Fuck Toby Fox for making me fall in love with a game and then disappearing for three full fucking years to make the next one. THE JOKE IS ON YOU FOX! I SPENT HALF A YEAR TO FINISH THIS CHAPTER, SO NOW I ONLY HAVE TO WAIT 2 1/2 YEARS!

I speedrun for this game and it's hysterical how easy it is once you understand how the controls work. It's also kind of therapeutic to continuously beat the game over and over, so yeah... I think it's good.

Way too fucking short but the start of one of the coolest things ever.

I think I love this game, it's just the perfect experience for me. I just love the creativity on display, the beautifully simple visual style, and extremely cozy music that makes this one of the most comfortable gaming experiences I've ever had. I just get lost in the gameplay; it's so entrancing and smooth that it feels like an actual vacation to play this. So play it!

Oh yeah, this is a sexy sequel. Better than the original in every way. Exciting new rooms to explore, unique and challenging puzzles to solve, and the perfect amount of content! (Weirdly, I played this game before the first, but from here on out I'll play them in order. I can't wait for The Room 3!)

Quite possibly the best game I've ever played, but mark my words... Silksong will be better!

I didn't realize it was gonna be political lmao, I just wanted to do a peaceful road-trip. For what it is though, it has a lot of good and surprising elements!

The characters are likeable and well voice acted, the plot progression is really well done (considering it's all randomly generated), and the mini-games are simple but charming.

However, the climax was underwhelming in my opinion, and some characters are quite annoying to repeatedly encounter. Also, I feel like this game was trying to teach me a lesson about politics, but I honestly had no idea what it was trying to say. Good game overall, but an easy one to forget in a sea of EVEN BETTER indie games.

There is so much room to grow, but for Kirby's first 3D experience, this is truly a great start!

It's an amazing Mario game that lasts all of 30 seconds.


I like to rate games by how well they accomplish what they're trying to do, but I'm honestly torn on this one. The gameplay is actually pretty fun, and I enjoyed completing it because it wasn't too much. The level of difficulty was just perfect as well, so it's difficult to admit that this game's biggest weakness is it's "story". I don't even know what words to use to describe it, but it just means absolutely nothing to me, and I would much rather play this game without the long un-skippable cutscenes. It's a fine game overall; it's pretty hard to be mad when it's as short as it is.

I'm not a masochist, but I've S-Ranked every boss in this entire game...


and I made a video about the second time

It was good! I really appreciated the variety in levels, and the high quality animation / voice acting. However, I couldn't help but to be frustrated with a few game mechanics (Such as the enemy's attack knockback which is very unfair), and I do feel the game lacks some other polishing that would've made it a lot smoother of an experience.

With all the love and support in my heart I have to ask: Have the developers heard of Unturned?

But in all seriousness the foundation for a good game is there, and I do hope development goes well! The game is pretty aimless at the moment, but I'm sure that'll change in due time. There's a lot of fun Easter Eggs too!


You can't fool me, this is just S1E2 of Love, Death, and Robots except we're the cat and the world is full of robots.

Great game though! Really enjoyed it all and I didn't think it was too short like some people were complaining about. It's not outstanding in any particular way, but it's a fun well-rounded adventure!

Also, there's an extended Back to the Future reference, so that's epic.

I had a great time! The dialogue is shockingly genuine, there was never a point where I didn't want to say one of the options, and that's incredible for a dating sim! I'm also thankful this game didn't end with like a suicide or anything, that's such a relief for this genre lmao.