I had a great time! The dialogue is shockingly genuine, there was never a point where I didn't want to say one of the options, and that's incredible for a dating sim! I'm also thankful this game didn't end with like a suicide or anything, that's such a relief for this genre lmao.


There is so much room to grow, but for Kirby's first 3D experience, this is truly a great start!


I like to rate games by how well they accomplish what they're trying to do, but I'm honestly torn on this one. The gameplay is actually pretty fun, and I enjoyed completing it because it wasn't too much. The level of difficulty was just perfect as well, so it's difficult to admit that this game's biggest weakness is it's "story". I don't even know what words to use to describe it, but it just means absolutely nothing to me, and I would much rather play this game without the long un-skippable cutscenes. It's a fine game overall; it's pretty hard to be mad when it's as short as it is.

I still love this game, and I'd love a sequel to it.

I speedrun for this game and it's hysterical how easy it is once you understand how the controls work. It's also kind of therapeutic to continuously beat the game over and over, so yeah... I think it's good.

Quite possibly the best game I've ever played, but mark my words... Silksong will be better!

I'm not a masochist, but I've S-Ranked every boss in this entire game...


and I made a video about the second time

Sometimes you just play a random free steam game to waste time. We've all been there.