449 reviews liked by GhidorahGangGo

I didn't think you could fuck these games up but I've been proven wrong

Probably a 2/5 if you have skill issue.

A sequel to a game that never warranted one. No More Heroes 2 is a decent title in its own right, as the hack-n-slash combat still feels pretty good. However, it feels more flawed than the original game (whereas it should've been a step-up), and the story itself feels a little too in-your-face with its characterizations in lieu of a profound narrative.

Still, there's a lot to appreciate, such as the great soundtrack, unique boss designs, and it overall bares some of that blazing style that Grasshopper Manufacture is known for.

Final boss so bad i watched the ending cutscene on youtube

This game is damn near perfect. With each character having completely different movesets as well as being so deep in mechanics capcom was truly flexing their skills. The weapons, costumes, music, in game mechanics and just everything with the game, shows that KT can do so much more but choose not to.

Going to pick it back up once the final act drops. So far made it to 4-2. My hands hurt so much...

...Played a lot more since then. I don't know folks, this looking dangerously like a GOAT.

If you complain about the Marauder you can get out of my goddamn face

100% completion of both american and european versions on my old PSN account, last December I got the platinum for the european version on my new account!
I really love this game, it really is a hidden gem and sometimes I enjoy playing it again from time to time

What if we made the greatest game on the playstation -some fuck at konami