To enjoy I had to become a bit of a masochist.
Starting this game is like your first sparring partner for boxing being Mike Tyson at his prime.
You will wipe, loose good heros, and stress out for even on the easy dungeons, but the unforgivingness forces you to learn quickly.

Good game to play during college lectures.


It was so fun until it became a clunkier Far Cry, not sure if i'll continue playing

BF1 is probably the last enjoyable large scale game in the series. BF1 was a big departure but I think it did it much better than BF5 would later. Gameplay and classes weren't perfect , but worked well enough to deliver the beloved huge scale warfare on very accurate and detailed maps.

Amazing card-based-dungeon-rougelike game.
Highly addictive

EA more like PU.
Game is fine and even fun on the big maps, played at launch and can't get over how greedy the game felt.

No memory of what the actual games were, but Final Fantasy characters were in the game for some reason

S&S is my least favorite generation. The transition to the switch was not friendly to pokemon. Avoid this game above $15

20 years in the making.
This is the first Metroid game I bothered 100%ing
Due to the amazing visual! The animators and designers put in serious overtime making the game look incredibly smooth. It is so satisfying and smooth to move shoot and parry in this game.

Moreso than anygame in the series this one demands to be replayed just because going fast is fun. Watch how sick a NMG run of this game is.
Just to witness how Samus moves so fluid with the environement I would recommend.

DM DOKURO cooked up major heat for this OST

This game was in the line of fire for a recent Metroid craze.
It can best be summarized as: Metroid + (any 2D souls-like)

B E A U T I F U L art and music in this game.

This game isn't the easiest to figure out, and suffers the common Castletroid problems of back tracking, and looking up guides when I missed a small breakable wall.
That being said it's not the longest game either so it only occured once or twice.
Story wise I can't say I loved it, only because the story continually awed me with concepts and questions that I wanted to explore, only to never really have the opporunity. I want to care about these characters, but story just kinds ends....

Maybe the true ending is worth replaying it for.

Best Kirby game in decades.
The series feels like it's moving somewhere at last, even if it's still Kirby in most ways, FL brings a lot of fresh air into a clinically unchaning series by simply changing the perspective and moving away from side scrolling only. It's been since maybe 2007 that Kirby walked on a Z axis.

It's a new favorite alongside Super Star Ultra and Robobot, the only thing that I holds it back substantially is the multiplayer. Kirby isn't known for the multiplayer, but I have always enjoyed the split screen and Star Allies made a fun date night game. FL split screen is lazy, P2 can only be waddle dee, and after the variety in Star Allies and SSU this kinda sucked. That's the only reason Forgotten Land stays a tier bellow the best Kirby games.