God these games are fucking HARD, but the companion system makes this really cool and this game inspired the first Castlevania series on Netflix and that's a great show so my final decision is that this is the better Castlevania game of the original three.

523 Puzzles? No thanks, I'm full.

Imagine following up one of the coolest NES games of all time with literal cacadoodoo.


When it's just a standard RPG, it's a great adventure! I enjoyed every aspect of the combat system, the diverse locations, the silly characters, and overall humor! What's really mixing my feelings up though, is that almost none of that has any sort of stake in the actual plot of the game, and while I get that the RPG stuff is just Sunny's dreamscape, 80% of the game has no cohesive ties to any of the game's themes or lessons. For a great example of what this game could've been: Well, it's Deltarune, obviously. Deltarune so far has accomplished a very similar story that instead ties every event, big or small, to the overall narrative. It just adds so much cohesion to the experience, and OMORI has wound up feeling like two very different games stuck together with a glue-stick by comparison. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the whole game from start to finish, but can I say it's revolutionary, or extremely compelling in what it sets out to do with its story? No. It's a good, fun game, with enjoyable characters, and a really fun Earthbound-inspired core. Play it at your convenience.

How is this stressful, tedious, and repetitive gameplay some of the most fun I've had in a game? Who cares? GLORY TO ARSTOZKA!!!

I'm embarrassed to log this, but I'm more embarrassed that I enjoyed myself for the most part. I mean, it's an EXTREMLEY basic game that gets old fast, but as a time-killer, it's pretty solid. Oh yeah, and there's naked women.

This game is unbelievably scuffed! The cutscenes are terrifyingly void and lifeless, the gameplay is unpolished and way too slow-paced to have fun, the music doesn’t exist 70% of the time making it feel like I’m play-testing a game that hasn’t come out yet, the bosses are ridiculously hard due to the unreasonably quick draining stamina meter, and the story… well the story would be perfectly serviceable if all of the other elements weren’t as awful as they are. I’m shocked its this bad, but I should’ve spotted the developer’s laziness when I saw the box art for the first time.

If anything, this game may have the best video game soundtrack of all time. How about the rest of the game, you ask? Well, it may be the best video game of all time.

Pretty fun to replay every now and then tbh. It's pretty funny, and even when the RNG is bullshit I still have a good time.


I'm torn because this game is fun as hell, and the modes and settings add so much delicious chaos, but this game runs like ASS and Ubisoft Connect is a dumpster fire.

It's barely a game, but I'll accept this as a time-killer patron gift. Can't wait for Crowsworn baby!

Simple, short, and effective at what it wants to do. Also, there are achievements that are basically impossible to get and that's cringe game design.

There's like an entire secret game in here and it's 100x more maddening than the Soda Drinker stuff. It's an endless bat-shit crazy fever dream. I feel like this game stole the soul from my body, it's just freaky man. I kind of love it for that though.

And so he spoke, and so he spoke
That Lord of Castamere
But now the Reigns weep o'er his show
And not a soul to hear

The funniest party game, probably. Input lag's a bitch though.