120 Reviews liked by GalacticSpear

I finished the game and nothing happened

Playing as Zero is absolutely the way to go here. Decided to do a second playthrough as X to "get the true X6 experience" and I can definitely understand the hate this game gets more now. As X the game is straight up just designed worse and has infinitely more annoyances but I still found some enjoyment considering the solid engine this is built on.

I don't think this is the NES version and it seems many people don't realize that.



looking at the low reviews (and that hideous box art) i almost dismissed this game as some forgettable mascot of the 90s
but this game has a VIBE, it might not click immediately but if you're the kinda guy to like sega mascot games of the 90s like ristar, or treasure platformers like dynamite headdy and can appreciate the genesis boops (note: i said APPRECIATE not tolerate, if you don't love the genesis soundfont, gtfo)
this is a weird game, i dont always fully understand what the hell is going on, and it'll often kick my ass but godDAMN am i along for this ride! the music, the artwork, the animation, the controls, it all comes together here, especially with the fun af bosses. the level design could use some work but i never found it as bad as others here make it out to be. this is a boopin game, an absolute vibe. jam with it or be filtered.

It's neat but rough around some edges game-design wise. It's an open exploratory platformer, more similar to a Westone title than the typical Metroidvania type of game you'd expect from that kind of genre. It's basically a much expanded take on the Monster Land series. The basic progression is composed of exploring the world to find various tasks and quests that need to be done, and figuring out where to go and how to do them. The levels have depth in them, allowing you to jump in and out of various layers of the foreground and background to explore, giving it a bit of a 2.5D feel (though it's certainly no klonoa visually). The controls feel really tight, the plot doesn't take itself very seriously, the visuals are that colorful pre-rendered silicon graphics ass vibe that we are sorely missing in this day and age, and the soundtrack is funny with its doofy MIDI samples.

Unfortunately there are some major gripes I did have with this game. The biggest problem of all is that despite the fact that this game goes for an explorative "search all the levels for the objectives and secrets" approach to its game structure, there is still a system of limited lives put into the game. Running out of lives just hucks you back to the title screen where you need to reload your last save like most games, but saving in this game also saves the amount of lives you currently have, so saving with a low life count puts you at significantly higher risk for losing progress if you mess up. Couple that with the fact that some areas in the game have bottomless pits that kill you instantly and a problem kinda arises. The conflict between the game structure that wants you to search every aspect of the map and the life system punishing potential leaps of faith/adventurous ideas makes the game feel at ends with itself. I did eventually find a workaround, as save points are quite frequent and saving/loading doesn't take that long. I basically saved my game at every save point like they are level checkpoints, and if i died, I loaded my save back up before the death jingle could finish playing so I didn't lose anything. An inelegant solution, but it worked. My only other problem would be that sometimes the game doesn't really give you a very solid sense of direction/where to go/what to do, but that's kinda the nature of these sorts of games. The map doesn't really help, and all the game really gives for direction is like one-sentence descriptions for each objective that usually don't say much. If you are a kid with endless free time playing this though, that's no issue, but if you are a busy person like me I'd def rec using a guide.

It's a super interesting game for sure and I understand its cult status among PS1 fans. I'd suggest giving it a shot if you like exploratory action games, but it's not one of my personal favorites.

"Ah but it was being developed before Mario 64 set the standards" yeah so was Croc, but they had the decency of actually finishing the game instead of releasing a broken mess

"Ah but there are worse ps1 games" nah, there certainly are lazier games, but I'd rather play copy pasted board games than the first level of Bubsy

For a licensed game from the 90's, there weren't a lot of expectations going into this. However, I was quite surprised by the quality of this.

It is a 3D platformer, in the same vein as Super Mario 64 or Banjo-Kazooie, with tight controls and plenty to do in each area. While the maneuverability of Buzz wasn't as much as I would have liked, it still got the job done and was still fun.

If this game somehow ever gets re-released, I think it would be a worthwhile purchase. It's an interesting quirk from the late 90's and a surprisingly good time.

This may be the best mega man game ever.
Okay so:
1. The levels are godly they're so well designed and are an absolute joy to play, they're brutally hard but never feel very unfair which always makes me have fun with them and they really help shine a light on how good the weapons are in this game
2. This game has the best selection of weapons in the classic series except for maybe 11 but I'm split on which one is better. They're all (except like Magma Bazooka) in my experience amazing and have so many different situations where they're useful. My preferred way to play is always to do Galaxy Man first since his weapon is insanely useful for like every other level.
3. The bosses are amazing. Every robot master feels fun to fight (shoutout to Tornado Man I love that fight) and the other bosses are great and a super fun challenge to beat
4. THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD just listen to it okay shoutout to Galaxy Man's theme specifically
5. Weird point but I love this games use of colour. It fills out a really nice colour palette in my head with all the robot masters having a distinct colour and their levels having really nice colouration. This is something I get very particular about I don't know why but this game NAILS it
It's peak...

Amazing Mega Man game, I don't care what anyone says! This used to be my favourite classic Mega Man game but Mega Man 7 really jumped up on replay, I do still think purely design wise this game is the best by far.

I don't love the NES style so I'm not super glad they went back to it for 9 and 10 but I at least think it really works for 9 due to the big focus on tight platforming. The levels are amazing, the boss weapons are really fun to use and I usually never use them. There's a girl robot master... for the first and only time... so that's something. This game is just pure arcady fun. It is really challenging but I firmly disagree with people who think the difficulty is cheap, actual skill issue.



stop marking this as completed or i'm gonna cry

I gave this game a second chance a while ago. The game's gonna stop receiving updates so I think now's a good time to get my thoughts out. It's not as bad as I remember it being but it's still not good. The gameplay is still dull and grindy, with the same old pay to win slop they encourage you to get if you want to actually stand a chance at winning races, whether they be singleplayer or multiplayer. Maybe the only good things that came out of this game were the new characters (Pauline, Peachette, and Kamek are my favorites), the cute costumes everyone gets dressed in (especially Daisy, God bless her soul), and it is the reason why Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still kicking, with new characters and the shitty— I mean, city tracks you could tell were designed with a mobile game in mind. Some of you may see the last reason as a bad thing, but I digress. MKT's still bad and because nearly everything I wanted out of this game is in MK8D, I'm not going to miss this game.

rayman's pose in this cover is the most gangster shit i've ever seen

After over a decade of watching people talk about it, it was exciting to see none of those videos ever managed to relay how perfectly adorable of a package this game is. From the cutest fucking hub areas to the actual stages, there's surprisingly little I'd want NOT to be in the game. It's just all so precious. This would have slotted in so well with all my childhood games and probably turned me into a better? worse? person for it, but instead I'm on the bad timeline where I played Heroes instead. Anyway, no doubt one of my favorite games this year and I doubt there'll be any Sonic game I have yet to play that I'll enjoy this much.

You know, the Luma in the Mario movie talking about the inevitability of death was actually pretty in-character

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