A game with such an insane ending that spoiling the final battle is a disservice to all who would play this game. A very unique experience for a Kirby and a very welcome one as well.

Game would greatly benefit from better planet design. The game isn't necessarily great, but with a group of friends - a surprising amount of fun can be derived from it.

Fantastic game from beginning to end. The OST, the visuals, the animations, enemy design, crafting, story are all top notch.

Arguably the best game in its class. Easily one of the most addicting games I've ever played.

I hated this game. I started it with a lot of hope and it disappointed in every category.

It’s a shitty Assassin’s Creed reskin with the laziest quest design I have ever seen. Every quest is a hunting quest or a fetch quest - and the world is incredibly boring to navigate. Sorry, not even robot dinosaurs can’t fix your shitty game.

Don’t even get me started on all the cultural appropriation too. Straight up just whitewashed indigenous culture and imagery.

A great point and click game. The progression could be a little more clear sometimes, but overall decent puzzle design. The music and atmosphere are chill and there's charm in the characters and interactions in the game.

Insanely fun game accompanied with a sick drum and bass soundtrack. A bit on the short side, but it made for a memorable experience. It's like if bits of pieces of Max Payne (bullet time), Mirror's Edge (parkour), Titanfall (wall running and movement) and Superhot (gunplay and slow mo) all combined together.

Significantly better than anything GameFreak and The Pokemon Company have produced in recent years.

Excellent platformer and a well needed 3-D platformer nostalgia trip for me. Taking me back to my roots.

If it had just a bit more polish, it would be near perfect.

A beautifully crafted game that feels straight out of something that the minds at Laika Studio (Coraline, Kubo and the Two Strings, ParaNorman) and Henry Selick (Coraline, Nightmare Before Christmas, James and the Giant Peach) would have created.

The world is this beautifully twisted and dark representation of the Maw, a ship filled with all sorts of peculiar and bizarre events and people. You play as a little girl named Six trying to make her way out of what seems to be an prison for children run by abusive overlords. The world is dark for Six, but you have hope that you can escape with your safety.

I'll leave the synopsis at that.

The game is beautiful and I have very little negative to say about this game because it's not worth saying. Play the game! It's beautiful in a Tim Burton kind of way. Will definitely be getting the second one.


Really enjoyable and unique puzzle game. A tad easy, but I'm a sucker for cool visuals and this had loads.

Just as shitty, if not slightly worse, than the first game.

I still like killing zombies though regardless of game quality so it has that going for it.

A bit of Doom and a bit of Quake, overall great fun with fantastic gunplay accompanied with dope music.

The level design and enemy variation could have been significantly better though. The monotony of the levels did result in the game feeling a bit like a slog though. I also hate the fact that game mechanics are hidden behind secrets that you must unlock. I don't want to have to find secrets in lazily designed levels.

A game that does nothing great. The game is carried only by it's genre. Killing zombies is always fun. That's about all the game has going for it and it gets old pretty fast due to lack of mission variety. It's all fetch quests and escort missions.

Melee combat is spammy and boring and gun combat is clunky.

A great horror game that revitalized the horror genre at the time of its release. Playing the game today for a second time, it still holds up quite well and it's atmospheric horror is still superb.