I would give this game zero stars if I could. Watching playthroughs of this is legitimately fun though.

Edit: Oh, I CAN give it zero stars.

Repetitive gameplay, anticlimactic ending, bad vehicle controls, horrendous UI, no early fast travel, arbitrary level requirements for missions... And to top it all off, that stupid BioShock death mechanic in which every time you die money is automatically spent to respawn you. Except it's worse here, because it also refills enemy health bars, so the cycle in which you die, lose money, lose ammo and slowly become unable to continue is easier to produce.

Claptrap funny tho, so 1.5 stars instead of 1.

Like 2048, but you need to actually pay attention.

It's a bit on the easy side, but Mario's jump has never been so fun and dynamic. Having a bunch of moons scattered everywhere instead of self-contained levels with a single goal makes the gameplay flow way smoother.

A near perfect deconstruction of game violence with one of the most iconic soundtracks ever, highly emotional moments, lovely characters and challenging boss fights. Did you know it's also an exploration of mental health and abuse?

It's my all time favorite piece of narrative media for a reason.

The harsh difficulty and enemy variety makes for a very challenging yet engaging experience. The innovation in organic narrative techniques is obvious after so many years. The platforming is awful, and it shows a bit of age here and there, but it's still a landmark title for shooters.

I'm amazed at how organic the level design feels. Save-scumming is unfortunately a necessity to enjoy it.

Mario Kart, but destroyed by micro-transactions.

The looks and the bosses are super iconic. Some random attacks are questionable and so is the lack of i-frames immediately after the Super Arts. Also, if you're gonna add an easy mode, at least treat it with respect and allow players who choose it to reach the end.

I respect the fact that is has 560 different elements, but some feedback or direction would be greatly appreciated.

Despite how much I enjoy experiencing fictional stories in all kinds of narrative media, it is rare for one to have such a deep emotional impact on me. This is so far the only game that has achieved that.

I can't think of any other game that is carried this much by the art direction.

The karma system, the most famous element of this game, is the worst part. If you just ignore it exists, you get a great open world with fun super powers, engaging (if slightly buggy) platforming, and an interesting story.

I like the charming little stories given to each driver.

The Rabbids are the better, less-annoying version of the Minions.