zero's gameplay, the story (a really satisfying conclusion to the Zero Saga) and the new Cyber Elf system, even though the one in Zero 3 is good as well.

Best combat in the series, it acomplishes the desperation of war feel most of the time, and it finishes well some plotpoints from the previous games. The ending is not that bad, but its still not good. It would be a 3.5 but the Citadel DLC is absolutely perfect

A real evolution from Tekken 7, in almost all areas.

The gameplay is so fucking good and the new special style is perfect for playing characters you know nothing about or if you're inexperienced with the fighting games. Now there are stuff you can do if you don't like playing online, like me.

Even though Tekken's story is still awful, this time, the presentation is amazing, they made this terrible and nonsensical story actually hype and fun to go through. Tekken Ball is really fun and Arcade Quest is goofy but still playable and enjoyable.

The 3 new characters are fun to play but holy fuck, Azucena has an insufforable personality, they really wanted to create an annoying character.

The Arcade Ladder is still abandoned, with the character endings locked to the Character Episodes, so there is no reason to play it, once again. They were perfect in Tekken 5 and since then, it has only gone downhill. These Character Episodes are really boring and the endings are really bad, but not as bad as Tekken 7's.

In these collections I usually rate the average of the games inside, but in this case its going to be different. I loved playing all 3 games, but this remaster is really weak, the best one is the ME, where it fixes some of the problems the original had, but the game still feels clunky to play, and the games still looks like a ps3 game, the graphical improvements were minimal.
Overall dissapointed with the remaster, it should have been a remake, but by remasters standarts, its ok at best

The atmosphere is interesting... well, that's it, the only good thing about it. All quests are boring, no new characters stand out nor the new factions. Fallout 4's biggest weakness is still present in this tragedy, unfortunately.

Amazing game, one of the best openings ever, an excelent ending, and almost everything in the middle is awesome as well. You will have fun the entire journey.