What a delightful game. I’m blown away by the detail in each room, especially considering how old this game is. I’m playing as an adult and I know I would’ve never put this down as a kid. I love the weapons level-up system, the evil clown, the time-travel, everything. Every time I get bored with dungeons, I just remember that whatever happens in the story next is gonna be fucking crazy. You will be consistently surprised.

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Graphics: 4.5/5, Visually stunning even today, outside of the awkward bodies of many npcs. Elizabeth is the only Bioshock human who can emote.

Soundtrack: 4/5, sound design is solid as always

Combat: 3.5/5, I’m being biased and comparing the combat to Bioshock 2 which I found far more entertaining. The combat is still generally fun.

Storyline: 1/5, Frustratingly convoluted. It is simultaneously over complicated and lacks any statement whatsoever. There are two factions: one of deeply racist white nationalists, and one of freedom fighters. Somehow the game wants me to believe that both of them…are bad? The story feels like a long fetch quest that opens up worlds of possibility and never lets you explore them, instead resolving itself to baseless centrist idealism. There are obvious ways to vie for peace with the Vox Populi (gee whiz, I wonder if the head of Comstock would calm them down?) that Booker never puts effort into, instead opting to slaughter them all. The previous games also offer freedom of choice, while this one literally invites you to view INFINITE DOORS and never lets you pick a single one.

Fun: 4/5, I enjoyed fully exploring every room, combat, upgrading abilities, seeing the insane scenery, and learning about Elizabeth. I completed it after all, even if I found the storyline to be agonizingly dull and ignorant.

Graphics: 5/5, stunning

Soundtrack: 5/5, subtle, but gave me chills

Combat: 5/5, If you time things just right, you are the coolest guy on the planet. If not you stumble around and scream while dogs eat your face. Looking cool is a great incentive to do well imo.

Storyline: 5/5, I expected a lot of what happened, but I have never seen most of the tropes that come from bushido cinema played out in a game before. The story was told with few words and lots of dramatic stings that immersed me. I cheered and I cried and I felt connected to Jin Sakai’s tale.

Fun: 4/5, it could get samey at times with such an open-world, but I was always discovering something. It was more tragic than fun, but still majorly exciting. Getting mauled by a bear really helps ease the tension.

Pure magic, start to finish. Super Mario Odyssey was something entirely new, mixed with a heaping spoonful of nostalgia. The soundtrack was uplifting, the graphics were stunning, and the momentum never stopped. This game is perfect in every way.

I was the idiot who preordered

How this shit lagging when I’m OFFLINE my dude

As an SCP fan, I had to get my hands on this game. Exploring a paranormal secret base run by shadowy government entities was a very exciting plot hook for me. However, I temporarily lost interest in the game when I felt locked in the difficulty and the rooms started to be a repeated, samey, minimalist design.

But then, while watching my boyfriend play, I realized I was playing the game all wrong. If you simply follow your main objectives, you don’t see the things hidden in the Oldest House and you don’t gain nearly as much experience. The whole game is a secret you have to uncover, and hardly even reveals what it is like in its own trailer.

Sadly, I can understand how it doesn’t get the recognition it deserves with so much hidden from the player, but I think that adds to its genius.

I adored playing a flying glass cannon, and Jesse is so wonderfully awkward to watch. My biggest disappointment is the odd lack of enthusiasm from the NPCs. They tend to get a little uncanny valley with their hyper-detailed faces, talking in dull tones and quickly resetting to a resting bitch face in-between sentences.

Also Dr. Darling is my crush now.

Would’ve loved this game if it was $30 and not $60, but thats nintendo for ya. Its so strange to me that theres ZERO use of the joycon motion controls in a warioware game. I’ll be chasing the high of smooth moves forever ;_;

Still was pretty fun for the story, but after that, its hard to get a group of people to play the party modes together since they have to learn the individual controls of each character. 2 1/2 stars for wholesome fun, not enough panic and chaos.

Larian Studios truly loves its fans. There’s so much free content and user base mods integrated into this games options, and SO SO MANY HOURS of gameplay. Being able to sit down and play with someone I love right beside me was something I really miss from the pre-online era of gaming. These characters are so well-written.
The combat may be long sometimes, but the way you can interact with your environment is beyond impressive.

I played a lizard person with polymorphing and warfare abilities, trapping my enemies in fields of fire and leaping massive distances to deal heavy attacks up-close. Theres so many ways to combine your skills and do crazy stunts. If you like playing with strategy, get this game.

3 stars for Bioshock is blasphemy I know, but this is a personal experience of mine.

I bought the collectors edition of all 3 Bioshock games for ps4, and I almost could not complete the first game because of the constant game crashes. I had to delete 2 save files for every 1 new save file, and was left unable to save entirely towards the end of the game. I had to blast through the thing before it crashed again. I ran into a glitch where the game just straight up wouldn’t activate a cutscene and had to restart it 3 times to fix it. This game has been out in several editions for 15 years and its still broken as hell.

THAT BEING SAID I finished the game anyways because Bioshocks combat and atmosphere is an absolute masterpiece. Any other game I would not have been even half as dedicated to, but the grind is worth it. Strangely enough, Bioshock 2 had zero crashes even though they're launched from the exact same menu screen on ps4. I’ll suffer anything for my daughters.

One of the funnest games I’ve ever played. Say hello to my bee hand and electricity shotgun.