The game is pretty good. There's no major differences between this one and Super Mario Bros 1. Same gameplay, same number of levels (except for the bonus at the end). The only flaw of this game is that is really hard. Not impossible, but hard.

The game is correct. It's my favorite Harry Potter game and the best book of the franchise. Although, the game is really really short. It takes 5 hours to beat it and it is really easy.

If that is not a problem to you, the RPG system is pretty good. And if you're a fan of Ron, you'll be disappointed cause you won't play him a lot.

Correct is the good word to describe it.

This game is just a masterpiece on SNES. Of course the remake on GBA is really good and has some cool additionnal content, but the narrative of the game is really different from what we knew. Final Fantasy 4 was good and FF 6 is more than just a copy of the game with another story.

The hidden characters, the idea to make it possible to go beat Kefka without finding everyone after the Great Cataclysm is just amazing and helps making every run unique.

I also loved the idea to split characters in groups to make it through dungeons.

The only problem of this game is within the fights, but it's a minor points that is not enough to change my rating. When you want to flee, all the characters should flee at the same time. Sometimes, 3 characters were off-screen and one was staying... I can't see how this system is useful for the gameplay.

This game is a proud Quebec made game and I'm pretty happy to say we made the scariest horror game ever! This one is scary and the fact that it is a puzzle game makes you explore the house and take the risk to get attack in the dark by one of the three ghosts (Lucy, Dolores or Rakhan).

You have mental health gauge symbolize by a brain that turns more red each time something paranormal happens. If you want to get scare, play this game.

Now for the flaws, there are two major :

1- The inventory system just suck. It enforces the anguish and the stress because sometimes, you have to change item while being chased by a ghost (It happened to me with Dolores), but most of the time, it's just frustrating.

2- This is a horror game in which you just have to follow clear tracks to trigger a scary scene which you just need to pass through.. or wait for it to finish. Some people could think that it is just boring since most of the time, nothing scary happens outside these planned scene except for ghost chase that pops randomly. Even though, the atmosphere is creepy.

The goal is to discover what happened to the three ghosts of the house and there's a hidden fourth chapter if you find all the videotape, resolve the puzzles and find the mirror mask that'll unlock the good ending. There's also some collectibles if you're brave enough to search for them.

Just remember in this game to unlock and open every possible door, find all keys and of course, know by heart where is the electric room cause sometimes, lights won't work and you'll have to repair them.

I don't know what to say... I'm just glad to have played this game on Sega-CD with the checkpoints instead of discovering it on Arcade in 1983. I would have lost so much money on that game.

We all know the game is awfully hard and that without this level of difficulty, the game takes like 11 minutes to complete. But, let's remember it was the way Arcade games were working... the objective was to make us pay. We can hate that as much as we want, but all the games were basically using a similar system.

Let's just remember that Dragon's Lair invented the Quick Time Event and just for that, it deserves much more than a 1 star rate. Of course it could have been easier, but it would have not became such a legend without this difficulty.

Also, with some practice, you can do it in a few hours.

The best Donkey Kong Country. It contains everything that wasn't in the previous game (DK Coin collectables + a ! mark to make it clear when you found every bonus in a level).

The lost world is really hard (Especially the last level) and offers a good challenge to players that wants to continue to play.

The rematch with King K Rool is a little bit of a deception since it dies with only one hit and the last cinematic doesn't explain why he suddenly became a scientist in Donkey Kong Country 3 and doesn't explain why he kidnapped DK and Diddy.

But it's such a minor thing compared to the rest of the game that is just awesome (even if it's the hardest of the trilogy).

Wow this game is just awesome! You follow the Team Rocket instead of Red in a FireRed game. Of course the story is pure fiction, but it is so good and much more adult than classic Pokemon games. There is also Easter Eggs from Red and Green version on Gameboy.

I cannot say anything about the story without spoiling, but it should be a crime to spoil this game. Try it and finish it, you won't be disappointed.

I finished this game so many times and I always have fun redoing it. To me, this is the Mario that has the best controls of all the 3D Mario Game... The game can be hard sometimes, but you never die because the controls didn't follow like in Mario Odyssey or Mario Sunshine.

This game is just a MasterPiece that inspired all the 3D Platformers!

What a game ! It's one of the best RPG system that I've ever played! The XP, leveling and fighting system is just awesome and well balanced! Of course, the game costs a LOT of money if you want to maximize the level of your weapon, but you can bet money and save. It just takes time, but it's not that a problem.

Searching for all characters is a pleasure and even if I had a solution with me to find them all on my first playthrough (I stream the game and I never play on my free time so I won't have the time for another playthrough, so I wanted the 100%), I think if I had the time for 2 or 3 playthroughs, I would have tried to find them all without the solution.

A must play for every fan of RPG.

Just a masterpiece in Mario 2D games. I think it is even better than Yoshi's Island which was hard as F to beat at 100%. Difficulty of Mario World is well balanced and progressive, which makes the game really good and beatable.

I have nothing more to say! I find it just better than all New Super Mario Bros that were released after. Even the graphics are still beautiful today.

This game awakes the nostalgy cause I had it on my old Nintendo 64 and I finished it many times since.

I think this is one of the best Nintendo 64 games. A good RPG with many things to find and many places to explore in the Mushroom Kingdom and even brand new places.

The game is a turn-by-turn RPG in which Mario attack with his jump or his hammer. In every fight, you'll get star points which act as XP and every time you get 100 points, you can level either your HP, your FP (MP if you prefer) or your Badge Points which can be found and bought. These badges can let you use special moves that'll cost FP (Flower Points).

That system is really good and not too complicated. With a little farming you can level max everything and beat the game, but you won't need it cause the game is quite easy.

In every places of the Mushroom Kingdom, you'll encounter different partners which will act as your second character in fight and each of them has a special ability that will help Mario progress or beat the level boss.

Between each level, there's a part where you have to play Princess Peach and she'll be the one who'll find where Mario has to go and who'll send him the information.

With all of this, it'll take at least 30 hours to beat the game, but it is a really good experience. The story is just like other Mario games. Bowser kidnapped Peach so help her, but what makes this Mario very special is the gameplay and the interactions with characters that are a lot more funny than just talking to some Toads.

There's two flaws in the game though. There is a lot of partners and they are pretty useless outside the level where you find them (Except for Goombario who is just SO STRONG with Charge and Multibonk). In fights, they don't have hp, but they lose turns for every damage they take.

Also, the story can be repetitive and there's a lot of backtracking if you want to beat the game. These parts are best developped in TYD.

Real torture to play. It is hard as f and I played it fairly and did not use the save state even if i was on Romstation. It is basically a platform games that asks really good precision.

There is no password, but it takes max 30 minutes to beat. I did it within an hour, but I died many times. Also, the level are repetitive and not fun at all.

This is one of the most beautiful game I ever played! Lights and graphics are just magnificent! The game is a Metroidvania with a lot of backtracking, but only for those who wants to do the 100% like me.

It is possible to beat the game without backtracking even if it recommended. Ori, the main character is silent, but the music, the sounds effects are enough to make you feel a lot of emotions. Especially in the beginning when Ori has to leave his house.

This second game is as good as the first one and is a sequel in which Ori just wants to revive one of his friend. The gameplay is just like the first one + new stuff like building in a village or purchase maps or abilities. The level-up system looks like the one in the first game but there is more than 3 branches.

Just like the first game, it is possible to beat the game without backtracking. A really good one to play too and it is not necessary to play the first game.

This game is my favorite mod of Banjo Kazooie! It is complete, full of nods and references to Rareware games! I beat it at 100% ! Of course, it is a game for the nostalgic of the N64 Rareware games and Zelda OOT. If you never played these games, there's a few chances that you like the game.