Story: Not great

Gameplay: Unfurtunate that this game released so close to Arceus, because if it had more time, I think GF could have implemented better some of the Legends Arceus mechanics in this game. But, even this watered down mix of Legends Arceus and classic main line gameplay was still enjoyable to play, but it needs to be faster like Legends Arceus.

OST: Worst in the series

Pokémons: Worst gen in terms of design, it's really bad on the new ones, but the redesigns were cool, like the new Wooper and Annihilape.

In conclusion, GF does the bare minimum once again


I hate playing rogue-likes, but this one is extremely fun! Really good story and characters(I really liked their VAs), good combat diversity and the ost is awesome.

Unfortunately, the epilogue is not that satisfying, unlocking the weapon's hidden aspects is not fun and you need a guide for it, because it will not happen without one and reaching the max relationship with some characters is a RNG nightmare (Achilles quest is the worst offender).

Overall, I really enjoyed this game, the pros far outweigh the cons.

All looks, no substance is the best way to describe this game. It's gorgeous looking, specially Hogwarts, the ambience is perfect! But everything else either mid or bad.
Nothing meaningful happens in 80% of the main story, it basically starts at the end, the side missions are boring, the combat is ok against 2 enemies max but beyond that the combat flow gets really wonky, the menus suck major ass and are super slow, the characters are super boring and the only students that match their respective houses are your 3 companions, the rest are just generic characters with different color clothing. Also does not help that this game has Ubisoft style open world activities that get repetitive super fast.
One thing that is really stupid is how the best mission in the game is PS5 exclusive, everyone should be able to play it, and why are there no repercussions for using curses?

It's my first Final Fantasy and I really enjoyed it. I know this one differs from the rest because it's not a RPG, but it's still a really good action/adventure game, with an amazing story and cast, an awesome OST, a good combat system and one of the best boss battles I've ever played.
It's not all roses though, the story might be good, but it unfortunately has horrible pacing, it has a Peaks and Valleys structure, but the game does NOT take advantage of the slower parts, it just shoves numerous fetch quests your way until you get to the good parts again, it's really annoying. 90% of the sidequests are useless, you're just an errand boy on them most of the time.
The combat is also good, but it feels too simple, it lacks a little bit of extra depth, like status effects, buffs and debuffs. And the amulets are really bad, most of them are useless, I didn't really feel like I needed to change it much, because they didn't make a difference.
The one thing that disapointed me the most were the explorable areas, they are SOOOOO lifeless and boring, the game does not encourage you to explore and even then, they being so bland doesn't help either, it's extremely forgetable.
But I still think this is worth a buy, the negatives do not outweight the positives for me, I had a lot of fun playing and I was easily losing track of the time while playing, which is a really good sign.

Pretty good zombies and an awesome campaing, but the mp is atrocious

The best gameplay in the series since MK9, the graphics are phenomenal and now it finally has good music, the last time it was good was in the 3D era.

One thing that I think is good but could've been better was the story. Up until chapter 9, it was amazing, but then it kinda derails, the gimmick at the end is pretty amazing tho.

Since this is a GaaS, it's missing a ton of QoL features and content, and this hurts the new gamemode, Invasions, a lot. It has potential to be good, but at launch, it's awful. In a year or 2, this game will finally be "complete", and I HATE this new trend

An awesome and worthy sequel! They managed to make the game feel different enough to the last 2 without changing much, and the game is also not long enough to feel repetitive, really liked the amount of time to 100% the game.

The story is just a bit better than the first game, the side activities are a sidegrade in my opinion, some are better, some are worse than before, the gadgets in this game is are ok, I prefer the old ones and the new abilities are really cool, just wish their cooldown was a lot lower or that they recharged between combat encounters. I also expected to be more original suits, but the new recolors of the repeting ones does wonders to most of them, and unfortunately, most of the new original suits are really ugly, with a few excepctions.

What was a lot worse for me were the crimes, holy fuck they are even worse than the ones in the first game, specially the car chases, they are completely automatic now. And the last big negative are the face models, I don't know what they did but it sure does look worse than SM Remastered and MM, but the worse offender is definitely Mary Jane, wtf happened to her face, at least they made her playable missions more bearable.

Overall, it's a sequel that actually is better than the first game, but not by a lot, just slightly better!

I'm utterly dissapointed. I loved the story from the original but absolutely hated the gameplay and hoped this game would fix that, but it didn't and fucked up almost everything. I'm neutral to the changes in the story, we need the next games to release to see if they're good or not, but fuck this shit man, WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST MAKE A FAITHFULL REMAKE WITH AN UPDATED COMBAT SYSTEM, the filler in this game is fucking awful. If I could describe this game with one word, it would be SLOW

This game is just ok, the only part of the game that stands out is the visuals, it's BEAUTIFUL. The rest is really mid, the gameplay, music, voice acting, story and characters, but it's still enjoyable, since the game is not long.

This game is the perfected Yakuza beat em up formula. It' almost a complete improvement from the first game, the combat is more fluid, you now get a good amount of SP from missions, side cases and combat, the gear system is simple but good, the mini games are better as well. The story is completely subjective, but I enjoyed as much as the first game, and the OST is of similar quality as well.

Amazing game, nothing more to say

This game has a shit ton of problems in basically every aspect, but I was able to enjoy it because I simply love the AC franchise.
The story is inconsistent, its divided by arcs that happen in each region of the map, which is fantastic in the sense that the game does not make you travel the whole map to continue a mission, the markers are closer together, but the stories arent always good, some are ok at best, others bad or really bad, none are amazing. And the present day story continues to be absolutely ASS ever since AC3.
Combat is ok but the game has a serious gear problem, its the complete oposite of Odyssey, almost all weapons and armor are complete garbage, I basically played with 4 different weapons and only 2 ARMOR SETS the entire 97h that took me to plat this game, even the mythical weapons are not that great in this game. It just got stale after using a hammer for fucking 60h and using the first armor set for 70h, this just made the game repetitive and stale, and basically all the powers in this game are complete trash to use in combat, with 3 exceptions.
The biggest problem of the game is that it is TOO FUCKING LONG, there are 782 COLLECTABLES, wtf is that man, its really annoying, the skill tree is horrendous, the game is more buggy than cyberpunk one year after release and fishing SUCKS ASS, like in every game that has this stupid activity.
At least Orlog and the feeling of the game are great, if you arent an AC fan, just get the fuck out

Amazing story, characters and world, but the bugs seriously damage this game enjoyability. If there were only funny ones, no problem, but most of them are game breaking or just takes you out of the experience. Don't buy this game until its issues are fixed, and only on the next console generation and PC, the PS4 and XONE version is absolutely trash and not worth your money, the game will never run well on them

If only I could give this game a 4.9, it's almost perfect, since it basically improves most things from BOTW.
The new abilities are a godsend, they are 1000% better than the ones from the last game, Ultrahand, Ascend, Fuse and Recall are extremely fun, engaging and intuitive. Ultrahand by itself has infinite possibilites of use, it's that useful, this game is truly a sandbox.
Now, the game still has some problems, some of them carried over from the last game that I got upset that they weren't addressed. The horses are still horrible to control, the economy is just as bad since you receive very little amounts of rupees from sidequests, but at least there is a good farming spot in the game that does not require you to have the best equipment available to do the farm.
The new armor sets are really not great, with the exception of the Glide Armor and the Gloom one, which are actually useful, the rest, not so much. And the armor sets from the first game returning is nice on paper, but it's dissapointing that they are the exact same, no new bonuses or an alteration in appearence. The last thing that bottered me were the new powers, definitive downgrade over the powers from BOTW, they are really awkward to use and not very good, specially the last one, that one is just straight up trash.
I've focused a lot on the negatives here because they are easy to point out and are real problems with the game that need to be said, but they are miniscule in comparison with what this game does right, if I were to write about everything I liked, I would be writing here forever.

The first official Pokemon game I've ever finished, and I really liked it, but it has some major flaws that hold this game back.
Gameplay I absolutely love it, the battles are fast, catching pokemon outside of battles is cool, alpha pokemons is a fun idea, seeing them out in the wild is really nice.
Now, the rest is bad or ugly, the soundtrack has a few good songs, but holy fuck there are a lot of stinkers, I don't want to hear Jubilife's music ever again. The story is non existant which is a shame and the graphics shouldn't be this bad given the money these games make.