I missed the original so I was excited to have this opportunity. I really immersed myself in the world and took my time scanning everything, reading the lore, and enjoying the spectacular atmosphere. The combat didn't do as much for me but I view the combat as secondary to the exploration and general vibes. I was ready to declare this a masterpiece but the ending is a bit of a collectathon slog and there's too much backtracking and dated Gamecube era shit for my taste. It's similar to Wind Waker where it really should wrap up but they pad it too much. Still, a banger through and through.

Super late to this one but yeah it's dope. Probably the second best roguelike I've played behind Hades. I only completed a couple runs and didn't play until the true ending, but the combat is fun, challenging, and I enjoyed playing around with different builds.

The combat looks and feels phenomenal and there are some challenging bosses, but once you figure out consistent deflect timing the game becomes a press-B-to-win fest. It's one of the easiest Soulslike games I've ever played. It's still enjoyable, but there isn't enough enemy or stage variety to keep things interesting. Definitely don't buy this at full price unless you're a fiend for Three Kingdoms lore. If you have Game Pass then I'd strongly recommend playing through the Lu Bu fight and then uninstalling because you will have seen everything the game has to offer and experienced the best boss fights.

I started my Persona journey with Persona 5 and then worked my way backward through Persona 4 and now Persona 3. If I had played this one first I think I may have liked it better, but it doesn't even come close to 4 and 5 for me. It plays much more like a visual novel and the story and social links are pure ass for many, many hours. Things improve as you go on but I just wanted it to be over.

This barely scrapes a third star out of me because of the sheer commitment to crafting an immersive Hogwarts experience. The Harry Potter books were a childhood treasure for me and it felt fantastic to play a game in this world. Unfortunately, the game itself was mediocre. If this were a new IP open world game then nobody would be talking about it. I finished it purely because I liked playing as a Hufflepuff who used dark magic. Dark magic usage and spell cooldowns in general are bullshit by the way. If you were really about that life you should be able to cast Avada Kedavra as much as you use the R2 attack.

Gameplay is spectacular but this game needed a lot more development. I'll keep an eye on it to see if it gets updated in a substantial way but otherwise this is staying on the shelf.

Astonishingly Astounding Ace Attorney!

This shit looks and runs worse than a Gamecube game, which is absolutely unacceptable and proved to be too much of a barrier for me to finish this. It's a shame because I found the world promising and the music is possibly the best of any Pokemon game.

Improves on Judgment in pretty much every way for me, but it starts VERY slowly and the investigation sequences still slow everything down in an unfun way. But what a blast overall. It felt good to end bullying forever.

The writing continues to be cringeworthy at best in these games. I don't know why they feel the need to shoehorn in a shitty narrative when the best games in the series focus on the driving and aesthetic. Fortunately, the driving and aesthetic are great and the cash management mechanic is actually somewhat difficult. I enjoyed this.

I enjoyed this a lot more than Until Dawn. It feels like a natural evolution of that formula, the story is better, and I didn't feel the same slowness that would prevent me from playing it again. I played through this twice and got wildly different results, which is cool. I appreciated the director mode which facilitates even further tinkering with decision paths.

I majored in religion and philosophy with a minor in classics, and New Vegas is one of my favorite RPGs ever. So this could not have been more up my alley. The art direction, concept, decision making, and story all work together harmoniously and make this an absolute delight for me. I loved it. But the pacing and controls are simply not good and hold me back from wanting to play it again. I suspect there are many who will either not try this or drop it after an hour, and that's a shame because it's an incredibly unique title. I'm glad there are people making games like this.

A Plague Tale: Innocence was a well made AA title with a unique setting that I primarily enjoyed for its sense of powerlessness. Requiem retains a bit of that but does lean more into Uncharted-esque gameplay. I'm a little sad to lose the intimacy of the first title but I do think this builds on the original in compelling ways. I am sure the ending turned some off but I am eager to see where the series goes from here. I continue to be impressed by what they're able to do with a relatively small budget. Good story, good gameplay, and moving character work throughout.


This remains a good racing game at its core, but EA took over and is already on its way to ruining the series. More effort was put into trying to get you to buy couches for your loading screen room than making any meaningful changes to career mode. Next year will be the first time in a long time I don't buy the new F1 game at launch.